Zed, Vim, And The Problem Of Editors

Zed, Vim, And The Problem Of Editors


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@BFedie518 - 09.07.2024 02:14

Prime: "You're just not good enough at Vim."
Thorsten: "Here are two things you didn't know about Vim."
Prime: 🤯

@andrewcrook6444 - 09.07.2024 02:15

Plug-in dev Is there a scripting language, what language do you use and is there an api.

@yapdog - 09.07.2024 02:21

I loved this discussion. I'm developing an OS for creators (which includes devs, btw). It includes an editor/IDE... fully customizable. (i.e. any language can be used to modify it, even languages you create) All of these features are so easy to add and manage by anyone. I'll hit you up when we're in beta, Prime

@plusone.network - 09.07.2024 02:58

Yank Buffer Deez Nuts

@BFedie518 - 09.07.2024 03:22

A tip for people struggling with the delete/yank/paste thing: register 0 always has the last thing you yanked. Bind a shortcut to "0p (include the double-quote) to paste from there (I use <leader>p but you could overwrite the default p behavior if you want).

@bitfluent - 09.07.2024 04:14

[count]i is really nice for larger comment blocks. For example:

// ---------------------------------------
// My important comment
// ----------------------------------------

You can crank those things out 1 second with the key repeat.

@abombfuenmayor - 09.07.2024 05:01

vi prepper 😂 that hit home

@philosophia5577 - 09.07.2024 05:23

Dart and Flutter.

@mantovani96 - 09.07.2024 05:28

We need ThePrimeTime podcast

@Dazza_Doo - 09.07.2024 05:32

For Mac Only! Why?

@anhdunghisinh - 09.07.2024 06:35

1 thing i don't understand about Zed is it's claimming to be a vscode killer, yet not supported on Windows where there is a huge chunk of vscode users there.

@sub-harmonik - 09.07.2024 07:21

jq's command line interface is fine I guess, but I really am not that crazy about the language itself. been wanting to try jsonata or something instead

@natemaia9237 - 09.07.2024 07:38

As an X11 window manager author I feel the pain XD

@zeocamo - 09.07.2024 07:56

the tab bar thing is a NO GO for me, i don't want UI to take any place from my editing window that it don't need to.
UI need to be there for a reason, and not just to look good, ex. i use telescope to see my buffers if i need to know.
i only got 1 line for my status bar, with all the info i may need.
as long Zed can't do this, many of the really good devs don't want the editor.

@Gobbenobber - 09.07.2024 09:16

I tried using Zed but like all editors except for VSCode and Rider (possibly also VS but I'm not going to be going there again) there is no support at all for modern dotnet, eg. Blazor and I suppose razor pages in general are just not supported. Only VSCode has a plugin that is able to add support. No idea why but something something Roslyn or what do I know. Just sucks that I am forced to use a specific product because no editors support razor files in 2024.

@solidsteal - 09.07.2024 09:18

X11 problem.... this is where AI comes (or should come) in.

@nanthilrodriguez - 09.07.2024 09:27

Tmux+vim integrated pane navigation, and vim slime make it almost impossible for me to switch to anything else

@Burgo361 - 09.07.2024 09:35

The colemak jab hurt, I was enjoying the video and just got smacked out of nowhere haha

@batis188 - 09.07.2024 13:50

now i should use Zed editor,on Zorin GNU/LINUX wich used ZFS file system for programming Zig

@olafhartong - 09.07.2024 14:24

Great interview, thanks for this one

@T1Oracle - 09.07.2024 16:09

How does Zed compare with Helix? I like Helix better than NeoVim. Still haven't left VSCode yet, but I might one day.

