"Money gives me options, not limiting my life." Well said! Thank you Chu Sir~! :D
Ответить阿豬,請問妳點睇 儲蓄型同消費型危疾?普通打工仔家庭,主婦一名,收入有限,可以比點意見嗎?
Ответить請問想訂你個 patreon 個名 or link 係乜
ОтветитьWell said and outstanding analysis. I am from HK and lived many years in North America. Other than finance, It is also important to consider other factors : such as living environment, opportunities for education and job or career, social system and culture. Each family or person should consider what would expect in the future if they decide to stay or to move before making the proper decision. Both Canada and US have a relatively good social system for the unfortunates.Please realize that you need to make adjustments if you move to another country. Don’t expect to get “ freebies” from the free country. You need to make contributions including working hard and paying taxes. Moving to North America is the best decision in my life. I would not be what I am if I were staying in HK. It is a challenging time for HK residents. Wish you all best of luck in you decision.
Ответитьwell said!
Ответить移民去泰國 or 台灣
Ответитьtotally agree with your point
Ответить谢谢你, 分享。 好棒
ОтветитьHello Ah Ju, 今日第一次發現你既channel, 一口氣睇左好幾條片. 你既資訊真係好informative!!! (包捨講理財 &財務自由既video)當我由2020年想移民果刻先開始改善自己的理財習慣,我諗我同樓主你參唔多年紀,但我過往不善理財,導致而家儲蓄不多 .... 我打算行stream A路線去vancouver, 而家都積極儲緊錢,請問你覺得2人 (SP+SOWP) 要預多少錢才可以出發呢?thank you!
Ответить有捨才有得, very good👍
ОтветитьGood talk
ОтветитьGreat video mate! I really like your conclusion on this video. Money does give us options.
ОтветитьHave doubt about using 1mil usd to live a retired life without working.
最鐘意你無廢話 主題清晰 內容夠資訊性!!
多謝你分享呢個睇法 幫到我更加清楚自己想要咩嘅生活!! Thank you !!
ОтветитьReally good advice in the end. Something alot of people feel trapped in their minds about. Money is never enough.
Thank you.
多謝你做既片,獲益良多,亦都好佩服你做到財務自由, 羨慕羨慕
Ответить請問你記錄 expense 會用那一個 App? 謝謝
Ответитьtks you ah Ju
Ответить好多謝你啊ah Ju. 而家喺香港做緊護士,不過由細到大一直以來都對經濟股票呢啲冇乜概念,一直都想學投資但又冇認真去學(因為覺得好悶)。不過最近因為又想移民都有Concern到錢嘅問題,好鍾意睇你嘅片。無論係移民系列定係投資系列,好有條理得來,睇得出你背後個腦好犀利👍🏻好識得分析👍🏻幫助到我更加仔細去諗移民要Concern嘅位!多謝你做緊咁有意義嘅嘢🤚🏻🤚🏻我會努力學習!
Ответитьgood mentality
ОтветитьThanks Ah Ju. Would like to ask if you know the tax rate on foreign bond income please? Say if coupon income is the only source of income.
Ответитьthanks for sharing, I think we work in the same industry. I am also thinking about moving to toronto in a few years. So probably going through similar problems. Maybe see you in toronto one day
ОтветитьOnly three words for happy life...
nothing in excess / Ne quid nimis
Ответить我想問你用咩app去 keep track of your money
ОтветитьThanks for making this video, are you suggesting HKD$7,40,000 per head? If a family of three will times 3 so $22,200,000 is required for a family of 3?
Ответитьwell said,好值得睇多兩次
Ответить100% agree w/you, the options are what we need
ОтветитьAh Ju, thank you for sharing!
Ответитьthank you, the final conclusion is very insightful "money gives you options, don't let money limit you options"
Ответить做左幾年 有時睇到好多大過我既同事 人工都講緊60k-100k 但option 愈黎愈少 好大原因係層樓太貴 諗緊自己點樣唔好步佢地後塵
ОтветитьSo envious of the low cost of living and laid back lifestyle in Toronto. Take a look at NY.