If You ONLY Play These Hands, You Will Win at Poker

If You ONLY Play These Hands, You Will Win at Poker


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@AddjustTHEgambler - 26.12.2024 18:07

You explained this extremely well genius!!

@jsprunger6246 - 26.12.2024 19:53

I like that in the newer videos you add Ace/ low suited cards because even though they are 1 in 15 ish chance to hit, when they do they usually win big pots

@Robbie-lc2tg - 26.12.2024 23:00

Hi Nathan,

Many think online poker being rigged but it's said it's just math
but how is it math when cards choose the winner?

Why do players suffer from badbeats when it's just only math?

How is it possible when fold a good hand it will work against you as in disfavor on upcoming hands getting punished by the cards?

In tournament you get only divided Offsuit cards which need to be folded almost every hand
no matter what position youre on which means chiploss or forced
to bluff oponents which makes it 50/50 risk.
How is it possible to avoid that
since getting recommanded hands to play doesn't always happen.

Thank you Nathan in advance for sharing your educational poker strategy videos which helps a lot during playing poker online

@Mandoop8 - 27.12.2024 00:49

dawg still stacking the drooler fish

@joefalchetto94 - 27.12.2024 01:30

Nice video! True story about the small percentage of graat wins that outperform the losses.

@LanceRomanceF4E - 27.12.2024 02:10

Only play top ten premium hands….the bottom line from every Texas Hold ‘Em book ever written.

@Jolly-Green-Steve - 27.12.2024 07:54

I think what has made me really good besides sticking to quality hands is understanding odds and probability. I know the rough odds of everything possible on all streets by how many players are in the pot. The game has weak players at all levels and if you can make good decisions based on the observed capabilities of your opponent and don't let your emotions take over when you run bad it's easy to be a profitable player as long as you stick to the limits of your bankroll to allow you to survive downswings. Another advice I can give to improve your holdem game is to learn other forms like omaha and 7 card stud. Since I learned how to play both these games well my holdem game has got a notch better especially with tilt control and critical decision making by not making dumb calls or bad folds as often.

@UncleJoeLITE - 28.12.2024 09:47

I can see beginners playing their A7h & successfully making top pair...😂 Or loving that AJo UTG & getting in there battling.

@mrwho7029 - 28.12.2024 19:00

You have to admit that when people start playing poker, it is what they should do. After playing a while you start to understand bet sizing, positions all the other stuff. Video probably intended for just starting players.

@dennissvitak5475 - 29.12.2024 03:30

I played poker the other day with Tarot cards...I got a full house, and three people died.

@blazemonger1 - 29.12.2024 12:36

I'd love to play where you play according to what you are saying here.. It would be a great session no doubt..

@Staxlerose - 29.12.2024 17:24

Is this for real lol

@jamesstaggs4160 - 30.12.2024 01:18

I know this may be a little results type thinking but I'm not a fan of small pocket pairs unless it's heads up. Stuff like 22 just seems to lose me money. The only thing it could do for you is to hit a set. Otherwise you're nearly always going to lose unless you get them to fold, as there's not many who will go to showdown with A high. I guess it really depends on your position, the texture of the game and the chip count on everyone but I'm just not going to the flop very often in a raised pot with 22.

@Jordan-dr9hq - 30.12.2024 05:30

I played the other day, holding A5d, flopped nut flush draw and rivered the flush without much action. Lady bets into me big, I raised her, she reraised. I’m thinking this lady is crazy and about to double me up, so I jam and she snap calls, saying “you’re not gonna like this” Uh oh. She rivered the straight flush, I didn’t see it coming 😂. Oh well, poker happens, and I couldn’t be mad about it

@houdinihir9549 - 30.12.2024 10:23

If you listen to this guys advice, you will lose plenty of money.

@duewhit310 - 30.12.2024 11:34

All it takes is bringing in more dumb people to squeeze their blood into the cup

@liangchihkuei - 30.12.2024 15:20

oh, so sorry for the three

@Bobby5967 - 30.12.2024 15:47

What he is talking about here will only work on bad players. A good player will know when to fold top pair. So just because you hit your flush, doesn't mean you are going to get all the money of someone with top pair.

@gogglespaesano1619 - 30.12.2024 18:04

In the end; if you have no ability to read your opponent, you are going to lose in poker regardless of what you play, why? Because poker is all about playing the player, and you cannot learn that from a book or video!!

@simoneracioppa5733 - 30.12.2024 19:01

... I want to see some poker pro player playing Balatro...

@elysium8131 - 31.12.2024 02:59

anyone who watches his videos, please come to our home game :)

@mikehong2691 - 01.01.2025 11:56

Nathan!-You're Totally Right!-About That I Can't Wait For The Bigger Cards!-But To Play-MORE HANDS!-Raymond "Mike" Hong!&(So I Could WIN-More!&Not Let-My Chances-Pass Me-By!-Mike!)😎👍!!!!!!!!!

@jordangull4652 - 01.01.2025 12:27

The hand I play: A,K of hearts
The run out I get: 2,8,9,5,10 two hearts
Opponent hand: 2,10 off suit

@ACE-sx8mo - 04.01.2025 23:34

Yes, all good. **BUT** Even when you play only choice starting hands you can still go on extended losing streaks, which then leads to a risky "gotta get even" paying approach. The game ultimately boils down to developing a disciplined variance management plan that works for you as an individual, because without one, you become your own worst opponent and get beat by your own impulses and ego.

@PatrickSears-y6q - 10.01.2025 06:25

Suited connectors and Ax suited never pan out in the long run. Guaranteed to lose over time. Ax suited only makes sense if you're betting last and everyone has pumped up the pot beforehand. Opening betting early with a raise is simply stupid.

@Jay-ro1qc - 13.01.2025 13:26

You are the man! I read so many books watched so many videos. The way you explain things has made me reevaluate my whole game. Turns out I was playing it all wrong all along.
Play the player and the position, don't focus on just your cards alone.
Aggressive poker is winning poker.
Thanks Blackrain

@fontyyy - 17.01.2025 08:37

What you shouldnt play, ever, is low matched but not sequential cards ie 2 & 5 of clubs unless youve got the blind and can just check to the flop to see if you get lucky.
And stop ever ever ever playing unmatched, unsequential numbered cards 'cause only fish do that.

@CellaDragon - 20.01.2025 08:59

Gets pocket aces
Goes all in
One person calls
They win with trips 2
They win with trips 2? 😨

@JoseSevilla-m7w - 06.02.2025 14:51

In suited connectors, do I need to raise?

@flesh6751 - 17.02.2025 16:52

I was wondering about some of these hands. They would only be played in position, the cut off, small blind, big blind like the suited connectors?
