80% of Divorces Are Filed By The Wife?!

80% of Divorces Are Filed By The Wife?!

The Happy Wife School

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@quicknotesmedia9540 - 16.07.2024 15:43

That’s true in my marriage that finally ended in divorce. My ex husband filed for divorce because we grew apart and no longer felt love for each other. This is also a problem when your husband doesn’t want you to work and tells you to stay at home and raise the kids, cook, clean, manage the household, pay the bills, and you feel that your life was to stay stuck in a house with no purpose. My ex husband was and still is a pilot. He never was the affectionate and loving man. He probably came from his childhood upbringing. I desired affection and he probably did too, but I’m not sure. Anyway, it took a divorce to finally heal myself and become spiritually awakened to learn to be happy alone with self-love and self-respect. I am still living with joy and gratitude alone. I didn’t find true love until 7 years after my divorce. So, every situation is different but now I am so happy that I own my own private school and living with purpose. This message is only partially true. My ex husband was the one who filed for divorce and self-discovery happens after you remove what no longer serves you. Get divorced. Who cares? If you’re not happy and like me, was together for 20 years. I had a very small wedding. I don’t care about grand weddings. It didn’t work for me. Sometimes, your greatest gains come from your hardest hits.

@liprippuh - 15.07.2024 23:41

I wish my wife could/would listen to this. You word it so well. My alcohol use was stated as the reason. No help ever offered,and in addiction, I'm not sure I would have listened. Sober now but I can't seem to find a way to have her look at her part of till death do us part. Great video for women to check out before acting rashly

@michaelc.6927 - 11.07.2024 17:26

Been trying to make my wife happy for nearly 50 years! Built her a house, put in a huge pool, a hot tub. Her own little bit of paradise. Wasn't good enough because of the neighbors. Moved to a huge new house with a whole new mortgage I'll never get paid off and can't afford to maintain! Had kids, adopted more kids, have way too many pets! All trying to make her happy! Now At 70 and No retirement in sight! Buried kids! She had a bout of breast cancer with a mastectomy! So now we are both unhappy! What a dummy I was!

@P55999 - 11.07.2024 02:53

Not true, I would have stayed with my ex had he not been cheating!

@worldadventuretravel - 06.07.2024 06:09

The only way you can truly be free in a relationship is if you are there entirely because you WANT to be there, not because you NEED to be there. It's way better to have your own resources and not need them than need them and not have them. Domestic labor is a paid profession. Treat it that way.

@ryanwolf4101 - 04.07.2024 21:56

End no fault divorce.

@arsalenshamil4117 - 04.07.2024 19:15

Is this in America, or worldwide?

@truthfinder6932 - 04.07.2024 17:58

Qualify your statements. We eloped, 2 witnesses, he cheated and cheated and verbally abusive. That sure caused unhappiness.

@NM0047 - 29.06.2024 20:40

Thank you.

@TrancingWithSpirit - 26.06.2024 15:03

BULLS*, who the heck are you to speak for women! Speak for yourselve. Not for me

@davidmorgan1374 - 26.06.2024 09:07

Mark 10:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 7:39. ONLY the Widowed can Marry again! Adultery has Consequences!

@TheoriginalKaraoke - 25.06.2024 22:06

What this means is 80% of men need extra education that is specific to the mental disorder that their woman is having in her 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s. Woman have to be the #1 problem. Giving women status through marriage is 2024 and beyond a huge mistake. Keep them in check , put them on a budget

@thepatrioarchy - 25.06.2024 20:34

Monotony is the enemy of modern women.

@jamieschueller9641 - 23.06.2024 04:24

That get paid.

@katlynhayward3012 - 22.06.2024 19:49

This video is absolutely on point 👌🏻 thank you for speaking about these valuable topics, I am becoming a happier woman/wife learning about my own vulnerabilities. So much time and money saved on therapists who don't want to get to the point.

@Carolina480 - 20.06.2024 04:05

Western countries like the USA women are too spoiled they expect the husband to make them so happy this why there’s the problem man going to marry women in other countries where women truly appreciate their efforts

@Carolina480 - 20.06.2024 03:37


@Carolina480 - 20.06.2024 03:35

Yes it’s us women the unhappy in the marriage

@mikewoods1622 - 18.06.2024 17:27

Men are more tolerant and usually have more to lose in a divorce. Accordingly men will lower their expectations to a realistic level, whereas women's expectations just keep getting more difficult to meet.

@sjurdurkjv - 16.06.2024 09:23

Yoga is satanic, it is heathenism.

