video games aren't fun anymore.

video games aren't fun anymore.


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@civo4457 - 23.01.2022 00:57

list of varied games i like for those with this problem:

hollow knight - really good metroidvania
factorio - amazing factory building sandbox game, but maybe avoid this one if you want to do anything else for the next 48 hours
portal 2 - favorite game of all time, amazing puzzles
metro exodus - if your pc can run it, it's really good
pretty much any doom game - not the deepest of experiences, but very fun and difficult
a hat in time - great mario-64 like with a surprising amount of content
rimworld - colony building game, enough mods to make a second game
stardew valley - only farming game I've ever enjoyed
dishonored - great stealth/story fps, cool choices, second one if you like it enough
prey (2017) - similar to dishonored, by the same people, but more of a spiritual successor to:
bioshock - 1 and 2, recommend the originals rather than the remasters if you can get them to run on your computer. all time classic
terraria - pretty well-known 2d sandbox game, lots of bossfights and another game with tons of mods
enter the gungeon - funny top-down twinstick shooter roguelike. even if you don't know what some of those words mean, still great game
outer wilds - not to be confused with the outer worlds. cannot recommend this enough. story driven roguelike. DO NOT SPOIL YOURSELF.
valheim - terraria but 3d and viking themed. also really good.
octodad: dadliest catch - hilarious rage-game. there is no reason this has such a low metacritic score, it's a great game.
project zomboid - tough-as-nails zombie apocalypses survival game with permadeath.
vessel - difficult indie 2d puzzle game. very thematic, might require some looking-up.
control - cool 3rd person shooter with a bizarre story and cool brutalist architecture, if that's your thing. made by the people who made alan wake.
dead space - all time classic, really scary if it's your first time playing. slightly less scary once you get a certain weapon.
goat simulator - sadly somewhat short on content, but still entertaining to play around with for a while.
slime rancher - ok maybe i lied about stardew valley. much more chill than some other games on this list.
stanley parable - funny story-driven game about a guy in an office
singularity - relatively little-known linear fps that still holds up today. also a little bit scary.
spelunky - one of the few "rage games" i like. platformer roguelike
the swapper - difficult 2d puzzle game with a dark story and some pretty cool graphics.
deus ex: human revolution - good story driven semi-linear rpg fps game. not too groundbreaking, but still fun.
dark souls series - reaaally hard if you don't know what you're doing, but you figure things out eventually. interesting story, mechanics, and really good combat.
titanfall 2 - movement shooter to end all movement shooters. if you're having server problems, look into the northstar client- community hosted servers
ultrakill - doom with a retro 3d style. nuff said.

and that's it, I've gone through almost all the major games in my steam library. hope this helps

@Stevo1728 - 17.01.2024 07:26

I maybe enjoy 1 or 2 games a year

@F_itaca9456 - 08.01.2024 14:41

DayZ, Rust, Arma 3 mods, GTA Online RP...Games are moving towards a Metaverse Concept and Economy, Mario Bros type games would just be "Arcades"

@danroemer1667 - 05.01.2024 19:58

Variety is the spice of life and that definitely applies to video games. I've always played a variety of games growing up and found the trend lately of " video games aren't fun anymore" to be really odd, only to realize it's mostly from the online FPS community and not actually just video games in general. A great example is I've never been really into CRPGs and I started up Baldur's Gate 3 to see what all the hype was about and now I'm HOOKED on it. I can't remember the last time I've played a game where I've straight-up lost track of time and next thing you know it's 4 AM in the morning and I'm still playing it.

TL;DR: Try new things people.

@dinkmartini3236 - 01.01.2024 19:03

Gaming isn't fun anymore because even the geeks with their heads shoved in the sand can no longer deny that civilization is collapsing. When reality finally gets around to convincing the nerds that they're in REAL trouble then their fantasy worlds are overpowered by the real one. Also good will is now dead. We all used to be able to give a stranger the benefit of the doubt but now it seems that an undeniable portion of them are our enemy. Nobody wants to sit down with their enemy to play a game. Lastly all works of art (video games included) assume that there are universal moral truths that games are built on. There are no longer any shared "truths" or common ground. What makes sense to one side is foreign to the other. The illusion has finally collapsed and it won't be coming back until one side wins. Happy New Year.

