Bethesda Devs Speak About Elder Scrolls VI

Bethesda Devs Speak About Elder Scrolls VI


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@RobertKbe3-w1e - 26.01.2025 07:57

Sounds like more business oriented people need hired at Bethesda

@zzzide - 26.01.2025 13:47

Just use AI to do the heavy lifting in ES6

@gamajito2904 - 26.01.2025 15:30

Just don't make it gay and woke

@sativares - 26.01.2025 15:45

I want to play as trancesexual, and I wish we will see a lot of gay families in those villages and cities thorough out the world, for the sake of the immersion, it would be very nice to see.

@zimattack9994 - 26.01.2025 16:33

That the trick I have no expectations for this game there for I can't get mad if it's bad I just won't buy it

@d2cardboardnovice169 - 26.01.2025 19:04

It really shouldn’t be that hard. They found the blueprints with Morrowind oblivion in Skyrim just don’t add stupid stuff. Keep the map a good size with a lot of content. no reason to have expensive emptiness like Starfield.

@G-WeedY - 26.01.2025 19:30

The reason why no elder scrolls will ever match what skyrim achieved is because skyrim was a benchmark. It totally changed role playing games. So if you put that aside, it will be an amazing game, but as long as people compare it to that, it will never reach it because skyrim was just that. it marked a new era in role playing games.

@PrinceoftheVioletFlame - 26.01.2025 21:21

Here is what they need to do to make elder scrolls 6 a success. None of these things they will do of course.

Have Titan enemies. Which are giant 20 foot tall enemies that you have to climb ontop of to defeat. That would be their version of skyrims dragons but more epic

Have factions be limited. You cant join all factions. When you join some factions it locks you out of other factions. Have faction quests be meaningful and related to the faction and not just fetch quests.

Have your choices matter. Quests should be dynamic with different outcomes that actually affect the game world.

Have a story that isn't just another. you are the chosen one you are the dragon borne. Have something actually ..... complex and mature and interesting with depth.

Allow the character to be good or evil or neutral in playthroughs regarding responses to NPCs and quests and dialogue. You should be able to destroy or conquer entire villages or factions depending on your choices.

Have an actual complex perk and leveling and stat system instead of the dumbed down drivel we have had since skyrim. You know.... the game should be an actual RPG.

Have a social based perk system which influences dialogue choices in a meaningful way...

Have an actual civil war mechanic where you ... witness factions fighting eachother in large scale battles randomly. As they dynamically conquer forts and territory. With the ability to take forts back from them.

Include- the ability to craft spells that was originally found in oblivion. Expand upon this with a magic system that isn't just combat related. But similar to other games that implement magic, have a ton of spells related to quality of life for the player. Such as portals, spells such as a never ending bag, allowing you increased carry weight, by summoning a magic bag which increases your carry weight dramatically. A spell dedicated to luck, when active creates an aura of luck around you increasing your LUCK stat. The luck stat influences your ability to find rare loot from corpses and chests in dungeons and also increases your chance of landing a critical hit in combat, also you have a chance of gaining critical experience from combat, gaining 2x experience depending on your luck, and sometimes your crafting is also influenced by luck and luck associated perks.

In my opinion if you become a vampire you should have the ability to conquer towns and subjugate them as a vampire. Enslaving towns folk and feeding on them. Potentially turning some of them into thralls or vampires to serve your ever growing vampire faction. This should not be in a DLC but part of the default game.

The concept is simple. You can conquer and enslave towns for your faction. Be it a barbarian faction, or even a vampire faction. Though depending on what faction you represent will change how you go about conquering a town. Via combat or subterfuge. Once conquered you become the towns Mayor or leader..... and are able to make choices affecting the town. Such as demanding tribute, gold, items, or as a vampire feeding on the innocent.

@yeetergriffin7679 - 27.01.2025 00:41

I put 200 hours into skyrim annually, not really nostalgia atp

@animezinglife - 27.01.2025 01:00

This may be a highly unpopular opinion, but I genuinely just want a decent-looking game with a fun character creator and a world I can explore. Perfection wouldn't even be a thought in my mind. I don't know that anyone expects master storytelling: just shoot for the formula you know works and you'll be fine.

@shaerankin4367 - 27.01.2025 02:07

The expectations are high because they chose to ignore their consumer base for over a decade. If we have to wait another 20 years for elderscrolls 7 then elderscrolls 6 better be fucking perfect they will get no sympathy from me they did this to themselves

@markfromtinder9616 - 27.01.2025 03:30

So what I'm hearing is nothing but excuses because they know they don't have the skill or creativity needed for the job.

