Kudlow: No tariff adjustments until deal is made

Kudlow: No tariff adjustments until deal is made

CNBC Television

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@wiewen6427 - 13.11.2019 10:17

Are you high? To much crack..

@etari5758 - 13.11.2019 11:15

❤️Kudlow ❤️ or is it Ernie from Sesame Street.. It's difficult to tell.

@rdpqueen6498 - 13.11.2019 11:20

Does this man know anything at all. More double speak! Really, could he be more vague? He can't answer the questions because both him and trump don't know anything about the deal. They are in place with a job title ONLY...not substance. You have to listen to the way trump speaks...its all very vague, nothing is ever specific.

@dontdoitbro5495 - 13.11.2019 15:01

If i was playing poker i would call this idiots bluff. There is no deal

@dontdoitbro5495 - 13.11.2019 15:07

I imagine kudlow is going to end his work in washington by drinking his way to his death

@dontdoitbro5495 - 13.11.2019 15:09

Larry just gave up his cards by saying "there is no formal agreement"

We are as close to a deal as we were 6 months ago. The chinese don't give a fk. They are communists who came from nothing. They don't care if they go back to nothing. I dont think our administration understands that

@raoulduke8340 - 13.11.2019 16:01

Larry isn't as smashed as he sometimes appears but he is still an incoherent mess

@mitchellkappler9724 - 13.11.2019 17:02

lol seems like they talk about wage increases, only get wage increase every other year

@lawrencesullivan3307 - 13.11.2019 18:02

tariff revenues do not come from China but from American companies and consumers. Kudlow has turned into a big liar like the rest of this administration from the top down.

@dwadholm1 - 13.11.2019 18:24

Close doesn't mean soon. They can be close to a deal but take forever to finalize.

@ChipperJones99 - 13.11.2019 18:33

Larry is awesome

@lawrencesullivan3307 - 13.11.2019 18:53

that the "commentators" did not challenge his statement that China is paying for the tariffs shows just how craven and gutless this network has become, a good reason to change channels!

@nsng1298 - 13.11.2019 19:33

Is he on cocaine again? He was fired by Bear Stearns in the '90s for cocaine addiction.

@wyodragon4325 - 13.11.2019 20:02

Xi Jinping and the Chinese Government do not care whether a deal is signed or not. Currently, Xi Jinping is more interested in visiting Greece, in have a meeting with his BRICS counterparts in Brazil, and in promoting the CIIE than to have a trade deal with the US. in his speech at the CIIE, he expressed the hope that the RCEP be signed ASAP and did not say anything at all regarding any trade deal with the US.

@pan-shot4900 - 13.11.2019 20:44

Sounds bleak

@pan-shot4900 - 13.11.2019 20:49

Was a Trump supporter but not after these tariffs !!

@craigenputtock - 13.11.2019 21:51

Dear Mr. Kudlow, the Chinese are just going to wait out you and this president till a Democrat is elected; whereupon they will say, "Start kissing our asses again!"--and the new Democrat president will say, "Sure! How long and how many times would you like?"

@jorgegomez524 - 13.11.2019 21:51

Trump and Kudlow, the best clowns in town. always amusing to hear them.

@Joy-e6e - 13.11.2019 22:36

Haha that's funny. Coz China says no deal is made until they see tariff rollback. So.......who moves first?

@normasouza-brien2357 - 13.11.2019 22:37

Share holders might be making money but as for the common Joe I very much doubt it. The hires he is talking about are holiday hires which are usually just for three months.

@tonythaiger93 - 14.11.2019 04:17

Just in: The deal will be reached someday!!!

@jpducati916 - 14.11.2019 04:25

A nothing burger... waste of an interview

@cifsman - 14.11.2019 06:59

this likely no deal this year, this administration just toying with market with high hopes and blame other side if there is no deal.

@bryballer2147 - 14.11.2019 08:55

There wont be a deal because the Chinese are that stubborn.

@jonz23m - 14.11.2019 14:15

Plan A: Let the fed print trumps way out of the Ponzi scheme economy until after the elections.

Plan B:

@cleverinsanetrump9743 - 14.11.2019 14:20

Don't understand a thing what you talk about

@GenXstacker - 14.11.2019 16:27

There won't be a deal. That is all.

@xqliu9356 - 14.11.2019 21:09

A good deal for who? Such a clown!

@drewwalker1480 - 15.11.2019 04:25

Buy Walmart great earnings conference call. E-commerce up 41% think about that. Walmart way under valued.

@victorandrews2401 - 15.11.2019 08:12

How stupid can the Democrats get. They’re just lie Canadian liberals.

@sealtrader - 15.11.2019 14:56

Art of Bankrupt king vs Art of Warrior ! Guess who's winning !

@pierreblaise9433 - 16.11.2019 09:47

Is he drunk?

@pkwong1940 - 16.11.2019 12:52

NO DEAL until tariffs are lifted. Trump can dream on. China must prepare to decouple. Yes decoupling will be messy but so what. There is a trade war going on and China must view rhis a war and deal with the situation on a war footing. NO DEAL PERIOD!

@rustyschackleford5800 - 17.11.2019 06:35

This is pathetic.

@daoistwanderer2671 - 17.11.2019 17:52

Disgusting. All aping Trump. Sad state for America. Such quality in government.

@hiro0500 - 17.11.2019 18:37

basiclly there is no deal, they will just keep saying oh everything is moving along, coming close to a deal, all those BS, they just want to keep the market high on drugs.

@efrenplaza - 17.11.2019 21:27

Why trade with China when you know they're going to cheat anyway?

@johnaugsburger6192 - 18.11.2019 01:10

We've been close to a deal for a long time now. There is no deal and the Chinese called the idiot in chief's bluff. We have a moron for president.

@bongbongtravels6108 - 18.11.2019 05:32

Why would the Chinese deal with this psycho when they know he's gonna be out of office soon.

@jamesw3605 - 18.11.2019 11:58

I don't think China needs the deal that badly as Trumptard said.

@tradingstrategiesas8257 - 19.11.2019 17:40

never ever trust the yankee

@hongkong4235 - 20.11.2019 01:56

Good , well done

@-dannylo5451 - 20.11.2019 21:22

China don't sign any deal with bullies!

@colinhall2194 - 21.11.2019 03:05

Cocaine kudlow is a compulsive liar and carrer criminal

@heinzreudigiger9485 - 25.11.2019 15:46

What the Americans have stopped buying has been diverted to the rest of the world.

@user-ausabc2024 - 27.11.2019 09:46

only trade? how about a lot of services in China? such as Mcdonald, KFC, Walmart, Starbucks, etc. China has no service in USA. Should China put more taxes on those? otherwise, that wouldn't be fair.

@tbseow344 - 27.11.2019 15:36

No deal. U guys need to go thru 2020 Election. Chinese guys don't need to. See who is desperate. China is in for the long haul. Based on Japan's experience with Uncle Sam.

@waynet8953 - 28.11.2019 10:19

WH has no credibility on what they say; don't hold your breath.

@marcomartinez9387 - 29.11.2019 21:28

Just let tariffs stay till China goes bust