@robertbell1804 - 01.01.2024 07:29

I know what it's like to be bored of video games.I can't even play my PS5 without getting bored.I found out the problem.I'm an old school gamer and ps1,2,3 is were i belong.PS4 is pretty good have a lot of good exclusions but PS5 I don't understand what happened to sony.This untire generation is boring nothing but stupid remakes remasters spider-man shit last of us remake remaster garbage I'm so sick of it

@onyxcideYT - 31.12.2023 17:51


@thecanadakid7622 - 31.12.2023 09:47

For me lately it's the endless talking in games and watching it instead of playing it. It's never going to feel like a movie or a good Show IMO, I hope they stop trying to make games play out like movies, it was great at first but became the downfall of games. I like some story but I don't need 10 minute long conversations getting to know about the characters life story, or chit chat between characters. Elden Ring had about as much talking as I want. Been playing cyberpunk recently and have been on and off enjoying it and not. Soemtimes I sit down to play and an hour has gone by and I feel like I haven't even been playing just watching through dialogue after dialogue, it's too much. I want action and actual challenging game design that changes up. Now they change up the story adn keep the game repetitive instead of having the game change up and new challenges. It's a good game, but I just can't get that invested in a video game story to the point I want to spend hours and hours hearing about it, let my imgination work or atleast they could try and incorporate the story and dialogue into the action and movement of the game. I loved elden ring and have'nt been able to get into a game since. I find challenge is the only thing that brings fun with games now having challenges and winning them is were it's at, not interactive movies that you spend most of the time watching.

@druvingame - 28.12.2023 10:57

video games aren't fun anymore Simply because there aren't any video game that is fun! Now many company prefer money over player enjoyment.

@carreviewer6345 - 27.12.2023 03:43

Imo it depends on what game it is you're playing

@bomberman9296 - 26.12.2023 12:32

Just play the yakuza series

@zaddyzach7965 - 20.12.2023 12:52

It’s the sad but unfortunate part of simply growing up. As kids, everything’s a blast. There were no worries at all or at least if there were, they’d be trivial. As we grew up, we slowly had to confine to societal expectations and our cultures, i.e., working 40 hr week shifts just to survive. As such, we lose who we really were as kids. We no longer have the time, let alone the same mindset/priorities: to spend as much times with our friends as we once did, lay under the sun at the park with our arms crossed behind our head and one legged propped carefreeingly daydreaming. We’ve literally had our souls sucked out of us due to societal/cultural expectations that we’ve lost part of our identities and the things that once truly made us happy are no longer as fun or even fun anymore.

@ronty1013 - 14.12.2023 12:00

Gaming is fun if you know what to play and stay updated in the gaming community... in spite of the greed and incompetence of AAA game devs whose main objective is to make skins rather than a good game, there are lot of indie and AA game devs which are leagues ahead of triple A games and are fun, creative and fully utilize the current next-gen technology we have access to today.... and there are still triple A games which push technology, fun and creativity to the limit such as HITMAN, Resident Evil, Baldur's Gate 3 etc... but if you just can't bring yourself to leave your old video game franchises in the dust and you still keep playing them, then it's on you...

@TheTransformersFanEver - 12.12.2023 07:26

games not fun? just play ultrakill.

@Yako_Zu - 10.12.2023 23:43

this may sound stupid but... i'm depressed asf, i don't even enjoy sleeping anymore, the only thing that used to give me happiness... was gaming, now it is just tiring too.