@KalebVolz-t2z - 27.01.2025 04:09

Once gta6 hits and other 2025 games 2027/28 will be an easy wait

@Fancylvania - 27.01.2025 04:49

When Skyrim came out my 32 year old uncle showed it to me when I came over after school in 8th grade. I bought it a few months later and played it every waking hour I could and started theorising what the next one would be like. If the game comes out in 2030 I'll be the same age as my uncle was, with the same amount of kids he had, and the same duration of my marriage as him. That's so fuckin wild to think

@TheWesleyRyan - 27.01.2025 05:57

thats funny dark souls 1 and elden ring worked out, he knows its not a great game otherwise he'd be confident. they just lost their magic

@RogersAB - 27.01.2025 07:33

I love The Elder Scrolls world. I had high hopes for Starfield and after clocking around 120hrs it turned out it was pretty poor in comparison. There was nothing memorable to it unlike Skyrim. I remember my first time exploring the depths of Blackreach, The first Werewolf and Vampire lord transformation, The first encounter with a Giant or Dwarven Centurion, Exploring the Hjaalmarch swamp etc etc. So many good things to remember.

@biomistflorist658 - 27.01.2025 13:39

This is beyond just of Bethesda having to be better than Skyrim because after close to TWO DECADES (because they just started to develop the damn thing so it will be closer to 20 than even 10, when it finally releases), they will be having to go against the CURRENT model for games like BG3 or hell even DA Veilguard!

This will probably be my last Bethesda title because heaven forbid they want to make a ES7, I’ll probably be in my 50s and I’m 29 now!

@xhunterx9636 - 27.01.2025 16:55

idk why they announce game 8 years ago and say nothing about it, taking so long means peope will have high expectations, if they need 10 years for a game and then make a victim out of themselves because it isnt good then its on them . Shouldnt have announced the game way too early and hype everyone up and people wouldn't have such high standards then

@SilverSurrepstitious - 27.01.2025 19:39

I honestly think they should have stuck with the fallouts and Starfield's trailers when they first released the TES6 trailer and released it when they released Starfield

@Keegeth - 28.01.2025 02:12

I gave up on Bethesda, unfortunately.

@pancakefatboy669 - 28.01.2025 03:29

“Managing expectations” bullshit they’re barely talking about it. If staying almost completely silent on the topic for 7 years is “managing expectations” then they’re basically admitting way before hand ES6 is gonna be a steaming pile of shit. Our expectations are now so incredibly low and they still don’t think they can live up to these lowered expectations? Bethesda is so pathetic

@aliensinmyass7867 - 28.01.2025 03:35

All this blabbing about "expectations" tell me they have no confidence in the game, even though they're no longer working there. They know the new people are incompetent.

@fireside9549 - 28.01.2025 04:02

Honestly. I think most people have lost interest now. 10 years is forgiveable, 15 a joke. When it actually releases, 20 years. Couldnt care anymore. Lost interest in it.

@KingFreshies - 28.01.2025 06:28

Sounds like excuses. ES6 needs to be better than starfield and skyrim. The fact skyrim was more fleshed out then starfield shows that theyve fallen off in qaulity. Or at least scope. If they couldnt fill starfield with life then i dou t they can do it with ES6.

@WheatSupreme - 28.01.2025 08:25

I have never ever cared what a games metacritic score is. Ever.

@WoollySheep1 - 28.01.2025 11:12

Im really patient and i understand that games on this scale need so much work. And im fine with wating but what irritates me is we dont even recieve a crumb. Even a photo of a rock would make me happy at this point. 14 years and not even a photo. Just a trailer with a back drop. Keep your fans on edge and excited, being this secretive for this long is just a bad move imo

@MachielGroeneveld - 28.01.2025 12:59

They should enable the community to more easily add content. In stead of trying to match the breadth of previous games.

@MattBuckhout - 28.01.2025 18:35

It’s competing with Skyrim now which you can mod with 4000 mods into a modern day game basically I have faith though I think it’s gonna be good

@lordcommodore - 28.01.2025 23:26

Title: Bethesda devs....
Description and reality: Former Bethesda devs....
Gee I wonder why the title didn't involve the first word? Was it perhaps to intentionally mislead viewers into thinking there was official news?

