I have NOT had a stable Linux experience

I have NOT had a stable Linux experience

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@bricefleckenstein9666 - 07.02.2024 12:07

I don't remember the last time I had to restart a LINUX system for any reason not relating to an upgrade or a HARDWARE failure.
If you're having to restart the system for any other reason, you're doing it wrong somehow.

Not being able to force close aps - rare that an app will ignore a KILL -15 sent to it, though sometimes it's SLOW to shut down (as it SAVES IMPORTANT DATA).

And by the way - just because you have typed the same phrase a lot of times DOES NOT MAKE YOU IMMUNE from misstyping it occasionally.

@crispy.caesus - 03.02.2024 18:48

even if the dragging of copying files itself might be faster, you first open up the folders too.
on the command line you'll have a different workflow and I'd say typing 2 letters and pressing tab should be around as fast, as moving your cursor to folders to open them

@user-bv1hg8vo5h - 03.02.2024 13:29

When someone does not know anything about Linux and is expecting a windows experience. I believe he is doing a hit job. Everyone knew Pop OS, and a couple others, had an issue at this very moment in time. Why would he have used the ones he used? I call Bull farts.

@StichyHD - 30.01.2024 05:41

I've been using windows basically all of my life back in 2020 i switched to Linux so far little to no issues with little hiccups with it for granted it does require tinkering i can see most people don't care about wasting there time doing it but at the end of the day its a new experience and can be fun for some and for others not so much my recommendation is try it out in a virtual-machine to get comfortable first before going bare-bones hardware .

@omer4200 - 22.01.2024 08:05

Linux is for losers

@bigw0rm1 - 11.01.2024 17:14

You both used obscure enthusiast distros...of course you had a shitty experience.

@Winkers787 - 06.01.2024 03:46

The Linux community is delusional sometimes “oh yeah it’s super easy” comes up so often. They don’t seem to understand that for example id like my Ethernet to just work. It wasn’t working, which is an issue cuz it doesn’t have WiFi and needs internet to install the damn os. The solutions I got ranged from “just use WiFi lol” to the most helpful being “you just have to run this sudo command every boot to get it to work temporarily, it’s super easy.” As much as I hate windows more and more lately I immediately reinstalled windows, at least my damn Ethernet port works when I boot my pc without an admin command now so that’s cool.

@planetary-rendez-vous - 29.12.2023 13:27

Linus has 1000 based points because he plays Forged Alliance.

@paulywalnutz5855 - 18.12.2023 12:38

to be a linux user you have to want to be a power user, or else windows/ mac will be a better experience ever with all its nonsense and bloat. a normie wont want to be zooming around a bash terminal lol

@rayzor285 - 02.12.2023 04:23

Dolphin is hot garbage. Nautilus is way better.

@EmilyB5 - 25.11.2023 22:09

The same thing happened with me. Linux is worst. Linux fan boys just don't admit it.

@Carlos-do2vh - 31.10.2023 22:07

maybe linus knows about computers, but he has not had a stable linux experience cuz he fucking sucks on computing and programming, fact is, if you use linux you are probably a coder or a child with dads computer. And nvidia + linux probably ends with error

@sonicstarman9663 - 23.10.2023 22:14

When he asks "is Linux actually better or are you just used to it" and my answer is kind of both. When I started using Linux it actually was better, on my laptop Windows 10 was just slow and clunky and Linux everything felt fast. I also prefer how customizable it is compared to Windows in general and if I don't like one distro I can move to another and try it their. But on the other hand, I've been using Linux for so long that it's just hard for me to stay on Windows if I don't necessarily have to. I also remember how frustrating the learning curve was, and had to self teach myself how to do basic things like installing stuff through the terminal. So I completely understand how Linux isn't for everyone. Back then I would've been a little elitist, nowadays if I am, most likely I'm just joking and pulling someones chain. Same with gaming consoles, both platforms do something better than the other. There's never going to be a perfect operating system, and what might be better for you, doesn't necessarily mean it'll be better for the person next to you. Sadly it's just hard for other people to understand that.

@6kbps - 29.09.2023 02:14

best middle ground is debloated windows imo

@nsixvl - 28.09.2023 03:04

I'm a life long Windows user and decided to test drive Linux on bare metal. I first used Linux way back in 1994 and doodled with off and on over the years mainly in VMs.

I don't think Linux is ready for the prime time desktop. I'm amazed at much work is required for seemingly simple tweaks. I've been polite on the forums not to alienate those who help me. But after being an IT professional for 30 years and know how to find my way around.

I find desktop Linux a fun challenge. But I'd dread offering support to typical users. The fanboys don't get it when I say the Linux desktop is meant for more skilled users. To say otherwise is delusional.

I do think a more user friendly Linux desktop is possible. It would require locking a system down preventing non root users from doing serious tweaks etc. But there isn't the will in the community to correct this. I welcome positive criticism.

@jdigi78 - 12.09.2023 18:49

About linus' password issue: This happens when the password is typed incorrectly too many times. It will silently reject every password, even when you finally type the correct one, for X number of minutes. A reboot resets this limit though so that's why it instantly worked

@maxserver3985 - 09.09.2023 07:38

linux user: command line, bro

@stickersamurai2272 - 06.09.2023 01:41

.. btw , i use 🙏

@xduskashesreal - 02.09.2023 09:02

Simple solution to password issue:
1. Ctrl+Alt+F3
2. Login as root
3. passwd (username)
4. logout
5. profit

@ericmclean4291 - 19.08.2023 00:32

I disagree with the entire premise of Windows being more beginner friendly than Linux overall. I work with a lot of kids (ages 9-16) who have only used ChromeOS. They have no idea how to navigate my Windows computer. The issue is that people don't have the memory of learning windows because it was so long ago. You can give someone Ubuntu or Mint and it would be the same as learning windows. You can run them fine without ever using the terminal. The issue with Linus is that he doesn't know how to be a beginner. He jumped in like he was already a power user when he's not.

