This is what’s happing now with the US
ОтветитьOMG COOL ho shit
ОтветитьMossadegh was attempting to subvert the shah. The shah was the legitimate head of state. They make it out like the US and Britain overthrew the entire government.
ОтветитьThe day the revolution took over, was the day iran lost his soul, iranians became arabs, and the once proud Persian people was no more.
ОтветитьThis is correlation with the Russian revolution. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi represent Tsar Nicholas II and Ayatollah Khomeini represent Lenin. Even after an incompetent, luxurious monarch was overthrown, people were still suffering as freedom was taken away along with Sharia law dominating every aspects of Iranian life, much like totalitarian communism controlling every aspects of daily life such as mass surveillance and etc.
In totalitarian Islamism, Islam, Sharia, the State and Allah matters, nothing else does.
In totalitarian Communism, the Party and the Big Brother matters, nothing else, not even religion, does.
wait why did iran hate america?
ОтветитьWtf did I just watch
ОтветитьThe opening is lies like fuck like f....
Honestly this opening was another ugly disrespect to his majesty RIP king mohammad reza pahlavi
First of all nationalizing of oil was something about to be done and was immediately signed by shah
And mosadegh just gave a ton of stress to Iran's political status with his stupid negative strategy.
Third of all how dare you disrespect one of our queens with lies like bathing in milk ?
Seriously Im mad because the media once helped the u.s. and britain to overthrow our shah and his father the previous shah
Both most nationalist men of their time
Such a shame !
When I heard the capital Building was stormed in America and saw the footage of it happening this is what I thought of immediately
ОтветитьPresident Harry Truman, Democrat, was smart and said hell no to the CIA's idea of the coup d'etat. Eisenhower, republican, on the other hand said yes to it. The USA & UK ruined Iran's future hope of a democracy.
Ответитьnot 100% correct about the shah
ОтветитьWe overthrow leaders and democracies in the Middle East for 70 years, install strongman dictators on our payroll, and wonder why generations of people there hate us.
ОтветитьHistorically incorrect, Shah was the best king of Iran since Cyrus The Great
ОтветитьWhat is this nonsense? The Shahbbanu bathed in milk?!! She campaigned for the reform of the nation and an increase in woman's rights. As of 2021, she is still alive and is a consistent critic of the current heinous regime
ОтветитьBeady eyes, Anglo lies
Javid Shah
Name of the song, please? I love it.
ОтветитьThis is exactly what happened to Chile in the 70s and 80s
ОтветитьThese opening storyboards offer the most concise and least biased explanation of what caused the Iranian Revolution and the Hostage Crisis. I was an American in college in the US when it happened. Until I saw this sequence I never saw any media actually EXPLAIN WHY Iranians hated us so much. They could have, but they didn’t, or at least not for a popular audience.
ОтветитьThat’s Googoosh in the poster promoted her concert
ОтветитьI’m glad they included that opening. That info was left out of the book that Tony Mendez wrote.
I also really appreciate the way the history was presented. They call out America and GB on their mistake in installing the Shah, while at the same time not making any excuses for the brutality of the Ayatollah’s regime.
Loved the retro WB logo. Set the tone
ОтветитьA very good intro, but a classic warning of be careful what you wish for. In the end the Shah did not even kill 10% of the people Ayatollah Khomeini ultimately killed. Had the revolution not happened it’s very likely Iran would be a much better place today (especially for women)
ОтветитьAnd it seems the USA is trying to force a change again ... Joseph Biden 4th November 2022 "Don’t worry, we’re going to free Iran; they’re going to free themselves pretty soon"
ОтветитьThe Argo explains in a matter of minutes what “Taken Hostage”, the PBS series, took hours to do. I am not excusing the Iranian government’s total disregard for international law but the violent overthrow of a democratically elected leader by a handful of CIA operatives should never happen again.
ОтветитьI know you can't really fit all that history into 2 and a half minutes, but here's some little oversights:
The Shah was around during Mosaddegh but did not have direct political power. While Mosaddegh was popular, he was not directly elected, but rather appointed. Also, the extravagance of the Pahlavi royals has been exaggerated. While he was absolutely wasteful and corrupt, a lot of the stories like flying in lunch from France every day have been fabricated by the Ayatollah Regime. Furthermore, Pahlavi was religious, despite many people (including young Iranians) thinking that he was atheist. While he did support Secular*ism* (He was against religious rules forcing hijab and gender segregation), he was not a Secular person himself. This is how he justified himself acting recklessly since he seemed to genuinely believe that his life and reign were guaranteed by God. Ultimately his recklessness and disdain for poor people led to his downfall. However, the "Islamic Revolution" in Iran did not start out "Islamic". It was originally started by secular leftists and the Islamist part only started once Ayatollah Khomeini was sent to Iran. Khomeini was sent by France to Iran to sabotage the secular uprising (and that succeeded). The theocracy that replaced him was not really ever popular. The only time the Islamic Republic has had remotely any popular support was during the Iran-Iraq war not because of how good the Iranian regime was but because how brutal Saddam's invasion was so the Ayatollah was seen as a better alternative. Nowadays, many Iranians see the Shah regime as the lesser of two evils and some even openly advocate for the restoration of the Pahlavi monarchy. Although, this might have to do with many young Iranians not living during the Shah's time either.
