Become a Police Officer? Salary, Jobs, Education (2022)

Become a Police Officer? Salary, Jobs, Education (2022)


3 года назад

10,368 Просмотров

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@VJ-nd6iy - 12.03.2022 07:25

Hello sir, im Your subscriber
Can you please make video on Collision Auto Body repairer/Technician I request you to make video

@theraven5850 - 14.03.2022 05:00

Nah, I have too much integrity to want to become a grunt for the government. No sane person believes that the police actually protect the people anymore after the last 2 protests.

@allfitnesshealthvideos6649 - 09.04.2022 15:35

Sir I i'm from india i have a question, citizenship is necessary to become a police officer ? or should I study to become a police officer in usa ? Please reply sir

@connerbeus1955 - 13.05.2022 21:42

Thank you

@Freethought2.0 - 20.06.2022 08:38

What did you do and not do, at the doing and not doing same time? What didn't you do ?

@Humanflesh1988 - 04.07.2022 10:47

Shady cop in the thumbnail

@overallchampion539 - 20.09.2022 16:15

Great video. Well presented

@NikolaiCherepanov - 09.10.2022 23:23

The first job of police is to protect and serve the law, not the people

@dianedupuis9364 - 19.10.2022 20:13

They really help me very much

@motarded4214 - 25.10.2022 23:56

Interesting video... I'm a software developer and I'm going into law enforcement due to low job satisfaction in the development world.

@亗-l5l - 18.12.2022 04:25

How tough is written exam
Give answer sir please 🙏

@starbright6579 - 12.01.2023 14:54

I walked into a police station asking for information on how to become a cop and all those cops felt intimidated about me asking that question, they felt as if I was trying to take their job, when all I was doing is trying to get a job I always wanted. Years ago I was working as a substitute inside a kitchen and the cook thought I wanted her job. I don't know why employees feel as if someone is trying to take their job. Thank God for books on how to become a police officer that way I want have to ask any cop, I'll just learn from the books.
