Will AI End Creative Professions?

Will AI End Creative Professions?

The Futur

1 год назад

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@cotedazure - 03.05.2023 05:10

OMG! "DoBot"! that is EPIC!

@juanchojack - 03.05.2023 05:15

this is a winning attitude

@recnepsyarg - 03.05.2023 07:05

I made a Do bot months ago. I have bots for all the top copywriters, strategists, and agencies. It amazes me but also everyone will know how to utilize these tools soon enough and when that happens idk what I’ll do 🫠 lol but I do agree the best skill you can have is your ability to talk (prompt) the different models. Input and feedback make a major difference in the quality of outputs a bot can generate.

@thepostman1818 - 03.05.2023 11:15

If you are an artist with a very unique design/art identity, own that, trademark that, copyright that or what ever laws needed to protect you and your art from being stolen or used without permission. And that's the only way you will be protected against this AI company.

@captnoplan3926 - 03.05.2023 13:56

Love this channel, but not sure about this video. It lacks empathy as it's defined in the UX world.

It's hard for new design folks and will probably become harder. The ones that have already been in the game for a decade plus, have already their network have already made it like Chris, yes those AI tools will make them more productive.

But how is it for folks who just finished uni or a design bootcamp and are now trying to find some entry level jobs. I can see fewer level entry jobs being available, as mid to senior design folks will be more productive using these AI tools. I hope I'm wrong.

Also the metaphor of AI being the bear. Why do we have to invoke images of death, that some folks will be eaten and perpetuate the zero sum game model?

Rather we should look at our current system and re-design it so it meets the needs or our society and people living in it and not move close to Elysium.

I know it's not Chris' job to redesign the system ;)

@BoboMedia007 - 03.05.2023 15:46

I was laid off my corp video editing and motion graphics job last week.

@duta6388 - 03.05.2023 15:46

"AI is the bear. Don't be the slowest person" is precisely what's scary because established corporations, people like Chris Do or the Art Director who asked the question have a headstart and are faster than those of currently starting out. Hard times ahead for most.

@iamnotacat8391 - 03.05.2023 15:48

ChatGPT/Open AI, Claude, and all of the other similar models popping up are not true AI. They are language models (LLM).

They don't possess true intelligence (though they can appear to act intelligently). Still, they're not actually Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Instead, ChatGPT serves the same purpose as a calculator. It may be an advanced and sophisticated technology, but at its core it still just functions as a word calculator.

But instead of calculating numbers, ChatGPT calculates the next word/phrase/code (based on the data they have access to — the internet).

As creatives, our prompts (the more detailed the better) are key in getting large language models (LLM) to make good content. Thats because LLM’s are unable to actually understand the meaning of the text they are scanning. Instead, they’re just parroting out calculated phrases based on the parameters we gave it (aka prompts).

The more detailed your prompt, the better the LLM’s output.

Basically, this so-called ‘AI’ is simply a digital tool than an actual true artificial intelligence.

Using ChatGPT is more like a human wearing a robotic arm prosthetic, than something out of I-Robot. It simply augments creativity, the same way a prosthetic arm augments human movement.

One day, someone will create an actual AGI that sits on top of a LLM. That will be the true AI breakthrough.

But ChatGPT? It’s simply a tool…a fantastic tool, but a tool none the less.

@tourbike - 04.05.2023 02:44

The question is where are business people turning to AI instead of dealing with creatives. One answer could be that business people could pivot a project quicker if dealing with licensed work.

@jerrygraves6531 - 04.05.2023 08:34

He solved nothing with this video

@ughestrada - 04.05.2023 10:37

Calling it now. "AI is the bear, don't be the slowest person" is gonna be the new "Adapt or die" mantra. I was hoping this video would put me at ease, as I'm watching the tech industry make an AI that does everything I love (art, design, 3D modeling, hell even coding), but it didn't. In fact, no offense, Chris, but the tone came off as condescending. Like the whole, "Well, you're gonna die one day, right?" comment. Yeah, one day I'll happily leave this planet, but I don't want to leave a mess for the next person to pick up. I want Gen Z and Gen Alpha to inherit a healthy planet and system where they can pursue what they love, without worrying that a company is gonna lay them off, and under pay some gig designer or artist to punch up whatever the AI spat out.

