Hatred (The Secret Cause of Hate) - Teal Swan

Hatred (The Secret Cause of Hate) - Teal Swan

Teal Swan

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IbnShahid - 17.09.2023 21:42

I just...hate...the general public.

Dingolia - 09.09.2023 22:22

I hated, went to prison, out now, still hate. I dont want to hate anymore, but i do.

Eoin McInerney
Eoin McInerney - 06.09.2023 02:35

The goal isn't feeling good. Feeling don't matter. The goal is removing the threat. There is nothing worse then feeling good while the threat continues to exist.

如來 - 02.09.2023 21:38

Entraining and mind hacking are things that in particularly afraid of based on past trauma. ‘People’ like this often trigger a psychopathic response in me.

Happy Inside
Happy Inside - 24.08.2023 23:58

I hate the entire race, why?

Sean Turnbull
Sean Turnbull - 22.08.2023 08:32

God's plan right...
Ever read revaluations...
I wanna play on God's team
Iam wildfire
I wanna fight and light it up
Mark of the beast
Burn it down God promised me

Rainbow_86 - 17.08.2023 16:33

Saily Jupy
Saily Jupy - 06.08.2023 05:36

Do I dare write a long list of everything I hate 😅 oh god.

Liam L.E.
Liam L.E. - 02.08.2023 04:41

"Cruelty leads to suffering, and when one suffers it is the way of life to spread suffering. The suffering within builds, until its sound is all one hears. And when a kindness is offered, it is punished; and a greater darkness is served."
— Kreia —

Melissa Atkins
Melissa Atkins - 10.06.2023 00:03

Thank you so much teal. Im balling my eyes out hating my ex. This is what I need to listen to. Thank you. I need guidance.

Abigail Evans
Abigail Evans - 01.05.2023 09:10

Thank you this is fantastic. I have been stuggling with hatred all my life and this is the first talk that has helped me.

Emily Fandino
Emily Fandino - 27.04.2023 17:30

Teal you are a genius

Selene Firme
Selene Firme - 27.04.2023 02:36

I’m mind blown ! Woah 📔

sepideh shirazi
sepideh shirazi - 24.03.2023 05:48

What about someone doing bad things to us

Joe Andersin
Joe Andersin - 04.03.2023 15:31

Definitely more people need to watch this.

Baciu Catalin
Baciu Catalin - 01.03.2023 20:14

I just want to thank you for validating our emotions before you teach us how to deal with them. All the info I found on the topic oh hate pretty much shame people for feeling it. Their teachings seem to all boil down to "the world is beautiful just enjoi it lol".

S. Klein
S. Klein - 19.02.2023 00:27

mmm i wish i would still be able to inspire that ultimate wisdom so that i could give you a lesson on where hate actually comes from

Melike Toprak
Melike Toprak - 22.01.2023 22:45

Besides the awsome content your hair slaps here😝

S Bentley
S Bentley - 22.01.2023 21:48

I enjoyed this video, not sure how I can progress from it. I have an absolute hatred towards modern women and the feminist movement for the way it views men. I've never done any harm towards women yet I'm viewed as a threat or someone who oppresses the female gender. My anger towards females is such I will avoid dealing with them at all times. I know this is not a good way to deal with this hate, maybe I should try some of the suggestions Teal has given.

Jason Alex Adams
Jason Alex Adams - 31.12.2022 11:26

How can You When You Can...

Jason Alex Adams
Jason Alex Adams - 31.12.2022 11:25

Byron Katie can pass for Halsey...

Jason Alex Adams
Jason Alex Adams - 31.12.2022 11:19

I "HATE" That sakk-of-shtt...

Fabio Merlin
Fabio Merlin - 22.12.2022 13:41

Being hated first by someone you have helped your whole life... and then hate in return. How to avoid that? How to avoid hating back those who betrayed you on every possible level? I try to answer these questions. Nothing sensible or helpful is coming out at the moment. I´ll keep searching. Thanks for the video.

Samantha Smiles
Samantha Smiles - 02.12.2022 09:44

Nailed it on the head. I've been struggling with hatred towards my SIL. She's been abusing/neglecting my niece, and I am powerless to stop it. The anger was eating me up. This helps so much. Thank you. 💙

Sic Semper Tyrannis *Honk*
Sic Semper Tyrannis *Honk* - 14.11.2022 00:07

What should we do when the threat we perceive is very real and to ignore it is self harm? Authoritarian regimes such as those experienced in the past 2 years, for example. Or religious extremists of a certain unmentionable protected group. What do you recommend instead of attempting to "end the threat" when it is a real existential threat? How can we address the pain, hurt and fear without ending the threat causing it on a daily basis in our lives? How can I stop hating those who do such harm and violence to me all the time, other than making myself feel 'safer' by empowering myself to try and end the threat? If your village is bombed every day, how do you not hate the bomber? And should you not prepare and plan and try to end that threat by any means at your disposal? Especially if there is no negotiating with or convincing those who mean you harm?

EmilyZena - 06.11.2022 23:25

Just incredible; such nuggets of wisdom in these little - perfectly constructed! - talks.

Rahma Aboaowf
Rahma Aboaowf - 04.09.2022 15:47

Thank you it helps me a lot 😍😍🥺🥺🥺

Purgatory Abyszal Helper
Purgatory Abyszal Helper - 30.08.2022 05:48

The problem and the error in the haters is that they compare externally to others instead of comparing to them internally from themselves from yesterday, they have a narrow confusionated and twisted view on improvement. That is why they discourage themselves when they look from a place of infantile ego at others instead of learning to compare only with their own improvements from day to day, that is why they need to stay away from the healthy ones. They gotta learn to accept that they might not be the same as others because they have work to do on other parts that God can assign to them if they repent, not the parts that they seek with spoiled swarming pride else they might become another ordinary and mediocre part of the misery mass.

