In The Depths of the Sea-The Cathedrals

In The Depths of the Sea-The Cathedrals


15 лет назад

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@MegaAspen - 29.05.2009 02:46

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always liked this song, but this version was fantastic.......I'd only previously heard the recorded version on the "I've Just Started Living" project. To hear this with just piano/bass guitar and vocals was awesome........thanks for posting this. Oh how I miss this group............

@adga140 - 21.02.2010 15:44

I agree with you MegaAspen. I'd usually rather hear just a great pianist and bass player if they are accompanying good singers, thats all you need!

@hairydawg1701 - 18.06.2010 03:21

These men are such a blessing! What amazes me is that there has never been a hint of scandal or inappropriate behavior...Praise God for their witness, example, and ministry!!!

@MegaAspen - 18.06.2010 07:34

@hairydawg1701 Yup, they were the best...I've yet to hear a group that comes close these days......nobody has that same aura. Nobody. As to the comment regarding integrity, I have to agree that from what I've seen, they had/have a stellar reputation.

@MegaAspen - 18.06.2010 23:24

Listen to Mark Trammellat 3:07-3:08. He puts in a lovely little suspension, adding harmonic embellishment if you will.............Mark is one of the very best.

@BnCSGMusic - 19.06.2010 00:14

@MegaAspen He is one of the best.

@tam1026 - 08.04.2011 10:22

@BnCSGMusic He is the best! lol

@zachmccoy4376 - 22.03.2014 08:24

this will always be one of my most favorite songs of all time, thank you so much BnCSGMusic for uploading this! it is such a blessing being able to listen to this every day! :D

@daygvlogs - 19.02.2015 19:59

I love this song my sins are in the depths of the sea thank God I am forgiven my sins are alll gone

@timothyswartz9804 - 26.09.2021 23:43

1. Man has climbed every mountain, no matter how high He has conquered the planets from sky to sky But there is a place where man has not been And that’s where my Lord says He’s buried my sin (Chorus) In the depths of the sea of God’s forgetfulness Removed as east is from west Far away from all power and principality My sins are in the depths of the sea 2. Gone are the shackles, gone are the stains I’m free from the bondage, free from the chains My sins are separated as darkness from dawn Praise God, I’m forgiven, my sins are all gone Repeat Chorus (Tag) Far away from all power and principality My sins are in the depths of the sea My sins are in the depths of the sea

@michaelholman517minKC - 11.08.2022 18:46

One of the most underrated songs in the portfolio of The Cathedrals…
