How Much Does it Cost to Win an Election?

How Much Does it Cost to Win an Election?

The Young Turks

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@oneofmetwo - 20.03.2013 06:09

This sounds like an absolutely disastrous idea that will quickly lead to feudalism. IMMEDIATELY, anyone with a any amount of possession will either leverage it to 'voluntarily bribe others' and gain more wealth and influence for themselves, or they will quickly lose everything they have to someone who beat them to it.

@TheMonolith20001 - 20.03.2013 06:20

Next up in the list of utterly terrible ideas, replacing vaccines with just injecting the disease right into the face with a shot gun and investing your money by putting it all in a shoe box and set it on fire.

@doobydoo - 20.03.2013 06:22

cenk just explained fascism...

@jackstah99 - 20.03.2013 06:29

Do something about it

@jackstah99 - 20.03.2013 06:30

I'm not trying to say that negatively I like you guys but instead of throwing around numbers and statistics please do something :)

@BranDenhauer - 20.03.2013 06:52

Specifically, the US is a constitutional republic, but in a broader sense it is also considered a representative democracy, as a constitutional republic is a type of representative democracy. But you are right in that we are not a true democracy, which as you probably know is one of the worst forms of government ever to be devised.

@aDuckGaming - 20.03.2013 07:07

The 100 calls/1 call thing gave me CRAZY de ja vu.... someone go find it :O

@hermanncain4297 - 20.03.2013 07:08

I think it's good that the representatives dont have time do much more than raise money. Keeps them from making Bloomberg legislation.

@bibleboy316 - 20.03.2013 07:13

Bloomberg pushing the soda ban, Libs pushing the assault weapons ban... seems like it's human nature is keep one's preferred ideology alive at any cost, no matter how unreasonable/unpopular. So I wonder if Tea Partiers will really side with Wolf Pac, since they know their political influence will die without corporate money boosts. Getting money out of politics is absolutely right, but will non-progressives tactically support it if it means their preferred ideology dies?

@oneofmetwo - 20.03.2013 07:16

Btw, I think no mandatory taxes would be GREAT... if people were nice by nature. But we ain't :-(. So as Cenk says "said day." :-) So I think I see your principle.

@OrionMaybs - 20.03.2013 07:42

I dont have that kind of money.......damn!

@Henbot - 20.03.2013 08:29

well banks and large corporations practically behave like an feudalistic land barons and lords already.

@TruthS33keR145 - 20.03.2013 08:49

Fascism,plain and simple.

@81tystacks - 20.03.2013 08:59

You have to be incredibly naive to believe there is any difference in a republican or democrate politician. Left and right balls of the same dick fucking America come on cenk you no better

@WrenkingMeat - 20.03.2013 09:24

STOP BLAMING MONEY for these elections! Its NOT the MONEY. Its the stupid ignorant VOTERS who keep voting them in! Almost everyone has internet, you could see all the records of all the politicians voting records, and who their campaign contributors are. Every seat in Congress has a Green Party or Libertarian party available to vote for. No matter how much money a politician raises, he cant win if he cant fool the voters. Vote for an alternative party.

@tomgeleta6507 - 20.03.2013 09:42

There is no such thing as voting.

@Chazreal - 20.03.2013 09:50

Democracy is a government determined by the idiot. Hence why America's education system has been perpetually diluted, the majority of the low income working class population is too busy working, or distracted by quality mind numbing media like "Jersey Shore" and "Real Housewives". Any informed voter is out weighted by a 1000 ignorant and or bought off ones on programs. Democracy doesn't work, government doesn't work, may as well have anarchy cause at least it's more honest.

@howtofuckamockinbird - 20.03.2013 09:51

CENK! Welcome back! Speaking the truth as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT CENK! if you read this... (bet not but i ll say anyway) the people around you are not like you! when you are not around... Its all different. Be careful!!!

@LarryPhischman - 20.03.2013 10:21

Michele Bachmann spent about $17 million to keep her seat.

@christopherdisorbo7793 - 20.03.2013 10:37

True, in the USA they are completely unnecessary though. In the U.K and other Parliamentary republics they make sense because there they vote for the party and not so much the man.

@Icescout21 - 20.03.2013 13:39

We have known this for years the answer is "about tree-fiddy"

@dashthepoet1 - 20.03.2013 16:24

So every one go look up any green party candidates who might be running for congress where you are.Vote for some one different from the Democraps. Even if the candidate doesn't win if the Dems start losing votes to progressive third parties their policies will start moving on over to the left.

