Ali's Toughest Fight Explained! - Muhammad Ali vs Ken Norton | Fight Breakdown

Ali's Toughest Fight Explained! - Muhammad Ali vs Ken Norton | Fight Breakdown

The Modern Martial Artist

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J. C. N
J. C. N - 23.07.2023 06:30

Soundly Beaten.

Composed Soul
Composed Soul - 02.07.2023 00:06

If Ali never stopped his dancing, never been overconfident with taking less training time and never underestimated his opponents, and lastly if the sickness hadn't got him,,
believe me No one on this planet, no matter how long he kept playing boxing, could take him down. He was the strongest, fastest, smartest and very well shaped boxer in history. What a Man!

Gator Croc
Gator Croc - 14.06.2023 06:07

When will we get a Ken Norton video ?!

Life of Metro
Life of Metro - 30.04.2023 09:18

Ali got points on the scorecard for dancing in the ring and making people miss, not hitting.

Life of Metro
Life of Metro - 30.04.2023 09:11

Ali was given some gift decisions in his career, Norton was one of them.

Mr E's
Mr E's - 24.04.2023 16:01

When building a fight plan, most fighters do a spectacular job.
The real problem comes in when their plan goes south.
I attribute that to a conditioning issue.
When training, wear yourself out entirely. Then every once in a while, get up and do it again. Simulate that exhausted feeling of being completely drained and having to keep going. Beat yourself up and then do all over again. Get used to it. Everyone is Chuck Norris until proven otherwise.

poetic pugilist
poetic pugilist - 23.04.2023 14:14

xl frazier

Che Che
Che Che - 08.04.2023 04:08

Ali really you fought well with a broken jaw throught the rest of the fight

William Curry
William Curry - 19.03.2023 21:39

the 1 thing Ali lacked the big punch

Connor Murphy
Connor Murphy - 13.03.2023 03:15

In my opinion, Ken beat Ali twice. He got robbed in that 3rd fight.

Roberto Godoy
Roberto Godoy - 28.01.2023 03:22

Some experts say Ali actually never beat Norton and they are not far from truth, I personally think Ali just beat him the 2nd fight, but Norton honestly won 2.

Beach Addict
Beach Addict - 26.01.2023 07:31

Ali couldn't beat frazier and Norton's fighting style, but Forman made easy work of them both. At the same Ali made easy work of Forman's fighting style.

LaCream - 20.01.2023 22:03


Phillip Riles
Phillip Riles - 15.01.2023 03:50

That 70's HW era was freaking insane! Ali, Fraizer, Foreman, Norton, Holmes and I'll even throw Ron Lyle and Ernie Shavers in there. Even the contenders like Shavers and Lyle could have beaten the aforementioned champions on even given night if the champs weren't on there A game. Absolute golden age of Heavyweight boxing.

Frank Trujillo
Frank Trujillo - 20.11.2022 05:32

Ken Norton was Ali’s kryponite

Leus Maximus
Leus Maximus - 15.11.2022 07:59

Muhammad Ali ate lots of sugary foods and is lazy to train regularly that’s why his muscles grew weak
also he hated to improve his body defense
that’s why he had taken fatal kidney/liver busting body shots that resulted inmaking his brain toxic and also deteriorated due to mini brain strokes from embolisms.

EJ DaJuiceman
EJ DaJuiceman - 14.10.2022 01:43

Norton would've made easy work of Tyson Fury

Marouen Tebini
Marouen Tebini - 23.09.2022 15:20

sonny liston would knock norton easy

aCrowsNest_t - 18.09.2022 18:51

Dammn, heard Nortan is a very decent guy, yet he let out the worst of intention with those punches.
Those bodyshots were as hard as he could throw, but ali dosent break udner any circumstances, to still perform so well after all that? Is more inspiring then a victory.

Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 15.09.2022 04:24

You're awesome dude

Milo Janis
Milo Janis - 15.09.2022 03:11

IMHO, Ali was slightly overrated. The guys he fought in the 60s, other than Liston, who was controlled by the Mob, weren't all that great.

Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett - 14.09.2022 05:52

If Ali was dancing from the start he would have won

SonofDaVinci4 - 07.09.2022 01:53

I remember watching this fight when I was a kid. I was sad. Now, I still cringe but I have to give Ken Norten AND Eddie Futch his due. It was a well deserved victory.

charles markley
charles markley - 05.09.2022 04:08

Ali had a big disrespectful mouth no where anything like Joe Lewis.

iaminx - 03.09.2022 22:34

Frazier was harder

RebelTV r
RebelTV r - 26.08.2022 11:58

Ali broke his jaw in round 2, still went 12. Shows how tough he was. One of the toughest chins ever.

Jon Doee
Jon Doee - 24.08.2022 18:35

Where is Ken Norton vs Ali 2? U said stay tuned for the epic rematch :)

Joey Pierantonis
Joey Pierantonis - 20.08.2022 04:50

Ali's worst deficiency, as was normally the case, was underestimating his opponent, which was followed by a lack of training & preparation...(also a lack of motivation) Norton was probably the 4th best HW at that time. Never underestimate Kenny.

Hans Herrmann
Hans Herrmann - 19.08.2022 17:39

Ali was also one of the arrogant and disrespectfull Boxer. No Sport Man no honor.

OscillatorCollective - 16.08.2022 07:47

One of my all time favorite classic fights. I’m such a mark for NORTON.

Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry - 16.08.2022 04:44

Fun fact, Norton was even dumber than he looked.

Pierre-Alexandre Clement
Pierre-Alexandre Clement - 16.08.2022 01:34

Adam Walch
Adam Walch - 14.08.2022 11:51

Ali always seemed to fare worse against real "boxers." Mr. Christian, your commentary and analysis is superb. I must point out though that you (seem) to say "descent" in the beginning of the video when you meant "ascent"

Snipz Mattio
Snipz Mattio - 12.08.2022 02:28

Same happened to me just today

Richard Banks
Richard Banks - 07.08.2022 03:44

The fact Ali got people back in rematches is what keeps his record better than anyone's at the time. If he didn't come back, risking double losses, to put the record straight, and just cut to Foreman for example, there would be a lot more debate about who was very best of the era. So many other characters would opt for an easier route.

Greg K
Greg K - 06.08.2022 20:48

Don’t like rematches. The first fight is the one that counts to me. Semper Fi Ken Norton

Audrius A
Audrius A - 05.08.2022 14:26

Very enjoyable and insightful breakdown, can't wait for second part. I've fallen in love with your content and can't thank you enough for sharing your knowledge

Talent TV & Radio
Talent TV & Radio - 04.08.2022 02:15

Good job bro

RedVeinBorneo - 01.08.2022 04:29

That half-parry/punch was also utilized by Daniel Cormier in the UFC. It's a great tactic and I'm surprised I don't see more people do it. DC did it for entire fights sometimes (see the 1st and 2nd Miocic fight).

First Quarter
First Quarter - 31.07.2022 01:11


Thoughts of mine.
Thoughts of mine. - 30.07.2022 09:46

Norton was super underrated.

brendon leary
brendon leary - 29.07.2022 05:22

This channel is so damned good. I truly hope you are getting a decent purse of all the work you put in, because it is stellar.
I will be forever in your debt.

MAT T - 27.07.2022 05:08

It’s crazy how Norton only won by split decision, just goes to show how biased & corrupt the judging can be.

iwannaapple - 26.07.2022 12:41

Now I have my answer of who would have won. Ali or Marciano. Marciano was the king of deception, feints and parry not to mention a granite chin. He never stopped coming and you never knew which direction the punches were coming from.
Ali and Norton both threw straight punches with a few feints. Ali had speed but his arms were 83 inches long and was forced to fight on the outside and dance. Norton brought it in and worked on the body and used his feints to get in.
Marciano was the master at tactics and had power every punch with his entire body behind it.
The computer simulation must have had it right. Still I believe both held back in their actual sparring matches but the result would have been the same. Ken Norton was awesome this fight. Both were. This fight reminded me how fast Ali actually was.