@kairoward7738 - 09.12.2023 10:57

I keep playing left 4 dead 2 halo mcc halo 3 reach etc... old games gives me much more fun than news

@Shinepikavee - 06.12.2023 09:39

For me I just needed to get back to arcade games.XP
I hadn't played arcade games over 30 years. So in my case I needed to go back to what I did in my childhood but not only that change my entire mindset. Don't expect to complete the game, enjoy it till it destroys me enough I feel done with it either after a few defeats (if no life system) or once I run out of lives and call it a fun round then come back to it another day.
I find stressing over finishing games actually hurts my enjoyment because it changes from being fun to a chore. It's okay to drop a game you don't enjoy and you don't have to do everything in said game.

That said I figured if I like the game enough that I will likely finish it anyway. So in otherwords if I really love the game I will likely keep going.

That's what's helped me.

@portales765 - 05.12.2023 03:00

For you.

@MrHARDDRYVE - 04.12.2023 17:25

For me, it's the microtransactions while the quality seems to be going down (first day bugs, patches, etc.)

@BobF510 - 29.11.2023 04:39

This content leads the way in transformative insights. Reading a book with similar insights offered new clarity. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

@Chris_winthers - 26.11.2023 17:20

Damn bro

@Furware - 24.11.2023 20:35

Finally have a top end pc. But games just don't hit anymore so it feels like I wasted money

@TheRealCriperBross - 20.11.2023 19:30

nothing is fun

@dacialogan6605 - 18.11.2023 17:52

i hate people who say "video games aren't fun anymore'

turns out playing the same game for 5-10 years gets boring, who would've thought?!

@TylerMcNamer - 18.11.2023 01:58

Go to the arcades.

@simondrinovsky2585 - 17.11.2023 14:08

nuh uh

@vladimirputin7287 - 10.11.2023 21:26

Yeah, i can't play cod for more than hour but I'll play Skyrim or fallout for literally 10 hours or more.

@blakebrown115 - 10.11.2023 00:52

sorry but fuck this way of thinking just gonna lay it out as it is

@thejedioutcast804 - 06.11.2023 14:34

I basically live on HD PS1/2, GC, Dreamcast, and arcade emulators now, that's how bad modern gaming has become. First I thought it was nostalgia, but it's really not.

I played the latest god of war games and they just felt like a glorified interactive movie with pretty visuals. But then I played Ape escape 2 and 3 on a PS2 emulator (PCSx2) with HD graphical settings turned on (HD internal resolution, AA, texture filtering, wide screen, ect) and I am genuinely having more fun playing these two games than a 200 million dollar budget game. I only got to beat Ape Escape 1 on PS1 back in the day hence why I am playing these two games.

Same with Pokemon XD gale of darkness in HD on Dolphin.
And Megaman Legends 2 in HD on Duckstation. (I only got to beat part 1 back in the day)
Any parts that are slow I can just use 200% turbo function by a press of a button to speed up briefly, so I dont mind load screens or slow segments on some games. There is literally no downside anymore.
I know its not just in my head, gaming legit peaked with the 5th and 6th generation consoles. lol

@mattgroening8872 - 05.11.2023 07:18

Yap yap yap 😢

@deltacosmic5358 - 04.11.2023 23:04

ever since i watched this video my life has basically changed for the better (mostly), i played this game called later alligator because it looked cool and i was trying to take your advice...1 year later its still my personal favorite game of all time and now im studying game dev because games like later alligator, nitw, stanley parable ultra deluxe, dmc5 and titanfall 2 have completly changed my perspective on games and life as a whole so thanks for making this video, it really helped me out

@TheFourtHokage100 - 29.10.2023 22:05

i think we like gaming but we have become more picky with our taste, we have played everything we want something new and engaging, the last time i felt like a child playing a game was some months ago when i played god of war 3

@ReikiMaulana - 29.10.2023 06:01

Stop playing FPS genres and branch out to games like RTS or sides scroll adventure maybe even try out some of the old retro games with emulators.. The reason you get bored of video games is because you've been playing the same thing for a long period of time.. Gaming is more than just FPS or third person RPGs

@nebbyscumbold - 29.10.2023 00:09

This is all I'm seeing now: "Video games aren't fun anymore". Today I downloaded some emulators and tried old 8-bit games. My word, the crap we put up with in those days!

