PATH of EXILE 2: GGG Answers All Our Questions - Pause on DC, Pickup Radius & Cast on Dodge Roll?

PATH of EXILE 2: GGG Answers All Our Questions - Pause on DC, Pickup Radius & Cast on Dodge Roll?

ZiggyD Gaming

6 месяцев назад

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@TBrandt027 - 08.02.2024 11:26

Drinking game: After every 100th time Jonathan says "Like".

@MasterDirox - 08.02.2024 07:32

If you don't want power levels to be "exponentializing" the first thing to look at are exponential power multiplier mods. Power increases can still feel significant, without an unrestrained multiplicative compounding of damage values. If PoE2 is to be its own separate game, I feel that a lot of people want a more methodical, tactical, uncluttered, good feeling experience. And off-screen glass cannon zoom with many indistinguishable AoE mechanics, just isn't that.

@yup873 - 07.02.2024 05:04

Is path of exile, mobile still a thing?

@GymShu69 - 03.02.2024 13:38

Give people the option to toggle on/off all micro and replace other players with the model from the character choice screen with whatever they are wearing without its MTX

@GymShu69 - 03.02.2024 13:07

“I feel like these are the arguments that developers now are too scared to answer”. This is why these developers are the real deal. It’s such night and day listening to these guys talk vs AAA developed talk. This is how we make capitalism work right, the people in charge actually know the job. 🎉. I am so excited about these changes he talks about because he actually understands what it’s like to be a player and he understands the game in and out.

@GymShu69 - 03.02.2024 12:54

Change your cursor to feet if you will have to move to pick it up. Problem solved?

@Mic_Glow - 03.02.2024 02:21

Would be cool if Chaos Innoculation actually completely replaced the health globe... the 1/1 HP is useless at this point
Speaking of flasks, the fact they don't refill during a boss fight sort of forces people into going 100 million dps and killing the boss in <30 seconds. During mapping, killing trash mobs flasks have near 100% uptime, when you don't really need them that much. At a boss, when you need them most, they aren't reliable. Especially if you want to do a "normal" fight and not use a cookie-cutter meta build than can just rotflstomp the boss in 10 seconds

@jarenb2331 - 31.01.2024 03:29

PAUSE DURING DC IS GENIUS. HARDCORE PLAYERS LOVE YOU. Do multiplayer do on toggle option of party. Everyone pauses and you either wait to leave party which puts you in your hideout!!

@WreckerofDays - 31.01.2024 00:55

@ZiggyDGaming , your chapters are amazing. Thanks for the extra detail and effort! I love the chapters! (And, of course, awesome job hosting, as always.)

@bupkissbananaband3237 - 27.01.2024 23:15

how is it hard to understand that on death effects are gone after the last mob has been killed? you kill the last mob, no more damage to worry about -- sounds amazing to me

@overstimulate - 27.01.2024 06:11

i like to use left click and right click, that's it. i dont like playing piano on my keyboard, if i wanted that id play shitty wow

@12345Ninja54321 - 24.01.2024 15:34

Question regarding respecing points: why GGG think that respecs are mistakes on the skill tree? Sometimes I want to experiment with few skills in Act 9 for example around lvl 65. For that I have to respec some points to try them from fire to chaos. Is that a misstake to experiment with other skills, when they create a sandbox game?? is there no solution for it like a quest item view time which give players 6 respec points. Within the concept of POE 2 it would also make sense to have side quests or bosses which allow that below level 70???

@norbertrezz6237 - 23.01.2024 02:20

forgot to mention about trading site,make it better!

@Nobody-hc1rw - 18.01.2024 13:06

Man i loved it when Jonathan popped off, you can see how happy he is talking/explaining about it.
This interview low key makes me hate the Blizzard interviews about Diablo 4 even more :')

@nickjman1987 - 18.01.2024 00:31

I hate mf gear mechanics. The other gearing concerns ( dps, def, mobility, utility) all feel like tangible improvements of your character. Mf just feels like interactong with the game's rng mechanics.

