What is the Worst Mega Evolution?

What is the Worst Mega Evolution?


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@LiamRichards-p6p - 16.02.2025 22:02

The flexibility Boosteroid provides is unmatched,I can game from any device I want.

@darkroast9907 - 16.02.2025 22:34

To be clear, Mega Beedrill may suck in doubles but it's actually terrifying in singles.

@ArthurJohnson-i6d - 16.02.2025 22:57

Boosteroid provides everything I need without breaking the bank.

@pedrohdalla - 17.02.2025 06:23

At least Mega beedrill was a beast at singles UU

@felixkuhl6476 - 17.02.2025 20:50

To someone who only plays pokemon go this list feels crazy

@Alvaro-q1r - 18.02.2025 03:35

Porque hablas en ingles

@LorisWu-n4q - 18.02.2025 04:37

Why did gengar had 60 hp even though hunter has 90 hp

@sborfe6269 - 19.02.2025 15:46

Mega incineroar is just straight up a worse version since incineroar is just the best Pokemon of all time

@gray6_ - 20.02.2025 10:33

this video is foreshadowing for him actually getting to use the noguard strategy on golurk :)

@KennyMunkres - 20.02.2025 22:27

Pokémon needs to take notes from this video

@GodpraisethePALANTINE - 20.02.2025 23:58

Ngl, Absol didn’t deserve a mega. Same with Audino. Give it to cooler Polemon.

@drizzmatec - 21.02.2025 06:09

The worst Mega evolution is clearly Dynamax/gigantamax

@SpartySylveon - 22.02.2025 05:04

BEEDRILL IS GOATED IN SINGLES ITS SOOO GOOD but this is doubles so I understand but it diserves some love also best mega design

@terrencethompson8423 - 22.02.2025 06:17

I have a theory, Mega Ampharos was meant for triples.

@Thundermouse009 - 22.02.2025 15:43

Mega ampharos just became a shampoo model when it mega evolve 😅

@PJOZeus - 22.02.2025 22:22

To be honest, just give Mewtwo it's gen 1 stats back, 154 in both specials
And some of these like Beedrill or Altaria are just.. wrong, zero consideration for the mon

@nickf.747 - 23.02.2025 00:21

aggron is my favorite pokemon so its competitive underperformance has always made me sad. like brother you're so close to being actually terrifying but your quad weaknesses are two of the most common offensive typings!!!! dude!!!!!!!!!!!

the mega is definitely an upgrade but you hit the nail on the head. there should have been More for it to do.

@ostint912 - 23.02.2025 01:30

Beedrill deserves intimidate

@carlosfandinosoto8506 - 23.02.2025 02:19

Well like u said, that might be true for VGC. But for singles mega beedrill is a solid pick. A total threat in UU. I even use it on OU with good results.

@guffels - 24.02.2025 02:58

Those altaria stats are so insane for story play though.

@cafecomleite8252 - 25.02.2025 04:38

I like the editing

@Monkey82484 - 25.02.2025 06:50

Well most of these are OP AF in singles and I hate doubles so I want a single list

@PeterMiles-u6e - 25.02.2025 08:46

i geussed mega beedrill legit 2 seconds before he said it

@theblackantonio - 25.02.2025 17:17

It's Garchomp. Mega Garchomp is the only mega evolution which is worse than the base form.

@edicor1 - 25.02.2025 21:22

Mega beedril is one of the CLEANEST designs of all the megas. Shame its stats are so bad 😂. But as a bugmaniac, I love my murderbee

@thaheartbreaker - 26.02.2025 02:50

Mewtwo and Blastoise deserve a buff

@ManDaWaeAlorian - 26.02.2025 03:32

My favorite: Mega Lucario, Adaptibility ability & learns Power Up Punch= unstoppable

@onyxlpolar689 - 26.02.2025 09:02

I used Mega Aggron a lot in ORAS, I would often automotize and use a slam move, more often than no that's all you needed lol.

@M.Nagim1997 - 26.02.2025 09:40

What do you think of mega blastoise after getting access to shell smash?
And what if they gave sharpeedo access to fishious rend ☠️it already has speed boost before mega and amazing coverage in poison fang "for fairy & grass types" additionally flinching opponents ot inflicting bad poison, also stap crunsh poosted by strong jaw after mega evolving, paired with priority aqua jet or sucker punch.
With some support it would be catastrophically OP, something like friend gaurd clefairy holding eviolite using follow me, or clefable holding rocky helmet to punish urshifo, shipping it down before finishing it off using moon blast, since both styles would be a perfect check to the shark, as they resist both it's stap & coverage (ice/poison fang), while naturally out-speeding it, & thanks to their ability it can't even protect in front of them to gain a speed boost increase. And considering it's paper thin defenses it's not living any hit they throw at it.

