Good to see trivial shit is so important to Mr Dutton 😅
ОтветитьSorry,,,, just need to ask Australians in general
ОтветитьOnya Matt 🇦🇺🇦🇺
ОтветитьDutton is trying to make political an issue of something people do not really care about. Aborigines are entitled to be recognised as the first Australians, especially after the disgraceful way they have been treated. He is trying to make out that people will lose some sleep over this issue. He no doubt has Pauline Hanson agreeing with him.
Ответить100% one flag that unites us.
ОтветитьSame in NZ
ОтветитьIndigenous is part of being an Australian.
1 people, with different blood lines
I don't see the Native Indians of the US have their own flag .America is a symbol of Democracy and the original occupiers of the Land do not make it an issue at all. I am not saying we must follow the US but making it a good example as a united country.
ОтветитьCmon even New Zealand voted to our keep the current flag when we had a referendum. Be proud of both parts.. the Indigenous and the British Commonwealth. We need to stick together It's a big bad world out there.
ОтветитьOne NATIONAL flag, all other flags under it and no other equal to it like what the USA does.
ОтветитьGood on Peter Dutton, about time
ОтветитьSo he won't stand in front of the Aboriginal Flag, but he will stand in front of the Australian/British Flag, I thought Australia was an Independent nation not still under British Occupation. This also reminds me of What Adolf Hitler said, "ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer" One People, One Nation, One Leader.
ОтветитьYeah right. Aborigines have lived here in nature for sixty thousand years. Colonial England had a problem with prisoners. They lived on giant barges in the swamps. They were dying by the thousands and were thrown as carcasses into the swamps so some bright spark come up with Australia, who Captain Cook said was uninhabited. So convict slaves were used to build colonies here. It did not matter that they died because there are thousands more for disposal. So we had the union jack. At federation we had our red flag made. Then there was the Blue flag . Both were used when a boy.. itis now recently the aboriginal flag is recognised. 240 yrs of predujice , persecution, genocide, enslavement, stolen children. Always itis easy for whites to take advantage of peaceful people .when I was in primary school, a teacher told me the Roma Catholic church did everything it could to not recognise aboriginal people because it did not match the bible. I had another teacher who brought in six aboriginal children and make them stand up the back. The rest of the class were ten yr Olds. The brown kids were aged between 14-17yrs. Then this teacher who was a chain smoker told us to turn around and look at them and said to us these boys are not quite human. Andhra pressed the class to agree with him. I don't know what happened to those boys, young men. That is how I have always viewed Matt kanavan. T
ОтветитьOld Poms just won't give up!!!!
ОтветитьDutts NEXT AUSSIE PM. , good message behind matt canavan on the screen .
YES , and about time.
Ответить200% one flag, all Australians are under the same flag,
ОтветитьSo we'll be united if Dutton stands before just the one flag. That's all it takes apparently. It is really an issue that is not all that important right now. Instead of talking about trivial matters we are for instance still waiting for Dutton's nuclear energy plan. Promised (again) this week so we'll see if it eventuates. These are the things that count, it can't be all that bad in this country if a flag is the talk of the town right now.
ОтветитьYou fight under the Australian flag. The rest are just decorations for your wall.
ОтветитьThe amount of flags raised in the schools sickens me. I thought i was driving pass UN building. Get rid of the rest. One Nation, One Flag!
ОтветитьAustralian : one nation one flag. Immigrants : One world.
ОтветитьAll the idiots are pulling flags out their arses Australia has one national flag 🇦🇺
ОтветитьDuh! Flags have long been part of shiploads of different Nation's Cultures, and never been part of others. For good reason.
ОтветитьYes!!! 1 flag!!!
ОтветитьO, O, Peter Dutton jest said………. ONE FLAG, So he must be a genius. The bloke is a joke and a criminal.
ОтветитьAustralia islands day should give native islanders memorabilia bag or good hood bag with tent hat thongs umbrella hygiene goods wet weather gear rain coat to recognise the lowest income tax payer economy requiring discount card and bamboo cabin park and gdp standards mega project dam port rail upgrades
ОтветитьI’m sick to my guts about minorities trying to run Australia
If they don’t like a unified Australia they can piss off back to their shitty countries
Na we need 200 flags ,why not
ОтветитьThis is common sense ! Australians have had enough of these flags in yr face, welcoming us to our own country etc we are a one nation , not different ! I was born here , my whole family were born here, this is my country , it doesnt belong to some other peoples! So dont force that nonsense down our throats ! The " no" voice said it all , live with that
ОтветитьOne nation , australia , one flag, and im proud of it, and my father fought in the 2nd ww under that flag for freedom, not under 3 flags ! Give this devisive nonsense of 2 other flags. And welcoming me to my own native country down the drain! We wont have it , or put up wth this nonsense! No more
ОтветитьBest news ever from peter dutton. Saying what all common sense australian citizens think ! Enough of this rot now !
ОтветитьThe man that designed this flag wasnt even of aboriginal descent ! How is that snippet of info going to go down ?
ОтветитьAlbanese hates white people...loves blacks. Muslims. Indians
ОтветитьAustralia is racist country, white masters talking about stealing money and lands resources to make themselves rich and Australia people stay poor forever
ОтветитьBut..Why are we dribbling about flags, when we celebrate under an English flag? Wake up losers...
Ответить🙏❤👍🇦🇺👍 🙉 🙈 🙊 ❤ 🇦🇺 🆗️ 🇦🇺👍🌞
ОтветитьI call on people like you to stop being so divisive and racist.
ОтветитьCause by Penny Wong!
ОтветитьThe Australian flag is sometimes used to make a racist statement. Probably more than 60% of our current population were not born in Australia. Those people who drive around or town on Australia Day flying the flag, might not be the most well-intended. The police should question them.
ОтветитьLabor's job is to divide that's their orders they received from the w.e.f.
ОтветитьWhat really sticks in the craw, is the Left's insistence on dividing our nation into competing tribes, even with separate flags, while claiming that the Right is "divisive."
ОтветитьThank Mr Dutton. We are one people, one nation one flag - Australian Flag. We don't need any extras and we don't need another referendum.
ОтветитьHow about getting both parties to unite to put the ABC in its place that would be an achievement
ОтветитьThe Australian flag is the ONLY flag that should be flying. The rest are just attention seeking, angry little groups.
ОтветитьA/ stray/ aliens is how middle easterns pronunciation of Australians,
Neo Colonialism doesn't recognise indigenous sovereignty /ancestral inheritance we ain't the same people,
Theyre discussing welcome to country different cultures
Real welcome to country like a ceremony smoking before thry do welcome dance sing so forth
Welcome to country today speech recongise an educate non indigenous peoples
Indigenous are different race theyre not from England or Ireland
Even indians or Muslims or Chinese or Italians or Israelis even kiwis everyone but white people of Australia think indigenous people are the same as white australians or same as other migrants
What a stupid fucking idea