@Sidneeee - 27.10.2023 17:42

Games arent unfun but the games that are hyped to death overshafow the good and original releases

@xmgentertainment - 26.10.2023 17:28

My solution was to play retro games again like Killer Instinct Super Metroid Breath of Fire Golden Sun these games are so much more fun to play than modern games for me I've also been playing avalon code on ds and man is that game good

@t.s.p187 - 25.10.2023 03:18

Games need to be simple like back in the day. Now it's too complicated and too time consuming to get in a game.

The Witcher 3 is a perfect example. Considered by many as one of the greatest games of all time, and I don't dispute it, it looks absolutely great.

Everyone knows the game, and i have dozens of friends on steam who have the game. Problem is, not a single one of my friends have over 10 hours of total playtime in the game.

Why ? Everyone gives up, because the game is too complicated. And i did gave up myself, i tried twice, and even watched some videos on how to get started but still, it's too complicated.

After doing 9 to 5, most people want to open a game, sit back and relax while playing a chill, fun, yet simple game. If you have to concentrate too much to understand, or even need to watch videos to understand how to play, it's overwhelming and not fun. You play to chill not to feel like you're back at school.

I know The Witcher 3 is a great game. But devs always try to overcomplicate games, when in reality Complicated games don't always equal Fun.

@bakenslay8412 - 24.10.2023 19:57

Only games to play right now is ark and rocket league…. Wow is fun if you got a party of friends to level up with otherwise it’s dead game…. New world is just lacking in every aspect….. eso only wants your money and has no issues with restrictions towards that end…. Other then what’s stated here there’s truly nothing to play right now

@d00p58 - 23.10.2023 06:02

i find myself only enjoying a few games a year and when i’m not playing those games i’m just watching videos about other games instead of playing. like i played and finished tears of the kingdom in june and haven’t really felt a desperate urge to play video games since then.

@theultimateeditor173 - 23.10.2023 01:31

bro like ive been craving a pc for 5 YEARS and now this year my dad gave me a pc and then i got bored of gaming

@pupmuffinsyoutube - 22.10.2023 22:56


@bert8486 - 22.10.2023 00:22

just years ago when i was 9 i used to dream of having a high end pc and just imagine playing games on high settings without the worry for lag, without the worry for my storage and without the worry for fps. now i am 16 i have a very high end gaming pc and i barely have games on it, in fact i only have 1 game and i barely even play it anymore. I have lost interest completely and just think about how I have the thing i have been dreaming for since i was 9 in front of me. I lost interest because I dont have anyone to play with anymore, they all grew up along with me and stopped playing games as time passed by.

@Astral_body - 21.10.2023 22:39

I guess there is no better time this through gaming history that I think we finally reached a peak to where gaming companies have become more greedy and don’t really care about their fanbases. their, their own worst enemy it’s more about micro transactions, how much money they can make it sad.

@TheDalifeblives - 21.10.2023 04:50

I thought it was just me. I'm a gamer at heart. But as a father with two kids, 6 and 3. No time!

@ambatukamomaygot1 - 20.10.2023 22:09

For me it’s just a part of growing up and having more responsibilities, uni, work and etc. you get to have less and less time to enjoy yourself and play your favorite games and when I do I it’s not necessarily that they are not fun anymore, I just feel kind of guilty now, having subconscious thoughts that I should be spending my time doing something more useful and productive. This feeling just ruins the whole experience

@nickgray8072 - 16.10.2023 03:49

Maybe if they would just let me have an incredible hulk game without messing it up like they did on the ps2 total destruction was chefs kiss

@mahmood481 - 15.10.2023 17:58

I just thought I had depression 🥸💀

@manny6265 - 12.10.2023 07:14

I think the reason we haven't had fun playing video games is because video games right now are being delivered half baked, such as halo infinite which launched with such little content its hype died down fast, and the reason they are being half baked is because video game studios can always make up the excuse "We'll fix it in later updates" and while that does happen it doesn't mean you should sit on your ass after making 50% of the game and launching it
