Cardio vs Weights After 50 (Wish I Knew this Sooner)

Cardio vs Weights After 50 (Wish I Knew this Sooner)


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@victoriachubb572 - 22.01.2024 00:28

I am a 52 year old Les Mills Bodypump Instructor and I am in the best shape of my life because of resistance training. Lift weights to lose weight especially as you age to stave off muscle atrophy!

@alongshore3082 - 15.01.2024 03:35

I wish more young trainers would learn and apply this. Its like they don't really believe that a woman in her 50s really IS different than someone in their 20's, 30's. It can feel condescending and discouraging as a client.

@justineburke3256 - 23.12.2023 21:58

I started at 2lb dumbells and am up to 10lbs
I do a quick 4 min arm weighted work out 3x a day every other day, with some stretching. A bosu ball some yoga too
And have lost 17lbs!!
But!!! The look, the slim look is Best!!
I’m not counting the calories as much as seeing what’s in the products I eat!!
I’m eatting lower sugar carb foods and eliminating bad ingredients

@emilygenaway6206 - 20.12.2023 05:19

Very helpful. I did CrossFit for 7 years in my early 40s, but recently stopped because the high intensity triggered migraines. The added stress was too much, where as before it was a stress reliever. What do you recommend for strength programs?

@pipermowrey5771 - 16.12.2023 00:52

GREAT ANSWERS to questions I’ve had for a long time!

@monicajackson1914 - 15.12.2023 03:13


@sweetiediana3944 - 03.12.2023 05:48

This is like my total twin! Not in looks but in who I want to be. I have always worked out and always been 50-80 pounds overweight. I have lost and gained all my life and right now I’m 54 ready to end this constant battle with obesity and depression. Thank you and consider me a new subscriber my friend!❤

@JL-is9rg - 01.12.2023 22:50

Oh I relate to the insult part. Had always been able to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and however much I wanted exercise wise daily. Running was always there for me. Now it isn't. Curious about the "gaining 12 to 14 pounds of inflammation" comment because man that's what I feel like has happened to me.

@ubacat1617 - 28.11.2023 23:28

I'm 61 and tried weights in my early forties and again in my fifties but I hated how my thighs got so big. I never believed those stories that women won't bulk up.

Then I got bone loss and HAD to do weight training. I started 2 1/2 years ago and yes, my thighs ballooned up. It was a cumulation of three things. High cortisol due to stress. inflammation of the muscles when starting the workouts, plus water, and lastly, I was put on an inhaler at the same time. The inhaler caused major weight gain.

Just this summer, I retired and stopped the inhaler and the weight has peeled off. Now my thighs are slimmer than ever. I was so glad through all that stress, I kept up with the weight training. I only wish I'd started it in my twenties. I was doing cardio then too.

@kimdagnillo8246 - 18.11.2023 18:38

Makes sense to me, I’m going to start using more weight training, I’m a young 63 and want to stay that way

@hiltonmcconnell2563 - 16.11.2023 03:14

Thanks for the great video, I am almost 75 and been on and of weight training form 20 on. Not a good last year of so, very bad burn in my foot hospital 3 times a week for about three months then time to put in the garden, and then before I got started back up a compression fracture in my spine. Another 3 months, Just started back up weight training, but taking it easy at first. When in my mid 60's found weight training along with running and bicycling worked great was able to run a 1/2 marathon at 64. Had a change in live after I retired, and now find weight training and Calisthenics works best. Started Calisthenics at 72, and what a change, so now once I get going with my weight training to get some strength back will be doing calisthenics and may be a bit of cardio like bicycling, as soon as the weather gets better. Thanks for the video, I love watching them while I am working out.

@antoinettesalazar520 - 06.11.2023 04:22

I am looking for weight training instruction, I don’t know what to do…. Can you help? Do you have tutorial, guide or videos or a website to follow?

@baemontane4951 - 25.10.2023 22:27

I am 65 y o and love to be active and exercise. I don’t feel good when I don’t do this. At this age, I am finding it more difficult to lose a few extra pounds and gain muscle. This video made a lot of sense to me and is so compatible with what I am already choosing to do…walks, hiking, yoga, Pilates, weight training, dance/movement, and sometimes biking.Thank you for this.