The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد), was the U.S.- and UK-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953.[5] It was aided by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project[6] or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot").[7][8][9][10] The clergy also played a considerable role.[11]
1953 Iranian coup d'étatPart of the Abadan Crisis, and the Cold War
Coup supporters celebrate victory in TehranDate15–19 August 1953Location
Tehran, Imperial State of Iran
Overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh
General Fazlollah Zahedi, appointed as prime minister of post-coup military government[1][2] by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
Monarchy increased in power relative to government
Pro-western secular anti-communist Iranian dictatorship established
Anti-Shah discontent culminates in the 1979 Iranian Revolution
Government-Insurgents Government of Iran House of Pahlavi
 United States[a]
 United Kingdom[a]Commanders and leaders Mohammad Mosaddegh 
 Gholam Hossein Sadighi (POW)
 Hossein Fatemi 
 Taghi Riahi (POW) Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
 Fazlollah Zahedi
 Nematollah Nassiri (POW)
 Shaban Jafari
 Assadollah Rashidian
 Dwight Eisenhower
 Allen Dulles
 Kermit Roosevelt Jr.
 Winston Churchill
 Anthony Eden
 John SinclairUnits involved Factions of the Iranian Imperial Army
 Mosaddegh's supporters Imperial Guard
 Imperial Iranian Army
 Royal supporters
MI6Casualties and losses200–300 killed[3][4]
^ Jump up to:a b Covertly
Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP), to verify that AIOC was paying the contracted royalties to Iran, and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves.[12] Upon the AIOC's refusal to cooperate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.[13][14][
In August 2013, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[28][29] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".[30]
ОтветитьThe Shah tried to modernize Iran. His wife was a brilliant student of Architecture and French language. No baths of milk.
ОтветитьImagine the westernized Iran was still here, it would be a different Iran
Ответитьدرست است.آمریکایی ها و پدر عزیزشان بریتانیا در طول تاریخمان ستم بسیاری بر ما روا داشتند.کشورمان را به استعمار درآوردند.غارت کردند و با اموال ما و دیگر کشورهای مسلمان،شرقی و آفریقایی؛شهرها و سرزمین های خودشان را آباد کردند.شما مردم غرب امروزه بر شهرهایی پاگذاشته اید که با خون آباء و اجداد ما درست شده است.شهرهایی مثل لندن.نیویورک.پاریس.آمستردام و...همگی باید جواب پس دهند.
پس به نظام های لیبرال خودتون افتخار نکنید که هیچ دستاوردی جز غارت و کشتن ندارند.شما دو جنگ جهانی را آغاز کردید و به کشورمان کشاندید.نیمی از مردم کشورم در جنگ جهانی اول توسط قحطی ای که بریتانیا ساخت تلف شدند.موزه هایتان با آثار باستانی ما پرشده است همچون لوور،متروپولیتن،آرمیتاژ،لندن و...
هرچه دارید حاصل دستاورد های ما مسلمانان است و بعد مارا وحشی می خوانید؟تاریخ گواه است.آن روز خواهد رسید که ما به شما نژادپرستان درس عبرت میاموزیم.
Did the Shah hate Islam? I get the feeling he did.
ОтветитьI always love the opening scene of Argo. It’s informative and you learn a lot of history in the span of two minutes.
ОтветитьFantastic opening
ОтветитьThank God that Turkey 🇹🇷 didn't come to this in 2015, Long Live to Secularism 🥰,
ОтветитьI would love to know who narrated this. I've looked everywhere and cannot find anything about that.
Ответить"The cardinals are a little bigger today, huh?", I smirked when I first heard this line and thought it was a strange thing to say in such a dire situation. It was a clever way to introduce the humourous tone in the script, while maintaining to be a very intense thriller.
ОтветитьThis opening scene is by Tony Liberatore - a top notch storyboard artist
ОтветитьDon’t let this fool you. Iran before the Iranian Revolution was a modernizing society. Ever since, it’s been a theocratic extreme hell hole and is the global center for terrorism.
ОтветитьWho's here with Iran's President and Foreign Minister killed in helicopter crash?
ОтветитьThe only part that should be relevant about this movie.
ОтветитьWhen these Iranians chanted "Death to America!", were they hoping it would get on TV news reports in the USA and make Americans cry and feel insulted? Because I don't think it did. The Ayatollah also encouraged women to have as many children as possible, saying "every Iranian born is a dagger through the heart of an American". Well boo fricken' hoo, you really hurt my feelings. Now the current administration has to be cursing the Ayatollah for ever saying that, given how the population more than doubled in about 30 years and population growth didn't get back under control until around 2011. Only Nicolae Ceaușescu of Romania was more retarded when it came to growing the population, resulting in an even bigger disaster.
Ответить12 Then he (the angel sent by God) continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.” Daniel 10: 12-14
There are spiritual forces at work that we cannot see. Read Ephesians 6. The land of Persia, today known as Iran, 🇮🇷 it is a very dark place. 😱 There are demonic forces at work, and some have power over nations and geographical regions. The truth is, the Iranians didn’t need an excuse to hate the United States. The Shah wasn’t the real reason for the hatred and insanity. The real reason was United States support of Israel, 🇮🇱 which Satan and the demons hate with a passion. As I typed this in 2024, the hatred that Iran has for Israel is stronger than ever. Some of you who read this won’t believe it. But this is the way things work. The wars that happen in the spiritual realm manifest in the physical.
A comic book style opening
ОтветитьPersia is not Arab at all. I wonder why the majority of Iranians are Shiite Muslim then.