I want to see her numbers and her actually doing these things. The hours spent and competition does not make it very lucrative
ОтветитьI want fresh flour seriously!!!
Ответить"We need more everyday people to get involved in farming" Never a truer statement spoken!
ОтветитьBefore anything write a business plan. It’s not what you like to grow, it’s what will people buy. What’s your farming experience, not gardening. Are you willing to be a woofer? What products give you the best S.F.return? What can you offer that’s value added. What are the regulations for your products? Better to measure twice and cut once.
ОтветитьIm from Czech, i just want u to know, u have beautiful english, i can understand every word ❤👌
ОтветитьMay I suggest you find "The Grape Grower" by the late Lon Rombough. You can read it in two afternoons while waiting out snowstorms. Way more options beside Concord grapes, including your region. I learned to graft fruit trees & now have eight apples growing out back that I'd never heard of before beginning this project. Grapes can earn you $$ faster than apple trees, but would make an excellent sideline. (My goals for apples were: no poisons, can endure near-desert conditions and yield each year. Winners so far? Goldrush, Winekist, Redfield, Claygate, Maiden Blush. Promising names to be proven in the next few years: Otterson, Clark's Crabapple, Mere Pippin, Orange Colorado.
ОтветитьDo you have a book list you'd recommend? I also subscribe to your substack, I'd love to see an article on recommended books/reports/blogs.
Ответитьgeez, wonder where is this garden of eden , where everything grows without massive protection efforts against every sort of predator and invader, theft and plain ol mother nature on a dbl down the moment your plants are getting happy.,,,, sounds like a nice chain to a financier is in order to make profit, if you can call it that..
ОтветитьDid you mention selling honey, other bee products?
ОтветитьI'm a small farmer in South Texas on 14 acres. I would like to add waste management to the list. Our soil is trash down here. Local businesses that produce food waste pay us to pick up blue plastic barrels every week. We sheet compost this using Albert Howard's Indore method. Tractor, flat bed trailer and a truck is all you need to hustle up clients. We are restoring our land with the best soil imaginable and getting paid to do it!
ОтветитьI love your videos, but do you understand that farms are being shut down Oregon is right now shutting down small farms they’ve done run one round and they’re getting ready to do a second round right now Idaho, Idaho or Utah. I can’t remember is shutting down small farms so when you state that you think we’re gonna go towards small farms rather than big farms, I think you might have your information wrong or I’d like to know where you’re getting your information from? I know really I’m being honest. I would love that to be true. That would be the best but right now farms all over the country are being shut down and put out of business and China and Bill Gates are buying up the farmland and that’s not a lie that is actually a fact. So I just wanna know where you get that information so I can read it so I can be informed properly. I’m not dissing you. I just wanna know.
ОтветитьIt is extremely telling that you believe raising wheat, and milling your own flour is that easy.
ОтветитьVeggies are not profitable unless you do large scale. Cut flowers is better investment
Ответитьstop it!
ОтветитьI completely agree with her about the ag revolution that is about to happen.
ОтветитьAs a full time farmer I will tell you “no till” farming on any scale higher then back yard garden; does not work with out extreme use of herbicides. I did a decade long study that proved “no till” was the leading cause of colony collapse in honey bees due to the herbicides required for the practice. Yes small scale you can pull weeds, mulch etc. but on 100’s of acres no till is the devil in my opinion lol 😢
P.S. bring your ambition to my farm and we will conquer the world lol 😊
I enjoy your content. The acoustics are a bit detracting. Maybe set up a couple of blankets, just for the 10-11 minutes your talking into the camera. I do that in my kitchen when I make talking head videos. The lighting is great, but the sound not so much, but a couple of blankets and it sounds so much better!
ОтветитьLove it. Alex F, farmer. :) Who knew?
ОтветитьIs there still a way to do it if you have bad credit?
ОтветитьWhat an inspiration you are, and what a generous human. BRAVA!
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this intresting information.
ОтветитьNut milk is gross and terrible for you lol
ОтветитьHoney you have a lot more learning to do and a lot less teaching. Glad your interested.... and I hope your farm stand makes the payments on that amazing building your standing in .
ОтветитьFlower farmers don't harvest everything at the same time. Most of us have flowers blooming the entire season as we plant a lot of different flowers that bloom at different times. The pollinators will be fine. LOL
ОтветитьHow do you get a free high tunnel??
