2017 Nobel Prize in Physics - Caltech Press Conference - 10/3/2017

2017 Nobel Prize in Physics - Caltech Press Conference - 10/3/2017


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@LawrenceWong - 04.10.2017 16:47

Congratulations to Professors Kip Thorne and Barry Barish! They were great teachers as well as great researchers!

@rickyzmkuo - 05.10.2017 05:32

finally, prof thorne, finally

@franciscomingorancearanzan4369 - 05.10.2017 12:01

Desde España, mi felicitación a mis admirados profesores y a mi querido CALTECH

@jainendra71 - 05.10.2017 20:06

Congratulations to Kip Barry and Rai

@zaimahbegum-diamond1660 - 06.10.2017 15:27

Kip Thorn for President 🏅🏅🏅🌟⭐🌑🕙

@alexandrugheorghe5610 - 06.10.2017 23:43

Congrats to everyone involved!

@johnbatchler8551 - 07.10.2017 04:20

I'm not a doc but discover things

@burnit_0193 - 08.10.2017 04:37

Congrats. Well deserved. :D

@mail4hadi - 08.10.2017 12:50

Congratulations to Kip Thorne. your book Black Holes and Time Warps was one of the best I have read.

@carlosluis520able - 08.10.2017 16:27

What a amazing moment. Congratulations to both and the whole LIGO team!

@paulnewman1356 - 09.10.2017 02:57

Skip to 9.08 for Kip to start talking.

@eastwestcoastkid - 15.10.2017 16:18

So very happy both Professor's Thorne and Barish, and especially big respects to Professor Thorne who I had the pleasure of meeting back in 1985 at the Claremont Colleges during a lecture on the separation of Space and Time...

@ramireddy8736 - 15.10.2017 18:20

Congratulations sir

@YouTubist666 - 19.10.2017 07:36

Prof. Barish managed the implementation of LIGO. And he gets a Nobel prize for that?!

@balaji-kartha - 21.10.2017 05:45

this all ready looks old news! (I mean the discovery of gravitational waves by a science project of a small college changed or brought a whole new sense that we as humans did not have) .. this happened in the beginning of the year and this is such a amazing achievement that by year end we have already seen the Kilinova! Amazing !

@rol_majo - 26.10.2017 20:38

Congratulation to all Caltech comunity. A enormous work in Phisics.Respects from Spain.

@Corvaire - 21.11.2017 08:07

I would have said: "fusion Jazz" ;O)-

@captainskeleton3994 - 04.02.2018 20:02

This type of search and thirst for knowledge is what makes me hopeful, that as a human civilization as whole we are capable of making extraordinary leaps in science, although most of the civilization is busy in nonsense. Keep the great work going guys. Best of luck to you. The future awaits.

@sundarsarma4343 - 01.04.2018 20:01

naku koooda noble prize India ki thevaalani undi kani elaaa thevalo Theliyadu naku evarina cheppandi nenu kachithamga India ki noble prize thesthanu

@cymoonrbacpro9426 - 11.06.2019 07:35

Risk of failure instigated this premature interpretation!

@cymoonrbacpro9426 - 18.06.2019 17:50

The folly of a black hole ; Can matter be compressible to the point of infinity? to get the answer, simply simplify to improve the random interaction. Take two particles that say an electron and a positron in action and accelerate to a point of collusion. What would happen in this scenario?
Well, the Will will never be formed into neutral particles according to the laws of physics, these two particles will annihilate and convert their energies into gamma ray photons, in other words, these colliding fermions will become a high energy boson (gamma) That would radiate into the surrounding space. Nature will never allow the creation of a Infinite density neutral particle in this case.

@cymoonrbacpro9426 - 27.01.2020 14:14

What a joke!

@souvikchatterjee5105 - 29.06.2020 19:31


@pacajalbert9018 - 07.02.2021 13:59

Čas ne existuje

@bhuneshyogi7042 - 15.06.2021 12:40

Very nice much

@charlesbromberick4247 - 21.06.2021 01:41

They are all so very smart.

@sukumarsubramani2065 - 30.08.2021 13:26

Sir, The interest over the issues and matters above the sky is how far it is significant and endeavour. To perform research by the two Great Astrophysicists for applications are the major concerns especially the black holes of the universe to predict the model of future behaviour of matters.