Disruptive Force
Disruptive Force - 30.08.2022 05:35

I hate people that cause constant irritation like a fuckin stalker i had. This person would not die nor go away. I discovered hate.

Yoga with Krisha Gandhi
Yoga with Krisha Gandhi - 25.08.2022 21:15

Hello Ms. Teal Swan,
Can you please create a video on Aversion of someone. Currently I am facing aversion towards my boyfriend and I hate it. I want to love him. I want to make things right between us. But i just can't. I just want to end things

Kentucky Fried Joe
Kentucky Fried Joe - 16.08.2022 16:05

Dealing with your reality by talking about it. be open to change. The tre does not grow by one chop but by thousands and thousands of storms, freezes, and DRoughts.

Kentucky Fried Joe
Kentucky Fried Joe - 16.08.2022 15:56

Some know they will not be able to exist through, and that is the true root of fear, but its existence is a choice.

susie sa
susie sa - 14.08.2022 07:56

i stand firm in my hate towards certain people who deserve to be hated what they have done and said!

mike dunker
mike dunker - 24.07.2022 07:17

very smart and wise information TS PEACE AND HEALING MD

ifyourepeatalieoftenenoughitbecomesreality...... - 09.07.2022 22:07

My sister gives me indirect negative messages. If i ask her what is wrong or why she does that she plays dumb. So if the source of hate is insecurity how can i apply that to her? It doesnt make sense. She doing really well like job and school and new life. There is nothing bad there. I was hated by people who i dont know because of my bad reputation. Maybe they tried to hate her too. Thats why she wants me to stay away so she doesnt need to sufer the same way i did. This is what i call irony. Ive always tried to stay away from trouble. No alcohol, no drugs, no crime, no relationships, no party. Only work and school. My mom sufferd bad relatioships. I remember getting angry and disgusted when she asked me if i liked someone because i pictured myself being treated the same way she was and living the same goddamn hell she did and i was like: no me NEVER. So i promised myself when i was small: dont chose anybody because choosing one is deciding who to let you destroy. Ironically i fell several times and finally got the chance to repeat history. I thought saying no to relationship is enough to keep you safe but it is not. If you fall for someone although you keep distance its like inviting destruction into your life. I will never ever like anybody if this is the result. I have learned my lesson.

Lincoln Ragguette
Lincoln Ragguette - 05.07.2022 12:37

Hatred i like a gun that break at the breach and kill the hater, so it is when we hate others,we are destroying ourselves

DAIA - 12.06.2022 23:41

Wow, this is really a big insight for myself, I was denying this feeling before.
Even if they do things that we percieve as threats, actually the level of our reaction is WHAT WE HAVE, DEFINETELY.

Lyn Love
Lyn Love - 22.05.2022 12:33

Wow this is so refreshing and has nothing to do with narcissism. Because not everybody is a narc so I needed this. Finally no mind games just info

Lyn Love
Lyn Love - 22.05.2022 12:29

Wow that means I feel safe AF!🥰

AngelHeartFiverrVideo - 21.05.2022 17:17

No wonder I feel so much hate. I thought my hate is not normal. What to do with it? I write my hate out of myself to reduce it. Maybe it will take longer to reduce my hate but that alination and separateness doesn't make it easier

Paradox In Motion
Paradox In Motion - 06.05.2022 20:11

really lovely video thank u

J T - 03.05.2022 19:52

why does all of everything tell me everything is all my fault? Im tired. I'm going to lay in bed for 6 months. Stop telling me everything is my fault

Tamela Shafer
Tamela Shafer - 07.04.2022 01:27


Oh NotAgain
Oh NotAgain - 06.04.2022 23:58

We will manifest more things that will make us hate them more...huh, and I thought mom could not make me more unsafe than today? Well, I guess there's always tomorrow since I told her to call tomorrow because I thought: eh, she's my mom. Mistake. Big mistake.

MsLiberated - 29.03.2022 19:08

Dope video! 💯❤️Draw near to God and you will receive more godliness, the devil will flee, James chapter 4. God will provide protection, joy, peace and integrity, not religion but a relationship with him.

Sebastian White
Sebastian White - 14.03.2022 06:58

"The safer we feel, the less we hate." But that is really when we think about it just stating the obvious. To me there's just no answers here to such as Ukraine, and God knows they deserve better than this. There's a video to the side of this stating Putin's body language reveals he "really" hates Ukraine. Why? Because this country represents freedom and courage... it has had "3" revolutions to throw off his influence, please look up the Orange Revolution? And what is the West doing, betraying them, as we did Syria - Syria where there are now a "million" innocent dead.
Teal speaks of attraction... well, the only reason Ukraine is attracting Putin's wrath, is because they had courage to defy him, and fight for their freedom.
... for me, in Teal's equation of how the Universe works, that does not make sense, and it concerns me that we are making excuses for this, instead of having the 'courage' to face these real issues!
I can't see any spirituality or morality in this, only in that Ukraine has shown great bravery, and the West is not just betraying them, but also ourselves in failing to fully support them.
And please, if someone is to contact me on this, be prepared for me to be "brutally honest" with you... I'm not prepared to mix words to protect people's sensibilities, because we struggle to deal with the truth at times?

G. - 03.03.2022 12:27

It gives me so much relief to hear that it is ok to feel the emotions that have a bad name in this Universe.

The more I accept them the easier it is to let go of the emotions. And to accept myself in every state of being.

Alie Nun
Alie Nun - 09.02.2022 17:59

I hate the one person I loved so much 😒

Daniela luxury
Daniela luxury - 16.01.2022 22:10

i love you so much teal