@systekmusic - 20.03.2013 19:06

When I get my next paycheck I will definitely donate to Wolf-Pac :)

@hyksos74 - 20.03.2013 19:29

One thing I like about the UK: as I understand it, the amount of time a candidate may spend campaigning prior to an election is very strictly limited, as is the amount they can spend; further, significant donations must be declared ("significant" is somewhere between £50 and £7500 depending) - I'm not sure whether this data is publicly accessible, though.

@skillyerd311 - 21.03.2013 00:11

keep up the good work TYT!

@Thepunisher90thGaming - 21.03.2013 00:49

if i was to have a super pac it would be named : KNWO Government everyone has their own ideals but we all contribute to making voting smarter and more effective and no buy outs or corp lobbying will be allowed the candidates we pursuit are well established and are actually well suited for their upcoming occupations, UNLIKE U OBAMA U FRAUD.

@MrFinnboy69 - 21.03.2013 02:06

So... you are a racist nazi or.....

@timmg3 - 21.03.2013 03:47

... But it's always been this way. Do you think our founding fathers were the average yeomen from pennsylvania or large plantation owners from virginia? Read Revolutionary Characters by Gordon Wood and then study history and sociology. You'll see that while the founders did create a pathway, every society will have an elite class and is it wrong for them to be elite? Then read Gospel of Wealth by Carnegie. My point is Cenk simplifies the issue too much to put in a short 6 minute video.

@aldushuxley - 21.03.2013 04:38

Does anyone actually think their elected officials have the slightest interest in anyone but themselves?

@posflow5272 - 21.03.2013 05:16

I'll pour out some liquor for the good ol' days.

@1969JohnnyM - 21.03.2013 05:57

The system here isn't perfect, it has faults but one good thing is we have a cap on how much can be spent on an election & so it makes it possible for ANY citizen to be able to run & also increases the chance that your voting for someone due to their ability rather than the best spin & propaganda that money can buy. Other improvements could be by paying for elections out of the state's coffers & thus remove outside influences & instead get representatives who are only indebted to the nation.

@AESir420 - 21.03.2013 14:31

The Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same counterfeit coin. It's time to choose the third party who believe in the true American ideal - VOTE LIBERTARIAN!

@408Magenta - 21.03.2013 15:28

Ab-fucking-surd. Absurd!!!

@AsifIcarebear3 - 21.03.2013 20:23

If you're trying to insinuate that I live in an undeveloped world, you're sorely, horribly mistaken.

@AsifIcarebear3 - 21.03.2013 20:26

You misunderstand. This is currently reality - I'm 21 years of age and I have never seen an add explaining the benefit of gay marriage or whatever political issue. I guess it's simply because my society isn't rotten to the core like the USA is, and we're not used to corrupt politicians.

@TrackStarUSF - 22.03.2013 05:41

Rand Paul won without the backing of corporations. But Cenk doesn't like that so he supports Obama, the corporate puppet.

@charleshenderson3447 - 22.03.2013 10:07

I've said politicians have been playing the public against each other for years. Oh well, at least cenk herd me.

@thunderpi - 22.03.2013 14:35

Yes I am aware of that. I live in the UK and know that such heavy regulation exists. Massive levels of people are still apethetic and vote on really bad informtion, even without tv ads. It's a problem with society/people in general. Frankly I think its more to do with poor education standards.

@bary1234 - 22.03.2013 14:48

Cenk does not support Obama. Never has, never will.

@TrackStarUSF - 22.03.2013 17:29

@bary1234 Lol! Welcome to TYT, let me show you around.

@TrackStarUSF - 22.03.2013 17:32

@Charles Henderson For years you say... LOL

@celt67 - 23.03.2013 20:40

America is the world's largest Banana republic.

@TieXiongJi - 27.03.2013 04:52

That was how the world worked before governments and states. Have you read up on how that worked out? Might makes right...

@vargo4281993 - 09.04.2013 07:48

Good evening Cenk I've been watching TYT for a couple of months now and I respect you and the rest of the cast of this alternative news channel. I've also been wondering if you and the rest of the cast can please do a video about Hemp?

@hyksos74 - 22.05.2013 15:00

I meant that I don't know if the list of declared significant donations is publicly accessible data.

@Aeroldoth3 - 15.09.2013 07:22

While wolf-pac seems like a nice idea, I can't see it working. Seems like too little, too late. Seems like a full out revolution is the only thing capable of fixing a completely corrupt gvmt.

@hellcat1988 - 04.09.2014 21:48

I still love how this idea of "money wins the seat" was smashed when the speaker of the house lost his seat.

@TheStevehuff - 17.04.2015 08:13

Great ideal lets get to work.

@smokyondagrass2353 - 05.10.2016 02:24

you still have to ask why do people need the money to get elected in the first place.

@fatqueer6166 - 11.04.2017 15:56

sad enough that you can buy yourself into Parlament! no wonder the world is run by cunts


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