@AYNIK87 - 26.02.2025 17:10

Idk why GF do not give Garchomp dragon dance! I mean, c'mon he's a dragon, tyranitar can dragon dance but he can't, why? 😢

@ThomasTeamas - 27.02.2025 02:21

I completely forgot about mega beedrill

@TheDarkMewtwo996 - 27.02.2025 04:12

Imagine if they make mega-evolution not take your item slot in ZA.

I don't play competitive, I don't know what kind of impact this would have, but it would be cool right?

let's be honest, paradox pokemon are mega evolutions that can hold items, so it's not so crazy to think about, and, yeah, Mega Rayquaza lol.

@XaviBlom-z1j - 27.02.2025 11:46

I would switch Audino and Beedrill

@HiddenInTheReeds - 27.02.2025 20:16

This makes me want to win with mega beedrill

@Lucario-2.0 - 27.02.2025 22:34

Hopefully, we can see them performing better

@mutano1928 - 28.02.2025 19:43

Mega Barbaricle

@nathanweast4397 - 02.03.2025 01:46

You better hope Arin Hanson of Game Grumps doesn't see this video; you''ll provoke his proverbial beehive.

@MonkeyApe - 02.03.2025 02:04

This video could be a third of the length and be 10 times more effective. Adhd narration 😮

@DarthShard - 02.03.2025 04:46

I imagine it's not up to Wolfey, but I wish eh would just say, "singles," instead of "fanmade formats." I know it's not the intention, but it comes across as very dismissive.

@revix_d - 02.03.2025 21:16

This video popped up after starting my first playthrought on X & Y and I lost my shit at the thumbnail bc I chose Squirtle 😭😭

@zartoru_ - 03.03.2025 16:44

Mega audino is like so wierd, 'cause it's concept is pretty good on paper, except it just doesn't work with how pokemon is played at all, like for exemple mega audino could've been great in stuff like dynamax raids, or any situations in which you're teaming up with a bunch of other players, but somehow when they released a game in which there was a game mode in which mega audino could maybe shine, mega evolutions as a whole got removed lmao

@8onnie8oyz - 03.03.2025 18:13

As someone who used Sableye on my XY team, the mega rarely helped besides making me get two-shot instead of one-shot.

@Derpuixo - 03.03.2025 19:59

So u put garchomp in 10 while he's so bad u wouldent even want to mega evolve him? Logical

@Derpuixo - 03.03.2025 20:38

If mega alakazam could use trace as a move ot would probably be one of the strongest mega's in the game if u had a shedinja in ur team

@calciff - 03.03.2025 21:06


@MrSolomonGaming - 03.03.2025 22:31

A bit of secondary comment on each placing:
10- There was likely a bit of deliberating to prevent iconic Pseudo-Legendaries from being too strong from Megas. Though I think Salamance and Metagross missed said meeting vs Tyranitar and Garchomp.
9- In Theory, Mega Mewtwo X could be a mixed Attacker. Landing some lethal Low Kicks on the larger Restricted Mons while utilizing it's Special Attack for coverage. However you're giving a Restricted AND a Mega for this compared to what's more consistent. In a Professional, Tournament Setting, players typically want to go for what they absolutely know would work or has the best shot and countering what would 100% work.
8- Classic case of too glass of a glass cannon. The Pure Psychic typing doesn't do much of a favor.
7- I think people generally forget this Mega Exists. Also yeah when Mega Salamance exists this isn't worth the Mega Slot
6- This needed a secondary typing at least to work a little.
5- I hope Z-A updates this movepool. I feel Mega Ampharos would be good with a minor stat rebalance and a movepool update.
4- A wall needs something to properly punish trying to hit it with what it's best at walling. Blissey punishes Special Attackers with Status and Fixed Damage moves while out-sustaining. Aggron can't really hit back the Physical Attackers it wants to brick wall against.
3- I look at Mega Altaria and see a Monkey's Paw thing that would've happened if we got Mega Flygon.
2- A better Support Ability would probably help. But yeah most Megas are meant for big offensive pressure.
1- Bad typing, bad movepool and stupidly frail, a Route 1-2, Fast Evolving Bug Type getting a Mega Evolution was bound to end up like that.

@heelieeboy8 - 04.03.2025 06:02

As an ampharos enthusiast I hate you now