@lyricgirl45 - 23.10.2023 11:46

Very true I was a bit manic with the amount of exercise I was into post menopause and ended up having 2 major heart events called TAKOTSUBO who knew that this relatively newly diagnosed heart condition effects post menopausal women with super high cortisol levels 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ps I’m great now 😀😀

@valeriefinney6566 - 23.10.2023 06:29

Excellent! Funny how I stumbled on your video. Just started strength training again (actually on and off over 40 years so I know it’s powerful) this past week. Haven’t since before pandemic. I’m female and am very weak at 66 so this is encouraging to hear. All the seniors in my community are beating themselves up pounding the pavement which I also did for 45 years and I no doubt walked tens of thousands of miles. I believe in this and the proof will manifest soon😀

@ramlinshoes - 30.09.2023 05:43

was that one sentence.

@cymbelinebritain6799 - 28.09.2023 16:56

I didn't start my weight loss journey until I was 53, 204 lbs and starting to go through menopause and I got a HUGE wakeup call regarding how my body uses food for fuel and how it burns fat. I also learned quickly after the sudden death of my partner of 14 years how Cortisol and stress also affect the body (I gained 25 lbs of an 85 lb weight loss back even while still exercising). I've learned more about hormones in the past few years than my entire life prior. I definitely made the shift from too much cardio to more weight/strength training and I lost 12 of those pounds that I gained back from the stress and I although I was still within a healthy weight range when I gained the weight back, I'm now at an even healthier weight and BMI and I have muscle tone. I have excess skin from being overweight my entire life and having 6 babies that I'll never rid myself of, but my body comp has definitely changed for the better!

@marcedwards2464 - 27.09.2023 20:41

Nice looking woman

@ThatTalkinGal - 24.09.2023 06:19

This was very bery helpful

@TheReneepruitt - 22.09.2023 20:50

I understand weights as we get older, BUT you can’t lift every day? I mean I thought u have to give muscle a day of rest? So u have to do a cardio the next day then, and then weights so u can mix it up?

@hmmm..2733 - 13.09.2023 06:11

I didn’t know that you’re considered obese with body fat percentage over 30%… 5’7, 149 lbs, and at 39% body fat, I absolutely know that my next workout will be strength training!!

@lillygachugu550 - 01.09.2023 00:54

Thank you for the insight and excellent explanation. I turned 50 this year. I just started focusing more on strength training. I mix cardio and strength training. I will reduce on cardio and put more time on strengthen training. Thank you. ❤the videos

@daniellemagee6563 - 12.07.2023 19:27

Hi just wondering how many days should I strength train?? I too am at a point where the things I was doing just 3 years ago my body can't take today. I was used to 5 days a week working out doing strength along with cardio.

@MitchL4yt - 11.07.2023 14:03

This is a great motivator. Used to have sore knee all the time. I would say Yoga has greatly helped the knee. Been doing Yoga together with dance fitness and cardio boxing for a while now. I'm in my mid years so sounds like I need to make the switch to strength training soon.

@CharmaineSilva777 - 08.07.2023 02:59

This is very helpful. Thank you. I am 55 and was told by my OB/GYN after I had my kids I would never lose the weight because I have PCOS. After a bad marriage I had gained more. Well that marriage ended and now things are great except I feel like crap. Went to my PCP and why is everyone losing weight but I can't. I FEEL HORRIBLE! He told me to start counting calories and put me on phentermine. Well, I started working out counting calories and I have lost 61# so far. I want to change and just get healthy. Thank you for teaching all these techniques and explaining so much that no one else dose.

@jamescrane7034 - 01.07.2023 23:33

Great point ! all exercise is stressful or as it is said " Repetitive Motion causes stress in the body " Everyone needs Yoga, they just don't realize it , especially men who think they just have to lift heavy weights

@karenleboeuf8010 - 29.06.2023 23:33

Your videos rock I’m telling you I follow Caroline Girvan Yoga with Adrien and I’m telling you you are now coming along with me for the rest of my life Amazing

@karenleboeuf8010 - 29.06.2023 23:21

Hi there I resonated with this video so much. You have no idea. I’ve been working out and been really successful and now I’m 58 and I’m strength training doing yoga and ab routines. I took two hard falls, one on motorcycle and one power walking and let me tell you I didn’t break anything bc I’ve been so focused on weight training. One thing is I’m kind of addicted to it. Like I want to do all three every morning. Some mornings I have more power than others so I let myself have a bit of a break. This morning I felt like going for it so I pushed hard on Arms and Shoulders. I really appreciated your video. So great

@rhays615 - 28.06.2023 04:49

Thanks for this! After much success in the last three years combining resistance and cardio, with a heavy emphasis on cardio, I’ve been stuck. I was an aerobics instructor in the 80s too, so I was going off that old information. Definitely stepping up the strength training!

