Can you make this with just cardboard with out this kit like the piano just use just cardboard and some code bc you can do that but i never seen someone do that i hope they do :D
ОтветитьDead as a doornail
ОтветитьJust came back to say, that this did NOT take off man.
ОтветитьThis, in a good way, will always make the future creative and nostalgic, and will change the past.
ОтветитьIf it didnt cost so much labo would be amazing
ОтветитьI want to make a battlemech if i ever had a chance for this.
ОтветитьNow let's all agree, to never be creative again.
Ответить2018: yo lo quiero, LO QUIERO AHORAAAAA!!!!
2023: neta pague 2,000 pesos en carton :v
ОтветитьComo reemplazar nintendo labo
Piano: compra uno real
Caña: compra una real
Casa: instala el pou xd
Antenauta: compra unos hot wheels xd
Moto: ve a un arcade
Robot: compra mejor un vr
Vehiculo: ve a un arcade, otra vez xd
Vr: usa el mismo vr con el que remplazas el robot xd
Nmms... pinshi Nintendo son unos genios XDDDD
Ответить2023. I'm a marketer who believed that Nintendo would swallow the market with this new product. It did not.
There may be a few reasons, but the most obvious one has to do with the cost and value. C'mon Nintendo! 50, 60 80 dollars for cardboard? You know how cardboard is perceived, don't you? You could have used the lego strategy and made your products our of reliable plastic. Dude!
This product can still be a success. All you have to do is change the materials you use for the labo.
Ok, let's be honest, they're selling cardboard. But still, nothing came close for me as this did with its ad music.
ОтветитьLove how you can customize them good job
Ответитьla de trabajar se la saben manga de chinardos???
ОтветитьJapan is really such genius
ОтветитьStill watching this video cuz this music is amazing!
ОтветитьDid anyone else have fitting the piano keys in? For me they would never line up right
ОтветитьCame back
ОтветитьPeople of 2024👇
ОтветитьNintendo Labo - Official Teaser Trailer
That’s another title I would use for this video.
So how does the piano work?
ОтветитьThe music is hype at least
ОтветитьNo way this is 6 years old already…
ОтветитьI stole the plastic ad posters for these from my local best buy back in 2018
ОтветитьBut it’s cardboard
ОтветитьHindsight is always 20/20, and 6 years later and we can all now clearly see now that Labo is the future of gaming, and the single greatest implementation of VR to date.
ОтветитьCardbaord boxes are freaking lame!!!
ОтветитьThis was a test to see if nintendo fanboys will buy anything. 😂
ОтветитьThis aged terribly
ОтветитьThey literally sold us cardboard, the absolute geniuses.
ОтветитьWilliams Sandra Hernandez John Young Anthony
ОтветитьWhat happens when it gets wet or torn?
ОтветитьI like nintendo LABO.
ОтветитьBut i have nintendo switch😅
ОтветитьNostagia wow ❤❤❤
Ответить다시봐도 광고 참 잘만들었다
비록 라보 판매량은 시원치않았지만 광고에서 느껴지는 닌텐도의 무수한 가능성에 대한 벅차오름이 너무 인상깊음
This is gonna be pretty funny when people remember this when the new system is shown off to be a VR capable machine and this was the testing ground.
ОтветитьAún recuerdo cuando Nintendo nos quiso vender CARTON CARO
ОтветитьWhat was the cat game you had in the house?
Dad, what was something revolutionary in your console days?
But what the he-
Literalmente nos estaba vendiendo carton
ОтветитьThats a Wild scamm who sold only good in America 😂
ОтветитьWhat do you think about Nintendo thinking outside the box?