@adamt3149 - 17.08.2023 14:42

its alot better than windows

@beanietechie - 16.08.2023 05:54

even as a linux and foss enthusiast myself, i agree linux is not quite ready for widespread general use but for many like myself works far better than windows in almost every way

@Ellefsen97 - 13.08.2023 10:11

I think Linux in general has a worse user experience for most general users. I dual boot Linux/Windows and I only launch windows when gaming, but I wouldn’t recommend Linux to non-developers. To get the most out of Linux you need to prefer using the terminal over GUI file explorers, or at least you need to enjoy the learning process of using the Linux terminal. I personally love an OS where nothing is off limits where I can customize absolutely everything to my liking, but the average PC user don’t care about that nor do they have the skill set to do so

@Ellefsen97 - 13.08.2023 09:51

I’m a complete Linux newbie that started with Arch Linux 2 weeks ago. Everyone keeps saying that it’s very hard for beginners, but honestly it has been a pretty painless journey so far. I use SDDM as my display manager and i3 tile manager. The arch documentation has covered pretty much everything I’ve needed to do, and because of the deep documentation it seems like ChatGPT has crawled it because every time I’ve wanted to customize any behavior ChatGPT has given me a solution that works.

@Justin_Cider - 12.08.2023 23:25

Linux is Trash

@nathanlamaire - 08.08.2023 11:31

Don't worry I don't have stable Linux experience either despite I've been with it for ten years.

@adriancoanda9227 - 28.07.2023 16:53

What you can even copy to root folder or in sys folder just open a tab as root lol😂

@adriancoanda9227 - 28.07.2023 16:47

Dolphin it the most feature rich file manager

@TurtleSauceGaming - 25.07.2023 00:21

My biggest pet peeve is when someone who I'm asking for help for something says "well just don't do that." No you fucking cretin. No COMCAST, I want more upload speed, despite what your stupid market analysis says. 35mbps is not acceptable

@tradergrim686 - 13.07.2023 20:37

So basically you such at Linux...

@SR-ti6jj - 11.07.2023 18:26

I come back to this video any time I want to be triggered

@adambester3673 - 11.07.2023 04:32

if you need a different version of java you don't have to do it the command line way or Linus's attempted way, just use your package manager. Pamac can get you a different java using the GUI only. I switched to Linux partially because of these videos, and I encountered some of the same problems but they were because i was still thinking of doing everything the windows way. but once you get into the mindset of if you need something check the package manager first, life gets so much easier. most stuff is already done for you.

@AdamS-lo9mr - 19.06.2023 19:49

most of linus' problems sound like their due to him using kde, kde is a buggy steaming pile of garbage. if he used gnome then he would be having a much better experience.

@kilroywashere9343 - 13.06.2023 14:25

I’m the eternal words of technology connections

I like to do work on my machines, not work on my machines

@Iumey - 04.06.2023 05:29

this password issue has happened to me too, multiple times.

@manw3bttcks - 30.05.2023 21:12

If Linus what's admining all from GUI he probably wants a distro with YAST, so OpenSUSE might be better

@Tvirus12 - 14.05.2023 20:55

I really think linus went out of his way to self sabotage himself on this linux challege. Like he literally went out of his way to shoot himself in the foot because he knew it would get the angry clickbait views from the linux community.

OR he's not as tech savvy as he portrays himself to be... Which I don't believe because he does a lot of projects/setups that requires patience, research and skills.

@kdato774 - 14.05.2023 14:38

You are going for the wrong distros.

@verumignis4778 - 05.05.2023 14:59

As long as your using GNOME on an up to date distro its pretty much stable. You are using KDE. You are free to use KDE but dont complain that linux is not stable when it does wierd stuff. Linux is stable. KDE is not.

@peteraldrich8385 - 03.05.2023 14:42

Learn cli…

@dylanmays5311 - 25.04.2023 08:59

My thing is, windows is better, definitely, but is it $160 better? I don't think it is

@jimmyneutron129 - 24.04.2023 21:26

People really say you don't have to restart Linux desktop lol?

@neondeception2 - 24.04.2023 05:03

Linux has a penguin and windows has a window. I'll take the penguin. (I say this, but I've never tried linux)

@tutacat - 20.04.2023 14:42

In a zip, you have to open with so nautilus doesn't extract the whole thing

@EZBlast - 20.04.2023 05:58

, Nobara is all you need.

Nobara is a gaming distro made by the maintainer of Proton GE who is also

@mariairina6143 - 11.04.2023 19:09

I am using Linux for my work and studies, for 5 years, and I still don't use it for gaming just because 4 years ago, I think there weren't Nvidia official drivers for GPUs, and installing a driver for my laptop's dedicated GPU was just... an adventure. That ended in me uninstalling Linux on my personal computer
I still encounter obscure issues on Windows with the whole dual GPU thing (a game runs on the integrated graphics instead of the dedicated one), which still sucks, but adding the Linux experience to that would make me just not game anymore tbh

I hope Linux succeeds in making the "average" user experience better, it's an amazing piece of software and I hope the best for it