Look at the Writer's strike that's going on now. Media execs desperately want an AI to do anything and everything, so they can pay fewer people less money, or pay no one at all. I believe AI can help us in so many ways, but right now, its main purpose is to maximize profits. AI SHOULD be used as a tool, and it SHOULD be used to help humanity for the better. Because here's the thing, community has and always will be stronger than profits, and I'd rather uplift communities than become the next Beff Jezos.

If AI is the bear, I'm throwing some fish at it so we can all get away.

@anawesomejourney1198 - 04.05.2023 19:45

Think of how terrified portrait artists must have been of photographers. "You can do what takes me weeks in a single flash and all you have to do is point and press that button protrusion."

@anawesomejourney1198 - 04.05.2023 19:51

2 decades ago 'tut plus' website came out teaching people how to create magical effects with Photoshop. People were complaining. "Now regular people will be able to design their own stuff" EXACTLY. SO.... ARE YOU JUST EXTORTING MY SKILL GAP OR ARE YOU TRULY ADDING AN EXTENSION OF VISION AND POSSIBILITY?

@Ma-pz5kl - 04.05.2023 21:17

we need also more real intelligence

@Ma-pz5kl - 04.05.2023 21:17

btu funny video. though

@PhenMas - 05.05.2023 02:36

Chat, don't kill my job or whatever Kendrick Lamar said

@iammjem - 05.05.2023 03:43


@SpaceshipRocketFuel - 05.05.2023 10:21

This a part of why in general I'm retraining to do something unrelated to and well away from design - something more practical and long term wheras in design I have to seemingly keep reinventing myself every 3-5 years desperately trying to keep up with new trends, tech and younger minds.

It's not so much AI now that worries me, it's what it'll be like in 10, 15, 20 years.

@hal-zeitlin - 05.05.2023 10:38

Dang, that guy asking the question is really handsome

@JohnDavidHarbison - 05.05.2023 21:10

bah....clients will always need help. There will always be people willing to pay someone else to do work. Even if Alexa can do X there will always be a wall that Alexa needs help getting over it. You know - I was once a directory assistance operator. That job is gone, but that is okay - it was a crap job. I guess my point is that the world is constantly changing and in ways that aren't always going to be predictable, but that's okay - change can be good. Don't fear the change, just embrace learning and evolving and if you can do that then you will always be adaptable and survive.

@YoungHumanClub - 05.05.2023 22:09

Amazing stuff Chris :)

@feels.9304 - 09.05.2023 00:30

Quite insightful. However, I don't think Mr. Do quite understands the position of the entry level designer who just entered the market. He's a big shot, he probably won't even feel the aftermath of this whole thing.

@romel_mrkade - 09.05.2023 00:47

Yeah yeah thats why take me too much time til realize everything even you have your robort with no clear goals you still be at the bottom

@romel_mrkade - 09.05.2023 00:49

And its crazy the feeling the chills the urgency the passion integrity empowering crazy.. So happy saw your channel.

@Ari_diwan - 12.05.2023 18:39

AI is the bear, dont be the slowest person 👌

@alvialmafi - 20.05.2023 02:30

This one was kinda meh

@JuhiDavda - 29.05.2023 15:52

This is very much like rich people saying "money doesn't buy happiness" and attractive people saying "looks don't matter"

@HardlineSoul - 02.06.2023 03:57

Yes, yes & yes....

@76Bagnasty - 15.06.2023 20:37

Do graphic designers not have passion projects that you do on your own time that have no monetary incentives? I think if you don't have this type of work as a foundation of your practice you are already the AI.

@thelookingcat - 29.06.2023 02:18

Short answer: AI is going to become the new bottom line. Don't be average, because AI will outpace you.

@hollowedboi5937 - 08.07.2023 17:34

I take this as: change is inevitable. So no matter how much we hate something we have to adapt and keep moving or accept our fate. Sucks that this exists but we’ll have to learn about it to grow I suppose.

@GetToDaChoppa-k5r - 18.07.2023 16:30

Honestly, this AI is going to destroy a lot of jobs and not just in the creative industry.

