IGN's Terrible Sonic Reviews

IGN's Terrible Sonic Reviews

SF Productions

1 год назад

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Gahlok12 - 27.10.2023 06:55

I hate how Sonic Unleashed during the daytime stages will switch between 3D and 2D platforming.

SuperBMGO - 27.10.2023 02:40

Bad finger sonic noooo

Mariofan99 - 25.10.2023 16:26

Jeez does IGN really hate sonic, damn what did he do to deserve this?

JeddFlanders93 - 24.10.2023 09:15

If you thought IGN’s review of Sonic Unleashed for 360 and PS3 was bad try looking at Gamespot’s that one’s an even bigger insult.

Dr. Tex
Dr. Tex - 18.10.2023 19:03

IGN is the reason we'll never get an Unleashed PC port.

Tom O'Brien
Tom O'Brien - 11.10.2023 15:21

Why do you care?

HeavyMetalSonicRM - 11.10.2023 07:55

They'll bitch about the framerate in Unleashed, but Jedi: Survivor is great!

Chelaxim - 09.10.2023 18:35

To be fair about Sonic Unleash don't pretend pretend that the fans themselves loved the game back then. The werehog sections are terrible and 60 percent of a game being terrible doesn't make up for 40 percent being flawless. Even then it's not truly flawless What was the review supposed to say? Wait 15 years and 2 console generations to play this game at a stable frame rate? Considering how fast The daytime stage is our inconsistent frame rate really hurts that game more than than other games with an inconsistent frame rate.

NOOB MASTER - 30.09.2023 09:32

Well.... if anyone in the ign wants to review a sonic game, then the reviewer needs to be a sonic fan

zekromfan1🇺🇸 - 29.09.2023 10:14

Well now we know that IGN gives games a 7/10 as a baseline, so that clears up a lot of the discrepancies between reviews, and considering how many different reviewers they have reviewing Sonic games that compounds the issue further. I personally don’t see a reason for number scores, it’s hard to tell what a number means without context, is a 7 good? Is a 7 bad? Who knows, only the reviewer does. SomecallmeJohnny made an excellent point when he talked about this in one of his videos years ago explaining why he stopped using number scores.

The best current IGN example would be their reviews for Forces and Frontiers. Forces being the most mediocre of mediocre games, not bad, not good, it just is. The sales numbers show just how little people were interested in it, yet when compared to the next game in the series Frontiers, the numbers are almost night and day. Yet they both still scores the same despite being radically different games, no matter what you think of Frontiers it is most certainly a far cry when compared to Forces. And going by review scores you would assume they were roughly the same in terms of quality, so a parent might look up the games, see Forces and Frontiers have similar review scores, and buy their kid Forces as a gift since they liked Frontiers.

Let’s say it took this kid maybe a month to beat Frontiers and they’re still playing it even after they beat it because they find it fun. Now this kid plays their new game Forces and beats it in a couple hours, how do you think they’ll feel about the game after playing Frontiers? Because let’s be honest Frontiers is this generations Heroes, a lot of kids are going to be getting into Sonic through Frontiers and as such are going to be comparing other games to it. With that in mind, Forces will most certainly be getting a lot more harsh criticism in the coming years. Forces for all it’s faults is the most technically sound and polished game in the series, it’s a carefully curated and linear experience. Frontiers is the exact opposite, the game’s core concept is player freedom.

Honestly I can’t wait for the interviews in the coming years, I wonder how Kishimoto will explain his thoughts on Forces reception, and what drove him to making Frontiers the way it is. For everything that Forces did wrong, they could have continued doing what they already did, they made the most polished and least buggy game in the franchise. It’s obvious they knew what they were doing in some regards, but to jump from where they were to this took a lot of courage. If they failed, it would have been just as if not worse than ‘06 for the series future. This was in many respects their last chance at breaking free from the downward spiral they’ve been on, from staff shortage, budget cuts, and lacking direction. I am legitimately amazed by them making such a bold decision and sticking with it. Update 3 has been really fun so far, and seeing what they managed on such a relative small budget for a free update to Frontiers, I have more faith than ever that they know what they’re doing. I can’t wait to see how they top this.

ubercomrade - 25.09.2023 04:42

Wrong! Sonic Unleashed IGN review was correct!

Aarron the bird
Aarron the bird - 24.09.2023 15:18

I’ll just say it. People act like IGN don’t matter but when they say something people disagree with they get angry

True Bacon Samurai
True Bacon Samurai - 20.09.2023 22:10


Spoonicks - 18.09.2023 07:07

I was doing a self-challenge for Unleashed and trying to S-Rank every stage, starting with the daytime levels. I quickly noticed that doing all the daytimes all the time... things got... kinda boring???
Most of the daytimes have a "checklist" which is:
• area of minor parkour (quicktime step-by-step area)
• have triplet laser guys
• have one big angry arms robot
Playing the daytime stages over and over just to S-Rank them all got me to really appreciate the werehog levels. Sure, I didn't have a problem with them to begin with, but I was also always itching to get to those delicious daytimes. I'm aware, the nighttimes can get old and tedious as well, but so can the daytimes, which is my point.
PS: Collecting all the coins in daytime is a tragedy, why sega, why

Matthew McLean
Matthew McLean - 05.09.2023 04:07

Gamers don’t listen to ign. They lie and aren’t even gamers 😂

Mike and Jeffery
Mike and Jeffery - 21.08.2023 10:20

Sonic 4 on my tier list is Once again.. GET IN THE BIN! I do got a few other games including secret rings Sonic 1 ms Shadow the hedgehog

Definitely Not A Felon
Definitely Not A Felon - 19.08.2023 19:04

I like that Sonic 4 is 2D like the original sonic games, and it makes it feel more like the sequel to Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and I like the homing attack. But literally every level in the game is a duplicate of past levels used in Sonic 1 and 2. The game itself is far too easy, the special stages and just in general. You get a ridiculous amount of lives that the threat of losing all lives is almost impossible unless you're actively trying to. IGN would rate that 8?

Jd - 16.08.2023 03:45

Bro is trying to debunk an opinion, but I do agree 👍
