PA28 Visual Circuit at Oxford Airport [EGTK]

PA28 Visual Circuit at Oxford Airport [EGTK]


1 год назад

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@royalgtx7415 - 05.08.2023 21:50

I wait for your video everyday because I am inspire from you and wanted to become a Pilot like you

@muhammadrayyan5936 - 12.11.2023 20:58

Sir waiting for your next video ❤

@loveahmad3614 - 15.11.2023 00:25

Still you are unemployed?

@pak1hajiofficial - 01.12.2023 20:04

Aoa Bhai hum plane ka private pilot license sa helicopter ora Sakta ha and one more question kar inter ki jaka matric ho to PPL BAN JAHA ka

@usmanazam8274 - 14.12.2023 23:00

Assalamualaikum... I am also in uk can you show your personal contact number I Wana meet you

@sarmadasad6065 - 25.12.2023 17:12

he seems quite tense

@Saintathantwinpeaks - 13.01.2024 22:31

Another great video but I would like to see two necks and four eyes moving a lot more. I understand there is radar there now but I still wouldn't fully rely on the controllers and the Big Sky theory, not in such a busy airspace crammed full of learners, overworked instructors and folk transiting the overhead. I've had aircraft burst through the hold stack, appear in front of me on approach, others get close a few other times, some of whom were non-radio. I appreciate you never want to get dizzy with throwing your head around like a fighter pilot but quite a few pilots are no longer with us because they looked at the instruments and ahead of the aircraft when the danger came from the side or behind. There were even a couple of Oxford Aviation aircraft that landed on top of each other just before landing many moons ago - a tandem landing must have been quite the sight.

@shahfibre - 25.05.2024 12:37

Wobbly take off