@startbizdev - 19.07.2023 01:43

Will AI End Creative Professions? The real answer is that nobody knows. Not even you !

@notreallygonnatell - 01.08.2023 16:04

Chris Do never completely resonates with me as he never understands the position of privilege he has 🙄

@419chris419 - 22.09.2023 18:17

Basically whoever gets in front of the race wins everyone else suffers 😢

What a bleak future. I guess it's back to McDonald's for most people. 😅

@yehenry2281 - 30.10.2023 05:39

it could be threats graphic designer. when a man tres to design something who needs brain storm which means needs elements for thinking out of box. the logic of this process is right same on what AI did

@LAUZERTV - 07.11.2023 07:10

Will AI Ever help give a better sense of dress? Probably. Hopefully! LOL.... You sell out SKYNET MANBOT !

@juurstudio - 14.01.2024 13:21

The AI is not gonna be one small bear who will eat a single slowest designer. It's more like a massive army of AI bears who will take out the majority of low end or even mid level artists.

@SangiovanniOmar - 15.01.2024 00:42

Ai Weiwei said something interesting… “Art that can be easily copied by AI is ‘meaningless’”

@beaniegenie8735 - 19.02.2024 05:11

Check out sora. It’s fresh and spooky

@gbxgbxgbx - 23.03.2024 19:52

Rather than the bear analogy I prefer the one with the horse, and you've got to ride it, you won't outrun it. BUT. The last question from the art director lady was relevant. Because humanity is constantly building the world for it's own purpose, so we have to do it with caution, like with global warming - why would you care if you thought I'll die anyway f it, leave it for the next gen. It's the same here, If the AI will be art director then what's next? There will be only corporations left, run by AI. You better think of it now, before it's too late and we are all fkd. Are we really sure we want to go this rounte? Now is the time to think this through, and maybe stop it. I think AI should not be in 100% public domain and should be banned from most of activities. It should be prohibited in areas where it is not needed and could potentially cause too much lost professions. Like art for example. It should be used for medical purpose of course. The answer is not easy. But the way it has been nonchalantly deployed now into the wild by a bunch of people - who gave them the right to make this decision? They did use all the data available, not asking anyone.

@Max_Bee_04 - 25.07.2024 15:02

I think AI is a tool, a tool that exponentially increase ideation, but for finished work, is still far behind, and for it to reduce the distance it needs us, it needs to be train by us, so if we want to increase the distance between AI and us, boycott companies that try to use our work to train their AI to replace us.

@timweiffenbach5350 - 13.10.2024 18:36

Sorry , now Chris Do is running wild. That’s a lot or rubbish.

@Mashmash86 - 28.12.2024 09:02

Junior design positions are minimal if not altogether obsolete. Art directors can create storyboards in minutes, illustrated in any style, and opting for strategic advice. Basic copy writing positions are obsolete. Anyone can draw a web page, scan it in, and get the working code in seconds. Ai is great but needs to be eventually regulated, because in the long run corporations may benefit the most from it in a way to cut costs for talent. Cuz Ai will only get smarter.

@PeterBrooks_327 - 29.01.2025 03:12

This is such a thought-provoking discussion. I love how Chris emphasizes the importance of human creativity even in the age of AI. It's a good reminder that our unique perspectives are still valuable.

@JoseTylerRosJoseTylerRoss - 29.01.2025 03:39

I appreciate Chris's take on AI not replacing our roles, but rather enhancing our capabilities. It's exciting to think about the future of creative professions.

@ChristianCarter_266 - 29.01.2025 03:54

Interesting point about AI tools helping with social media. I've seen some platforms that even help with creating resumes quickly, like Resubot. It's fascinating how technology is evolving.

@JordanAllen_807 - 29.01.2025 04:16

Chris's insights on the future of art direction and AI are spot on. As someone who works in design, I find it encouraging to think about how we can leverage these tools.

@BobbyJamesCox - 29.01.2025 04:24

The idea of AI saving time in creative processes is intriguing. I recently heard about ResuBot, which helps streamline resume creation. It's amazing how AI can assist us in so many areas.