@sven888 - 15.06.2024 02:57

I am grateful there are women in the world, but it is true they walk away faster from a man then the other way around. I don’t know, but it seems men love deeper. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m just talking from personal experience.

@4Frmcfff - 14.06.2024 22:59

I’ll never marry yall weird ass females

@sindbadbouba1649 - 13.06.2024 17:47

"...there is no thing you can do that make her happy..."..
so true...

@arniep740 - 12.06.2024 16:49

I just landed on this video from a link provided by Rachel Sloan. Wow! I have to say that you have completely hit the nail on the head. My (2nd wife - first one died after 21 great years) wife dropped the bomb on me after 20 years of marriage. It had its ups and downs, for which she credited herself for the ups, and blamed me for the downs. You have described her to a T. She completely blamed me for all her unhappiness and problems. She was totally uncompromising and unwilling to accept ANY part of our problems. While I was devastated at first, I soon realized that she did me a great favor by ending the marriage. I do miss the companionship but am glad I no longer have to endure limitless criticism, blaming, judgment, abandonment, negativity etc. Her vows meant nothing to her. You are so right that women (and me) have to be responsible for happiness within themselves and not look for it or blame others for their own lack of it. The line from the movie Jerry Maguire is total nonsense and B.S.! Thank you so much for this profound and TRUE video.

@palehorse4503 - 12.06.2024 07:09

The bottom line is. Woman are evil and theres no fixing it. This woman is guilty of treating men like crap too.

@LordVost - 11.06.2024 21:28

I think the most useless claim that I have ever heard from a woman was, "I don't feel you in my soul anymore" ... what is a man supposed to do with that idiotic statement?

@joethornton3852 - 07.06.2024 06:48

"i handle all the household duties, i handle all the childcare duties". no, you choose to do certain things. a man can live fine by himself without a woman, he gets by fine. the house may not be as clean, the laundry may not be done as frequently, etc, but the house isn't going to burn down because of this, the laundry isn't going to self-combust because it didn't get done twice per week as opposed to once every 2 weeks. women bring too much upon themselves, and are unhappy because THEY put too much on themselves. "the man doesn't do enough, i'm not getting anything out of this". who on earth said a man exists to make you happy? you're supposed to be happy ALL BY YOURSELF before you even meet a man. NO ONE can make you happy and that is NO ONE's job but YOU. it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone else to make you happy. that is YOUR job. you know what makes you happy, whether it be something u like to eat, or do. a man won't know that, only you! that's NORMAL! women are living by these made-up MENTAL standards in their head. they need to LET THAT GO. JUST LIVE!!!!!! JUST BE!!!! life is SIMPLE! life can be HAPPY if you just LET IT! that's NORMAL AND NATURAL! you don't have to STRIVE to be happy. that is SO UNNATURAL. where are the women who like a man cuz they just LIKE HIM! not for what he can do FOR THEM, but because they like how he looks, or how he laughs, or how he enjoys life. when i see a woman, i look at her appearance, her mannerisms, her thoughts on things, her values. i don't care if she can do my effing laundry LOL. I CAN DO THAT MYSELF, I DONT NEED A WOMAN FOR THAT! i don't need you to take my kids to school. I CAN DO THAT! jeez, why are women making it so complicated? just ridiculous. no idea the absolute HORRID ramifications on society itself when women BREAK UP FAMILIES. the absolute TERROR and horrid effects this has on children and their outlook on things. it's so sad and it is absolutely CRIMINAL that women are allowed to get away with this. and you wanna know who else is at fault? the GOVERNMENT. they incentivize divorce, separation, break-up of families. alimony, child support, etc. it's all CORRUPT. they get a kick back on it. "oh you dont think u shoudl support ur kid?" oh i support that when the child is LIVING WITH ME. or at least 50% of the time. i mean, this is just ridiculous folks that this has to even be spelled out. this is pre-k BS. this is childish bs. this is absolute CRIMINAL behavior. on women's part, on the govt's part. God is watching this. and my God, may vengeance and retribution come swiftly.

@joethornton3852 - 07.06.2024 06:40

there's nothing respectable about initiating a divorce.

@joethornton3852 - 07.06.2024 06:39

so true. women will make up any reason to have a divorce. they just want something new. they're bored. they're miserable with themselves. they don't know how to be happy even just by themselves. they're miserable when they have no man, they're miserable when they have a man. there's a common denominator here and it's not the man.