@californiahomefitness1132 - 24.06.2023 00:22


@Anita-yx6mm - 22.06.2023 06:18

Thank you. This was very helpful.

@diannaman1918 - 21.06.2023 08:53

Thank you so much and this was sooo helpful

@LouSanderson - 21.06.2023 02:42

Can you also address the benefits of weights for our bones regarding osteoporosis

@hopefulforhumanity5625 - 18.06.2023 04:11

Have you heard about VO2 max being the greatest predictor of longevity? Ive been hearing that lately and I think that leads back to cardio. Im so confused. The last 10 years I learned that weight training was king, and now I'm hearing cardio is king again.

@ayeshpandit - 16.06.2023 09:29

Hi, i have been lifting for quite some time, and i have gained menopausal weight. Question is, how many times during a week do i do strength? And how many times do i invest in Cardio?

@Chgogal1 - 14.06.2023 08:04

I’m a boomer and I grew up in the cardio generation too with Jane Fonda workouts, step aerobics etc. I have always enjoyed cardio and disliked strength training even though I know strength training is important, I always gravitate toward cardio first. I have a treadmill, a peloton bike and Lululemon Mirror. I just have a hard time making myself fit in my strength training. I need suggestions to have the motivation to strength train, because i just really don’t enjoy it.

@kathywiens9852 - 09.06.2023 21:58

I'm 63 and wish I'd known this information. I WAY overdid my cardio workouts through my 50s and realize how that was def not what I should have been doing. Especially as I was going through menopause. I've always loved exercising also, and it's been hard for me to tone it down. The past year I've been working with a naturopathic Dr and trying to find my best exercise plan. I still tend to go over what may be best for me, but I'm getting better.
I relate to everything in this video.

@raquel5401 - 09.06.2023 20:19

Just reinforced what I have been discovering for myself. As a 30 year fitness trainer I wish I realized it sooner also. And I am so glad you are spreading this message. Too many menopausal women still shy away from weight training, and muscle loss is already such a real health risk for women over 40 that it makes me worried for their functionality as they age. Thanks for this!!!

@danielrichwine2268 - 09.06.2023 20:11

I feel like Woody Allen in "Sleeper." Everything which I was taught was good for me (cardio, grains) is bad for me, and those things which I was taught was bad for me (fats and anaerobic exercise) is good for me...

@maxsmart8954 - 08.06.2023 18:44

Definitely cardio!

@dawngoode2853 - 08.06.2023 06:42


@lorishumate - 07.06.2023 18:05

I'm about to turn 60 and have post-menopausal weight gain of 20-25 lbs. I've been back at the gym doing strength training and some cardio for about 3 months. I haven't lost weight yet, but I do feel better. Back when I was 40 I also needed to lose 20 pounds and it took approx. 2 months at the gym before weight started shedding. I realize I need to cut more carbs out of my diet still, as I do enjoy wine. It's much easier for me to reduce bread and pasta than wine or chocolate. I am getting a lot from these videos and from reading the comments. It helps diminish the feeling of failure I have over not being able to shed the pounds. I feel more hopeful about it now.

@cedricmoore8053 - 06.06.2023 22:32

I'm glad I found you
Great video

@juliepalmer3126 - 06.06.2023 18:59

Just move! Do what works for you. Just do something, it all helps

@heathermarzanmcclary7958 - 05.06.2023 20:10

Do you have a favorite/accurate smart scale?

@ceciled2818 - 05.06.2023 19:11

Thank you for this content. I took a 6 year career break to raise my kids and then decided to go back to work last year. Unfortunately I didn’t realize I was also starting menopause (I’m 51 now) and started having a lot of anxiety/depression and stopped working out. It took a toll on me mentally and physically so ended up leaving my job. I decided to go on HRT and which has helped w my depression. I am ready to start working out again after one year of feeling miserable. Any tips on how I can start strength training again to avoid any injuries? I currently have two frozen shoulders started last year so trying to find what would help. Thanks for any info.

@alanrobertson3172 - 04.06.2023 22:20

She is talking nonsense.

@offshoretinker - 04.06.2023 13:26

Back then it was all about the leotard, just the same philosophy today.

@larrybulthouse455 - 03.06.2023 16:20

Hey theres something wrong here! Your white , bright ,and tight not suppose to be this way☺️. As a almost 67 year old mostly carnivore man I still lift weights but am still 30lbs overweight but thetes a reason i am which I wont share Ill only say this. NEVER GIVE UP