@yurei8368 - 17.01.2024 22:02

I mean, the clear answer to why Melee People hate the melee totems (other than the fact that Melee People hate everything at all times, heh) is that they don't want to be placing and upkeeping totems, they want to be DOING MELEE. The totem is a distracting side thing they need to maintain for optimal damage, but it distracts from the playstyle they're chasing i.e. boffing one guy in the face with an axe, then moving to the next face in line. Anything that isn't "I hit the bugger with my GIANT AXE" is a distraction Melee People don't want. Unsure why it's hard to see.

@TruthSlayer00 - 17.01.2024 15:25

F Death effects!

@SvargasName - 17.01.2024 14:45

Maybe the problem with on-death effects is that they can kill you. Which is not required to make you react to a mob in a pack dying. On-death effects could be about crowd control, damage taken increase, displacement, etc. Can even reduce your health, just don't kill on it's own.

@RichHeart89 - 17.01.2024 10:14

The annoying thing about melee totems: Activation range. Why the hell can I place spells totem on the edge of the screen behind a corner behind a closed door where they can unleash a torrent of projectiles everywhere with 0 risk, 0 interaction with any other mechanic or even have them move with skills like Lightning warp of Flame Dash while Ancestral totems are just stationary buffs with activation range so short you'd have actual melee skills that can reach farther.

Make transfigured versions of them: Like have a version of Ancestral Warlord that jumps around aggressively jumps around hunting enemies like the Vaal version does but doesn't have a buff for the player, Or an Ancestral Protector that doesn't give attack speed but moves by dashing around and near the player striking anything that comes too close.

Give melee totems identity: Ballistas have their place as a sort of an artillery, spell totems are all about flexibility. Maybe The melee totems should have mobility as their defining feature.

@davidkerr7 - 17.01.2024 04:09

Great listening to dev how actually know and understand their game at such a deeper level.

@final3d - 17.01.2024 00:41

There are a lot of things to collect for crafting, even those that you don't know or will never use. And all this in order for people to buy more bags. I quit playing because of this. Well, too much crap is falling. It is necessary to live by it, to delve into it a lot, to read for something, for what it is. The game has become too complicated. Sometimes you just can't play anymore. The game gets overly complicated. We need to look at reviews and builds. Everything is changing, builds are changing, the old does not work as before. To take this grove, well, it's such nonsense to grow plants. You need to play and not figure it all out. I liked the descent, the lower the more difficult it was. Only the design would have been changed - the lower the more different the gloomy levels the others would be. Otherwise, everything is the same visually. I'm playing diablo right now. It's more beautiful. I'm talking as a designer. Although the talents there are bad, there is no flexibility. But there is not such an endless number of things that are not needed.
and it doesn't really piss you off when you can't die to get the highest lvl. This means you need to go to old proven weak locations that are not interesting to farm experience.

@user-ob1fw7gd3u - 16.01.2024 21:56

I am so jealous, I wish I could participate to these Q&A in person.

@ericcrone8768 - 16.01.2024 10:04

An idea regarding after death effects (specifically dots):

Have ignite, poison, corrupted blood, w/e after death dots pool together when the magic/rare pack is killed and cause a little explosion. This at least makes the effects active, we should be able to dodge said explosion, but eliminates them sitting around as we are trying to loot. Obviously this would be new animations and efforts, so maybe it doesn't come in right at launch, but if done appropriately it would be very clear to the player to avoid the ball of fiery/poisony/icy/bloody death forming.

@DustMan2704 - 16.01.2024 06:41

Nothing but irrational, irrelevant and nonsensical questions.
Man POE players are DUMB af.

@Caldaron - 15.01.2024 22:29

the pasugin sounds super weird, it should be that you should be forced pause themoment someone hits pause. you can force unpause when you kick that guy out.

@mobjoseph3249 - 15.01.2024 20:41

Best company in the game

@TheFlyingMage - 15.01.2024 19:59

They should make divination cards exclusive for SSF, and create a set of cards for every unique item, so you could farm it eventually.

@Caldaron - 15.01.2024 19:50

btw where is chris, i miss him :,-(

@Caldaron - 15.01.2024 19:16

how is the tencent stock drop influence poe2 ?