@toaalta - 03.06.2024 11:32

This woman said a bunch of nothing on this video

@Tripp393 - 03.06.2024 04:10

Lol this is pretty much only American women. As a foreigner I recognized pretty quickly when I landed in the US 20 years ago not to invest in the flaky American female.

@Angelalex242 - 03.06.2024 00:49

The problem is they're asking a mere mortal to do what only Christ can do. Humans can't make anyone happy. Only God can do that. So turn to Him, and look up. Don't look at us.

@noelstokes6901 - 02.06.2024 20:19

My wife EXactly!

@mgw4205 - 02.06.2024 17:23

Married 17 yrs
3 children
Cheated on me
Financially ruined me
Kept me from seeing my kids for 2yrs
Chose to divorce me
Told me that I ruined her life
Did I even exist or have life in her eyes?

@rickramdon6927 - 02.06.2024 11:41

The fact is that women have commitment issues, which stems from toxic feminism.

@GeorgeLista - 02.06.2024 02:03

I’m a mediator, if you’re a guy, you’re a fool if you sign a marriage contract. Too much to list about the damage you’re signing up to, especially if you plan to have children. Conveyor belt of human delusion.

@IOverlord - 31.05.2024 15:07

And the soyciety supports this kind of women lmfao. Clown world

@davidosolo - 28.05.2024 00:05

Hallelujah. Amen. Well spoken!

@kenberry8504 - 27.05.2024 17:12

When will women realize that they cannot have it all.

@Sammo247 - 27.05.2024 02:07

💯 hearing this from a woman-ex that has done these things is cathartic great respect and gratitude to you 🙇‍♂️So so right …nothing worked.

@petermollo1908 - 22.05.2024 18:17

This fixation with "happiness" is actually ridiculous. It is important to be successful not "happy". Happiness is a temporary and momentary experience at best. We cannot have fully grown adults who have responsibilities and children prioritising "happiness". We have a maturity deficiency in our adult population. Juvenile behaviour in adult people is the real pandemic in our generation.

@graytimmons1416 - 22.05.2024 08:05

Happiness is the problem. This endless pursuit of happiness is toxic. Marriage is about duty, happiness should go out the window.

@donjuan2105 - 20.05.2024 22:55

80% of divorces are initiated by women. The vast majority of those women are in menopause years. Hormone changes have a lot do with it. Men don't generally initiate divorce because of money reasons. Men are loyal to a degree

@loverofgolf - 20.05.2024 21:37


@DonZimmerman-fz2du - 20.05.2024 19:45

My wife cheated. She did the legal legwork, cuz I had to work. Gonna have child support to pay. She told me her friends were saying she seemed to be trying to immasculate me. Fortunately, my masculinity was not that fragile, & I eventually got some satisfaction from the short duration of their on & off marriage. Less than a year. but that pales when put against the loss of my parental rights. I became "uncle dad", long distance father. Paid every dime of support, & took her to court twice to defend my & my kids rights. Was worth the effort & expense, cuz my kids & I have maintained a close relationship. Still, palpable costs. Get me started on weddings. An extreme ego trip & huge waste of resources. The expense has been demonstrated to be inversely proportional to marital duration. Z

@inquizative44 - 19.05.2024 07:14

Women are also celebrated when they divorce. Divorcing a man is exalted as breaking away from the patriarchy exemplifying strength and independence. Then reality kicks in but it's too late.

@johnfoster4244 - 18.05.2024 22:26

Well.......if you think about it: Most traditional American Protestant weddings start the whole ceremony waiting for Her Majesty-the bride-to show up with her handmaidens at the back of the church. Then--whether she's a virgin or promiscuous--we dress her up in white surrounded by the honored ones that get to attend to her wants and needs and wedding shower. Now, the kicker is: Why in the world does the whole invited group upon the sight of her entering stand up and watch her walk the aisle almost like a celebrity? Also, we're not allowed to sit down until she has passed in regal fashion. It really sends a message that she is and will be more special in the marriage and family--with all power and privilege--because.......because.......BECAUSE WHY???

@ronaldbarker5407 - 18.05.2024 18:46

Because we have allowed them to never keep their word by saying it’s a women's provocative to change her mind instead calling that bs

@juliejohnson5724 - 18.05.2024 15:10

Agreed! No man is ever responsible for a woman’s happiness! Men marry a happy woman that way she won’t expect you to be her everything!women are so entitled it’s beyond infuriating!

@Kai1ou - 17.05.2024 22:40

Women leave because there's no consequences. They don't pay alimony, child support, and usually have already cheated and have, therefore, their way forward plan.