@CharlieMander843 - 29.01.2025 14:27

I would be beyond happy with "Skyrim 2". I would actually prefer they just basically make the same game/graphics/gameplay/ jank. But have it take place in different location. I just want another hand crafted world and stories. Dont care at all about updated graphics and gameplay. Put all that effort into a bigger or higher quality handcrafted world. Please for the love of a God ditch the procedural generation, and DEI slop.

@Monsteretrope - 29.01.2025 22:05

I dont hate skyrim, just getting that out of the way. But I dont actually think the bar is that high. Most systems in skyrim are pretty shallow. The only outstanding part is the world design imo, that will be difficult to top. They pretty much only have to do the same in that department (with better graphics ofc) and then moderately improve everything else and it will be a hit imo.

@blubartle3680 - 30.01.2025 04:43

If it's any conotation my expectation of the Elder Scrolls 6 is ant low. I just would like to play it before I decide to have kids. When I played Skyrim I didn't even know I'd be in college

@WendiGonerLH - 30.01.2025 12:59

I’ll not be giving bethesda another cent while my lungs are still pumping air. From my favorite to most hated in no time at all. Bunch of hacks

@th3godlytwo - 30.01.2025 17:13

They should be EXCITED rather than afraid to make this game. Thats a huge red flag for me :/

@DamirAvdibasic - 01.02.2025 03:01

At this point i think Bethesda should embrace their role as publisher and license their ips.

@damcmadlad2975 - 01.02.2025 23:53

The amount of preemptive copium in this video is crazy

@tenshoneyskin4500 - 05.02.2025 17:27

i mean i get it. skyrim is the 8th best selling game in the world and people will have expectations. it's really daunting to have that responsibility on your shoulder to work on a game that has such a big impact to people's lives. still, they shouldn't have released a teaser so early. it's been a decade. i wish they focused on TES6 rather than starfield

@Jerry_tv0095 - 06.02.2025 01:17

I think GTA 6 is the game of the century . I want es6 to be amazing but Bethesda has lost its self

@gfelix3552 - 07.02.2025 11:30

Im just bothered by how much time its been already. Like i get it. They had other projects. But like .. Damn ... Its ES6 we are talking about. Its like imagine Nintendo stalling new game projects for Mario on the new Switch. I mean .. Its that serious. Lol And about Starfield. At least just bring it over to Playstation for crying out loud even if wasent that good.

@Renegade841 - 07.02.2025 12:44

Of course there will be nostalgia, but I think that the belief that fan expectations will be impossible to meet is just admitting defeat before you've even got started. Worrying about metacritic scores, and worrying about fan reactions, instead of focusing on delivering a quality elder scrolls game is going to result in a subpar game. People aren't expecting a masterpiece. God knows Skyrim was anything but.

Don't get me wrong, Skyrim was a good game, but it was barely a RPG with how watered down everything was. Morrowind and Oblivion were also far from masterpieces, yet they hold a special place in fans hearts. For some, Skyrim captured their heart. For others, it was Oblivion. For others still, it was Morrowind. Each Elder Scrolls game is distinct and different from its predecessor, and the focus should never be on trying to live up to what came before.

The Elder Scrolls 6 just has to be a good Elder Scrolls game. It doesn't have to live up to the legacy of its predecessors.

@ogmeatwad.6 - 09.02.2025 11:21

These guys sound like born losers.

@samuraichicken2315 - 09.02.2025 16:45

Trust us: after Starfield our expectations are not as high as you think they are!

@darshuetube - 10.02.2025 00:12

Just make sure the game can be easily modded....skyrim is good because of the mods

@andysteele5707 - 11.02.2025 02:55

Seriously need to get back to making games for fun, not for awards. Just make the game already somethings better than nothing. They could be working on tes7 by now. Skyrim got better with time and dlc. We need our Tamriel fix.

@Terrell070 - 18.02.2025 04:13

It's a pretty tough road for TES 6 if it needs to be amazing just to be considered adequate.

@horatico - 18.02.2025 07:27

I can see them taking extra long to make the game due to updated graphics than what were used in 2011, and maybe needing more time to work that out. But its been 14 years. And now I'm hearing instead of working on ES6, which they made a trailer for nearly 7 years ago, they're remaking Oblivion instead.

@deptusmechanikus7362 - 05.03.2025 13:20

Devs making excuses before development proper even started is a great sign for what to expect.
Listening to Bruce rambling about "95% no perfect" is just mind boggling.
Buddy, have you seen reviews on Slopfailed?! It was flopping between mixed and negative on steam for almost a year!

@borginburkes1819 - 06.03.2025 09:13

Literally All they have to do is remake Skyrim but in a different region. Simple as that.