ОтветитьI love how you worry about the pollinators, it shows that you really care about the environment over making money.
ОтветитьThank you again....
Ответить"Just started growing vegetables" and in the same breath "Just throw the seeds around" ... Yeah, How dumb one needs to be to take this BS seriously . 45Yrs growing Summer squashes & Brussels sprouts on a 225acres prime top soil farm . It ain't easy and especially it ain't cheap to go from the IDEA to realization . Good day . I have seen my share of folks divesting all their inheritances into a dead end idea without ever having reaped any benefits or pleasure .
ОтветитьI'm 28 this is my second year growing food I pretty much grew everything last year and didn't have alot to sell and some stuff didn't work out so I'm focusing on things that grow well also that last and sell this year like fruit cuz real local fresh fruit will literally be gone the same day. I got 5 kinds of strawberrys some grapes rasberry and blackberry blueberrys also luckily we had lots of wild huckleberrys. Hopefully more to come I'm thinking currants gooseberry honey berry. Hopefully I can do fruit trees next year too.
ОтветитьGood stuff. Thanks for sharing
ОтветитьHow did you fund and build that building you are in?
ОтветитьI helped a farmer and his family on their 230 acre diary farm in Wisconsin a number of years ago with 100 head of cows, slaughtered 40 chickens in the afternoon between milking the cows in their clean sterile barn and shoveled manure out of the barn. Their customers came to the farm for fresh milk, chicken meat and eggs and vegetables. What a wonderful family and small farm.
ОтветитьIn many states not enough money per foot paid to actually completely pay for a high tunnel. You make it sound easy but it isn’t. If you want to make enough to live think about starting a channel as well. You will need the income. Best of luck.
ОтветитьIsn't it strange that the Human Species is the only species that's never been weaned
ОтветитьI wish the girl was as right about these topics as she is passionate....smdh
ОтветитьI am a Nebraska farm boy that enjoys your videos. Are you aware of this gentleman? "Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow."
ОтветитьYou should look into the benefits of freshly milled whole grain flour. Most of the nutrients in flour oxidize and break down within the first week it's on the shelf. You'll do your community a massive service by offering flour milled same day and sharing the benefits, and a small recipe pamphlet. It's loaded with b vitamins, vitamin E, chromium. Foods made from commercial flour have a bad reputation because they're missing so much of what makes them a time honored staple food for thousands of years when flour was ground in the home or at small local mills, and used quickly.
ОтветитьThere is nothing ethical about animal agriculture. It provides a product that has been proven time and time again through multiple studies to be unfit for human consumption. The new USDA dietary guidelines encourage people to give it up altogether or minimize it in their diet.
Secondly, and more importantly, there is no justification for murdering innocent, intelligent, sentient beings. These animals are slaughtered at two years old when their normal life expectancy is 15 to 20 years. The only reason for the existence of animal agriculture is to provide people with jobs, but these individuals could easily do something that is not destructive. Keep in mind, these people choose to be murderers—that is the sad part of it.
Great video straight to the point
ОтветитьI find it interestingly anomalous that plants change sunlight into food yet the farmers almanac predicates planting upon the moon cycle? Does that not seem unusual to anyone else?
ОтветитьWhat's the cons in getting a farm number, do you have to pay taxes on what they give you for free?
ОтветитьI think Goats is amazing, so micro farming is amazing
ОтветитьAm i the only microgreens farmer here 🙂 its weird that it is not included in the video .. isn’t it profitable guys ?
I am doing microgreens business , i started last year and expanded my farm this year , i will be selling to markets on April, i don’t know how it will go , i spent alot of money expanding the farm and i am the only organic microgreens farmer here in my country
Watching from Northeast India
ОтветитьThis video comes from no actual experience. It is a bunch of hypothetical situations and assumptions about how farm businesses could or might be.
ОтветитьWell, actually got a bear in mind. This is why most Americans overweight in America only because the most of the food ingredients most of the world will never accept it. And it's banned around the world. Own America, you accept it. That's why most Americans are very, very unhealthy. American general does not take care of their own people to all capitalism about money and greed. About self-indulgent and arrogance. America does not take care of their own people. And you're gonna pay for that if you discontinue.