If I may suggest something... To most kids, math is nothing exiting. You should make your next video have some jokes or some form of humor. Just talking like your very exited about teaching a grown adult math, is...well... just plain awkward for a students. to watch. Don't get me wrong. Your video was helpful and informative. Just... make sure you are able to make this appeal to students.
ОтветитьThis is a great comment :) It is very difficult to get just the right amount of humor for these vids. I get what you are saying. Sometimes I get slammed for putting in too much humor, but you are the first to say that I need more humor. That's great! Check out my Graphing lines video Part 1 for some silly humor. I got yelled at by many students for being so silly with that one. It's hard to please everyone. Check out my faculty website at Algebra2go to really how these videos fit into classes.
ОтветитьNah Mr. Perez, you killed it. That's your shtick, run with it. Good straight forward content. I'll be watching more videos! Thanks for the lesson Mr Perez, you da man!
ОтветитьNot that I hate Math but I like Algebra more than Geometry
Ответитьthanks so much helped me a lot
Ответитьthanks so much helped me a lot
ОтветитьExcellent video, simple and helpful. Also someone mentioned to add humor and that is the problem of our kids these days with short attention span who constantly need to laugh even in serious matters. No need for humor.