I was a huge Virtua fighter guy, that was my favorite fighting game when it came out.
Ответитьforget their parents watching, what about their children coming across it? 🤣😂🤣
ОтветитьI'm surprised Lawler didn't find a wife here. 😂🤣😂
Ответитьwasn't Hogan responsible, at least partly, for XWF too? someone should do a deep dive in his failed promoting attempts. 😂🤣😂
ОтветитьIt was either Girls Gone Wild or George Foreman infomercials - there were also a bunch of infomercials for horrible products like scooters/yoyos/pain relief products - they were pretty much all hilarious to get high and make fun of. Also with really late night viewing you had the possibility of catching some really crazy stuff on Univision or Telemundo - crazy Spanish language soap operas and stuff. I remember watching one show - couldn't understand a word of it - but eventually a guy got sucked into a cheesy CGI vortex of fire and there was a guy with a gorilla mask that was never really explained to me (at least not visually). Early 2000's late night TV in America - good times.
ОтветитьIf VKM hadn't told Vince Russo to "Hire a nanny" in 1999 the WWE wouldn't have lost so much income between '00 and '03. And it would've likely still been watchable. (Sidenote: This Girls Gone Wild stuff makes me feel old. Looks like a bygone age for sure..)
ОтветитьLmfao at the crimewatch UK music on the four horsemen Flair advert.
ОтветитьOne of the best episodes ever!
ОтветитьBy today’s standards the series should be called “Girls Gone Mild!”….. I’ll see my way out.
ОтветитьGot through the whole thing as a dare to myself, I do not feel okay anymore.
Ответить03' in America was all about being horny and patriotic
ОтветитьStacy Keibler is like Longcat in human form.
Oh and Jay, clear out your locker and security will see you out of the building.
I didn't know about the big drop in early 2000's! I know wrestling has been on the decline for decades, but it really dropped fast. This was the era when HHH was on top. I know Diesel is known for not having a stellar championship run, but was there any run which caused as much people to quit wrestling as much as HHH's run?
ОтветитьI remember seeing the infomercials on Comedy Central at 3 am and as a 13 year old boy I was rather mesmerized.
ОтветитьThe "this wouldn't fly now" thing isn't true, people are more perverted than ever, it's just the internet replaced the need for this sort of thing.
ОтветитьJerry Lawler was the biggest uncle creepy bollocks ever
ОтветитьBack in the days when young women weren't all covered in hideous tattoos.
ОтветитьNidia looked great by the way! She got no credit.
ОтветитьOn E! TV I would watch Howard Stern, Wild On, and these infomercials, was very informative for a 15 year old.
ОтветитьOh damn I totally forget about these infomercials. I owned 3 dvds eventually. Good times 🎉
ОтветитьCoomer bait
Ответитьits really interesting to see what people focus on during different eras. A lot of titty focus but no ass focus. Some of these girls have flat asses. I dunno if that would fly nowadays.
No one would pass up these girls, though. then or now
That OOC is a real star....any chance he'll be appearing in Mary Land in 2023?
ОтветитьWhen that bird with bifocals said she's gizzang buzzing the Super Friends you guys totally overlooked Coach saying "RIGHT ANSWER GIRLFRIEND!!!" And I think he snapped his fingers several times too. Very odd
ОтветитьMy early 00's gf was the coolest...she bought me a Playboy subscription.... annnnnd she absolutely loved it straight up the snooper!!
ОтветитьWatching this reminds me of when the world felt normal, and not this bizarro reality we live in now.
ОтветитьThis is one of those things that I think I watched as a miserable 18 year old and am now hard pushed to explain to anyone what it was and why I bothered.
ОтветитьI traded my copy of devil may cry to a friend for a couple GGW dvds back in 2004 was well worth it.
ОтветитьOh no the orgasm talk lmao, lads, lotta women can have multiple in one session.
ОтветитьI almost died when I heard "I love it up the snooper" lmfao 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьI feel like I need a shower after watching this
ОтветитьIf you weren't watching late night reruns of everything else, ie Adult Swim/toonami, this was what was on.
ОтветитьUsa teenagers will never know the struggle of j/o to either GGW infomercials, scramble porn or the howard stern shoe. 😂 im not gross just speaking facts. AND YOU KNOW IT.
ОтветитьWould have been great if Bruce Hart was one of the 7 wrestles.
ОтветитьWell now … after the Vince lawsuit wooooo boy
ОтветитьA rollerball rocco mention, on OSW? fantastic stuff
ОтветитьGirls Gone Wild was worse than downloading porn for hours at the time and it is such a violent subversion of consent in retrospect.
ОтветитьGirls on wild 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI lived through this and have watched this episode before. I feel I need a shower this time. Good work lads.
ОтветитьCan't believe there were no mentions of the Girl Gone Wild steel drums.
ОтветитьI suddenly want a “OSW Gone Wild” playlist with this, Sunny Side Up, and Samurai Cop.
Ответитьsmashing pumpkins had the better tonight song