Steam Radiator Valve Replacement in Historic 1890’s Brooklyn, NY House

Steam Radiator Valve Replacement in Historic 1890’s Brooklyn, NY House

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@noahholt482 - 30.01.2024 08:22

I love your commitment to not going back to the truck for a ratchet after breaking the anode rod loose. I’m the same way

@robfahey1349 - 30.01.2024 09:12

Mikey pipes stepping into vigilante realm. They were all over brooklyn.

@jeffreykubiak5126 - 30.01.2024 10:31

Kroil never fails Mikey! Doing grave yard gig😮 Be safe you crazy New Yorker 😊

@johnwalker890 - 30.01.2024 11:02

Good job Mike, Sucks that the anode rod busted.

@deanguando1335 - 30.01.2024 11:22

Brooklyn is a driver's nightmare.
Watch out for red light cameras, speeding cameras, cops on the lookout for no seat belts, etc.
Have fun finding a place to park

@mattl643 - 30.01.2024 13:17

My old boss swore by Kroil and was sure to let us know every single day what a miracle worker it was. So i guess i adopted that same mentality. Its damn good stuff.

@KevinWta - 30.01.2024 15:04

How did you get the new anode rod in? Did you bend it? I wish you had shown the installation.

@billnahorn3939 - 30.01.2024 17:04

Oh there are houses older than that, we live in Amherst Ohio, ours was built 1816. You do good work, love the videos fixed our own furnace last week because of the videos. Cost us $19 thanks again 😊

@harryschrysan3183 - 30.01.2024 17:05

That call would have taken my old boss and myself the whole day.. Should I feel embarrassed 😅?

@stevealoia - 30.01.2024 22:57

Did you ever have to pay that new congestion prices to drive around in the city thanks to our wonderful governor

@edwardkuntush9339 - 30.01.2024 23:51

Nice job as always you are a true professional thanks Mike

@jasonkovach7213 - 31.01.2024 00:06

As a telcom tech I couldn’t help but notice the black fiber ran across the customers white baseboards. Hacks!!

@danpresson - 31.01.2024 00:06

Awesome job

@petmogulsupplies6631 - 31.01.2024 00:10

question? why was the valve cut instead of being twisted off with wrench?

@kangaroogod - 31.01.2024 00:47

Extra thumbs up for using a steam valve and not a hot water valve

@xaviercastillo9186 - 31.01.2024 00:52

Hey Mikey a fellow technician here I always seem to have trouble taking the plug out for the air release. If they plug is too tight the tolerance is more than the metal can take and I end up stripping the 1/4” hole

@martyober4833 - 31.01.2024 05:28

A This Old House moment

@th3m1ke - 02.02.2024 01:06

Great video as usual, wish you would come out to eastern Suffolk!

@JasonTheJJGamer5442 - 02.02.2024 13:46

Very cool vantage

@jayclark5912 - 02.02.2024 18:44

I hate driving in Brooklyn.....but I can New York drive. You nose out and go bro!

@RichardNickels-ot6iq - 03.02.2024 18:09

I Love Old 🏘️🗝️🏘️

@RichardNickels-ot6iq - 03.02.2024 18:11

Nice job Guys 👏👍

@AOMilvado - 04.02.2024 08:07

I keep two Spud wrenches. On one of them, I cut the two smallest sections off so now it's a shorter spud wrench and I'm able to insert it fully without it interfering like in the case of the 45 that you mentioned.. and some other instances where I've used it..

@Tate6788 - 05.02.2024 08:38

You need some swivel joints and extensions for your impact gets you on those hard to reach areas

@Veteran1129 - 06.02.2024 05:42

I have a home in brooklyn, how can i book a service from you?

@MoneyMarcMes - 06.02.2024 09:04

Use a long handle 1/2" ratchet next time on the anode rod.

@snoopdogie187 - 07.02.2024 04:34

For tight fitting jobs like this water heater, you might want to consider getting a torque multiplier to use with a ratcheting wrench. You get higher torque, but don't need to constantly remove the socket to adjust. It won't turn at quickly, since its just gear reduction, but might be easier with less adjusting, which might make up for the time lost.

@joebal9044 - 07.02.2024 22:22

My god he used a non-fuel grinder on this job.

@tjlovesrachel - 09.02.2024 20:59

Brooklyn= man bun central😂

@robs1852 - 21.02.2024 05:10

How does the new anode rod fit in with the low ceiling? Can't imagine prebending it then straightening it as it goes in

@kennethbubser9601 - 01.04.2024 22:23

Great videos. Educating are beginners in hvac and plumbing. Guys will be stuck on a job YouTubing your videos to fix problems. You should get paid every time they use your video.

@francisdiscolo3943 - 25.10.2024 03:52

Everyone is fixated on the anode rod.
Plumbers don’t change them
Watch the video

@francisdiscolo3943 - 25.10.2024 03:55

Putting a steam valve on top of the radiator, how much will it be inefficient??
Question for plumbers not hacks ???

@dkinfishing - 31.10.2024 13:40

Just curious why cut the valve instead of just trying to loosen it first?

@bkoz319 - 14.12.2024 17:34

LOL i was dying laughing when that anode snapped

@JamesBrown-db9pk - 20.12.2024 01:03

we chang anode all the time wtf u yackin bout putz bett call tim sunshine

@ejswbradshaw1 - 21.12.2024 16:24

Why don’t you unscrew the valves instead of cutting them? My landlord refuses to replace the valves on our radiators, even though our bedrooms get over 86 degrees at night. He paid a boiler guy to trap air in them instead so that there is no heat.

@ronaldbrosius7488 - 22.12.2024 02:10

Good job, but you should throw a 1/2 ratchet in your tool bag.

@pskrak1 - 30.12.2024 12:31

Nice work Mikey, great video

@anthonyodonnell5949 - 30.12.2024 14:02

Take that grinder to the spud wrench.
They are not that expensive.

@RAYMOND169 - 31.12.2024 17:47

How did you installed the new anode rode you never videos that

@DeanRemoldeling - 03.01.2025 18:10

Hey Mikey, I like how you explain how everything works. I have a question, so I replaced my boiler with a friend of mine & everything went well until the heat started to rise, then the water started shooting out of 4 radiators vale on the radiator, then one of my pipes that came fom the main pipes bust! Water was everywhere , so we attempted to fix the pipe, so what do I do with the radiators that was shooting out water from the valve?

@CarsAndBikesBklyn - 19.01.2025 21:18

Not sure you can say those disparaging marks about Brooklyn. I’ve lived here since 1988 and have had no problems.

@CarsAndBikesBklyn - 19.01.2025 21:39

Not sure you can say those disparaging marks about Brooklyn. I’ve lived here since 1988 and have had no problems. Just kidding we got a bad rep. How did you get anode rod back in with no headspace? Thank you. Bob

@hvacguy11 - 27.01.2025 19:30

And that’s why you don’t change anodes in Brooklyn. Take it from someone who’s been working in Brooklyn for 15 years.

@EscapingTheBOYT - 31.01.2025 18:03

What a cocky "professional"

@bronzeguard7455 - 05.02.2025 09:20

you got a little over zealous on that anode rod Big Mike . that guy was very particular about the work. I know it is bothering him that the rod broke off and you laughed . That was definitely a your bad moment. Keep up the good work i enjoy your videos

@bronzeguard7455 - 05.02.2025 09:25

how did you get the new rod in the tank

@pierremozardvincent5668 - 17.02.2025 02:26

What can cause radiator valve leaking a lot water?