@porri93 - 15.01.2024 12:24

Can someone please tell Jonathan that he is a nice and great guy, but shouldnt interrupt Rory so much? :D

@TheFlyingMage - 15.01.2024 11:46

A thing I want from PoE2 is ability to say "wow, that's some crazy good item" every once in awhile when I'm picking up something from the ground. Cause I remember this feeling from D2, but it's almost nonexistent in PoE. Maybe during acts you can get surprised by a nice drop, but since the early mapping you start to ignore everything except good bases that you can slap an essence on. And late game is strictly about crafting. You can never hope to drop a better rare than the one you crafted. And I don't like it at all. I think there should be a good balance between looted and crafted items.

@tylerfrost7831 - 15.01.2024 06:47

Give us Alva doors !

@LimYongBoon - 15.01.2024 05:16

Will POE2 be available on mobile?

@nibelungvalesti - 15.01.2024 04:52

Ew, Raiz is the keemstar of poe community for sure.

@FunnyDougy - 15.01.2024 02:47

Jonathan is so hard to hear. I tapped out at 13 minutes. Have someone who doesn't repeat the same words over and over again and dodge every question do these events. He trails off constantly and talks himself into a corner where he even knows he's dead ended the conversation. There's a lot of Adderall in those veins and I'm not gonna listen to an addict babble incoherently for 2 hours.

@1991sub - 15.01.2024 01:16

We could have a pet to pick up some itenn just a ideia idk

@MrZooop - 15.01.2024 00:49

removing on death effects after combat is over: just add some wording to it such as "if another monster is within x distance" so chilled ground might be something like "creates chilled ground that lasts 20 seconds, if another monster is within 20 yards/meters."

@LikeACrouton - 14.01.2024 23:49

These interviews are some of the best discussions of game design I've ever seen, thanks for facilitating it.

@LikeACrouton - 14.01.2024 22:33

Step one to items on the ground seems like removing ID scrolls tbh. You could still have tons of drops if they could be item filtered by stats as well.

@LikeACrouton - 14.01.2024 22:17

The weapon swap thing sounds like they're going to have to have situations where specific elements or status effects reeeally matter to avoid purely optimizing damage with curses.

Which also implies there gonna have to have damage type "combos" or ways to scale swapping directly (similar to EE or Trinity for elements). Cuz yeah without that it's definitely just gonna be curse swap like they said. Interested to see how that works.

@contrakt666 - 14.01.2024 20:21

As much as i love and appreciate these kinda interviews, its really hard to listen to jonathan. alot of rephrasing sentences , stuttering , rambling , fumbling over words etc.
i know these arent prepared answers so its hard to give a clean 1 shot answer. but it also makes i hard to follow and understand what he means. on top of that a few questions he answered were about something else and he entirely missed the point and talked about something else he started rumbling about mid sentence (nugi asking about Grace/determination beeing mandatory and how they stand on that = jonathan answering how the should be multipliplicative and specialised)

@HoshiKisame - 14.01.2024 15:46

it's wasda Raiz, just say it!

@sablesoul - 14.01.2024 12:09

I think part of why MF seems so OP right now in Path of Exile 1 is that the base power level has been so powercreeped that you can reach a point where you can clear incredibly quickly, be incredibly powerful, and functionally have no trade off to slapping MF on your build because everything dies in one shot anyway. What is the difference between 15m and 20m clearing DPS? A half second longer to kill a wisp empowered abyss rare? Might as well get two Ventors for 20% item quant instead.

@wotwot6868 - 14.01.2024 08:24

Would be nice to be able to use a Gamepad via Bluetooth in PoE PC.
On the topic of gameplay outside maps.. how about expanding the Guild feature.. make some Guild specific maps where cooperation is the focus, reward could be multiplayer specific things. Or at the very least, make guilds visible (if enabled via config) in a world map.. GGG should not be so hard-line on making everything in the game tied up to the classic D2 game loop.

@TheGroberUnfug - 14.01.2024 03:45

nugiyen you are so f***ing annoying, and not even HALF as CLEVER as you THINK you are. please, stop creating content.