@TheoAndersenCarton - 09.07.2024 16:32

You guys started talking about making software for developers were easier or more familiar because you know them, but ended out complaining about the needs of developers as well. I guess customers needs are universally tricky and annoying 😂

@davidstadelmann3278 - 09.07.2024 19:18

When writing in languages that act on a bit level (e.g. verilog/vhdl) you sometimes have to have exactly n zeros.


does really help for those guys 😊

@kolemannix8256 - 09.07.2024 19:54

Ok vim capital R users; come on out. What in the world do you use this for? I want to be convinced.

@joffreybluthe7906 - 09.07.2024 22:17

Thorsten really seems like a super cool guy, and I've been really enjoying how he's been documenting stuff at Zed in videos. That's really awesome that they talk about what they are building and their process, that's not very common but I think that's super interesting to hear!

@jdsee4520 - 09.07.2024 22:38

1000gs for everyone who forgets to lock their screen in the office

@cag1 - 09.07.2024 23:53


@rdmercer - 10.07.2024 05:22

i know in 2024 ppl dont really care about rotoscoping and greenscreen skills but Flip really upped the quality lately. These vids are so fresh and crisp I can taste the details!
I bet even Prime licks his monitor.
Like, doesn't everyone lick each one of Primes videos?

@rdmercer - 10.07.2024 06:13

these two gushing over vim motions is hilarious. the bromance is strong. buncha damn keyboard lickers. haha

@user-kr7xg3nf4c - 10.07.2024 07:20

I regularly do something like `println!("");`, put the cursor on the `"` and then do `50a*<ESC>` and I have a nice line of 50 *s that I can easily find in the logs when they're spammy and I need to focus on a specific section I'm working on.

@mgrillcoder - 10.07.2024 12:29

omg thanx for q: i had no idea what a was typing

@jacobleslie8056 - 10.07.2024 14:16

I've run usability tests on CLI tools and it is mind blowing. tested docs and also actually using the tool. also usability tested library implementations down to function names for packages that are going to be used by other people. amazing experience.

@artscollab - 10.07.2024 15:16

Obsession with editors is just a way to procrastinate about doing the actual work of programming.

@voidwalker7774 - 10.07.2024 23:40

I said it multiple times, and i say it again -> HELIX !!

The editor of your wet dreams, awesome keybindings, easy to use and configure and as sugar on top, cool syntax themes

@Hoowwwww - 11.07.2024 00:11

he the kind of devs that force everyone to switch to rust, then your projects takes 50 minutes to compile when you change a letter, then he leaves the company to infest yet another team with rust

rust people ruin programming in general

@ThomasWSmith-wm5xn - 11.07.2024 03:02

I really want to like zed and I will be able to completely switch if they can get auto close and rename tags to work. Its suuuch a basic thing that absolutely wrecked me when I tried ~working~ with zed.

I also really don't like the AI integration, they are trying to shove down my throat.

@someman7 - 11.07.2024 03:59

PSA: Zed seems to be libre software now, and compiles for GNU/Linux. Now I'm interested.

@jorge28624 - 12.07.2024 01:11

I miss him (too?), and you should be able to finish that joke without any repercussion whatsoever.

@flanwithaq2724 - 12.07.2024 05:34

Zed don't even work on arch yet zawg

@kilrain_dev - 12.07.2024 07:56

I guess he said no

@Geraldonimosito - 12.07.2024 12:01

I get that js devs aren’t switching to Zed yet. But as a Rust dev I’ve been using it since the closed beta and I’m never going back. VSC is slow as hell.

@samuelschwager - 12.07.2024 12:06

real pros use zmacs

@desvendandoornasaude4127 - 12.07.2024 19:43

I tried Zed today on linux. I think it will be better than vs code one day, but it is still slower than my beloved neovim.

@kamertonaudiophileplayer847 - 13.07.2024 02:36

This is the reason why I wrote own editor.

@theLowestPointInMyLife - 13.07.2024 21:42

people please, stop using x11, its over, just let it go

@OnStageLighting - 13.07.2024 23:12

The thwarted Vi prepper actually used Colemak DH and didn't have their USB stick, so everyone died.
