Paul Simon contemplates faith, death and the existence of God

Paul Simon contemplates faith, death and the existence of God

Q with Tom Power

1 год назад

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Jennifer Hope
Jennifer Hope - 16.11.2023 12:51

Another legend ❤❤

Rob Young
Rob Young - 16.11.2023 03:54

A great interview, so many songwriters of the time we are losing. Great he can still go on after the hearing loss. Sounds of Silence really are ringing true now. I myself remember the first time I heard he and Art Garfunkel, I was influenced as a younger child and their music opened me up to all different styles of music..

Ann Pratt
Ann Pratt - 14.11.2023 05:02

Genius - Paul is God given to us all. 💗

Lisa Nichols
Lisa Nichols - 14.11.2023 05:01

If you like this you'll love the audiobook that was cowritten by Malcolm Gladwell and Paul Simon.

Lisa Kuechler
Lisa Kuechler - 13.11.2023 13:02

The Lord is not in COVID because it takes breath, rather than giving life. He is air, covid stifles air. I don’t know if you’re reading this, Paul, so long after, but covid represents a belief that opposes God.

Jim Eastwood
Jim Eastwood - 13.11.2023 10:06

Paul, you are so missing what is happening to you. There is this book and it is called the Bible. You need to pick it up and start and least attempt to start reading it. It contains prose that is otherworldly, that simply cannot have been written by men without help from a God or whatever you want to give the name to the "force" that is outside the men who wrote down the words..... Start by reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis... it won't bite you......see what happens......

thefirstchampster - 07.11.2023 09:00

I think Tom is, if not the best, certainly one of the best interviews on Earth.

Howard Tuckey
Howard Tuckey - 06.11.2023 04:53

My eyes blurred quite a few times through this interview. I'm 82, and I've listened to a great many wonderful musicians, and I can say confidently that Paul Simon is at the top of this list. I am also a Christian, and from what I'm hearing from Paul here leads me to believe that God is reaching out to him through this. I hope that he responds, and accepts the saving grace of a loving God.
I also have lost my hearing, and can sympathize with Paul. I cannot listen to most music any more, and cannot play, either - can't even tune a guitar or violin - but I have a lot of Paul's music in my heart, and it still brings me comfort to "listen" to it from there. But after hearing this interview, Paul, every time I remember one of your songs I'll be praying that you do hear what God is saying, and that you come to know Jesus personally.

Johan Temmerman
Johan Temmerman - 03.11.2023 19:55

Yes, Yes, Yes, what a singer!

Polly Purree
Polly Purree - 02.11.2023 09:57

He looks really good for 82. Good skin tone and few wrinkles. Doesn't look like he had plastic surgery either

bwanna23 - 02.11.2023 06:57

Simon and Garfunkel were very special voices in a very special time.

bwanna23 - 02.11.2023 06:39

The dream world has many offerings.

Maureen Mountbatten Windsor
Maureen Mountbatten Windsor - 01.11.2023 09:05

Paul , you might think this sounds so wild , but I truly believe that other musicians that are. now in heaven are communicating with quite a few of us that are here on earth. And , I have also noticed an increase in telepathy messages from a lot of other musicians.
Concerning your hearing issues, that is inhibiting your free flow of creative energy. Of course there are hearing aids . But , there is this incredible vest thing that Chris Martin had invented that helps deaf people FEEL the music.
That should be very comforting to be able to have the creative energy free flowing as you write to really Feel it the way you are used to.

Inglês the Right Way
Inglês the Right Way - 31.10.2023 21:56

He is a gem. The human person in him really shines through. Heartwarming to see.

dougc314 - 30.10.2023 02:53

There is no external messenger of any nature speaking through Paul. Paul's creative aging brain is giving him some very vivid dreams about things that he may have been thinking about his whole life or maybe from just the past few years. I'm aging too, I'm not as old as Paul but am having some really vivid weird dreams along the lines of my engineering background. Listening to Seven Palms (I really liked the God is my engineer line!) my thought is that Paul is getting so good at writing sensitive thoughtful lyrics that he can do it in his sleep|

Mariandel Overeem
Mariandel Overeem - 29.10.2023 23:50

Een geweldige man ,prachtige muziek. I LOVE IT❤

PandaMan - 29.10.2023 15:15

Man look at that beautiful rosewood fretboard on that Guild.

PandaMan - 29.10.2023 15:08

5. Joni Mitchell
4. Paul Simon
3. Brian Wilson
2. Paul McCartney
1. Bob Dylan

Fran Glasscock
Fran Glasscock - 29.10.2023 05:50

Paul, find out where Mark Hemans will be and go there. Get there and believe what he says about Jesus and pray before you go that the Holy Spirit will point you out. Mark will pray and Jesus will give your hearing back to you. Absolutely. Jesus is real and knows your heart, your soul, your experiences. He knows your thoughts, even your inclinations. He answers. I think 3:00 a.m. is prime time for God. He wakes me too. He speaks and I listen. You can totally trust him. You are getting word of knowledge. He is giving you those words. This is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God is comfortable and he is fun and he delights in you. Don't worry about your hearing because you will receive it back. God is connecting with you, know that you can ask questions and he will answer. God is more enjoyable than anything else in this world.

MalouM-L Södermark
MalouM-L Södermark - 28.10.2023 21:20

At least since sound of Silence G-d have given you ability too hear Him....Be blessed ! You have given the world so much from Him.He seeks you mr Simon.And He is a WHO ...and He is not the evil. He loves you.

Anna Whitis
Anna Whitis - 27.10.2023 07:49

Paul Simon you should know Jesus Christ 🙏 also.
Kevin Phoenix ✝️

EILEEN FRANK - 26.10.2023 01:41

I think this is the second time I've had the pleasure of watching Tom Power talk with somebody we've loved for years. This is no simple, every day common Q and A. Mr. Power's curiosity, intellect and pure interest in his guests shines. It feels as if I am sitting in my favorite chair in the living room, sipping a glass of wine while being privy to a conversation of a couple of guys visiting my home.

John Knottenbelt
John Knottenbelt - 25.10.2023 11:17

Better late than never Paul. What always strikes me is how many 'find God' only after adversity comes knocking. But then, we all think we are untouchable, until we get knocked flat. Fortunately The Lord's door is never locked when we knock. ❤ "There's a vision that is planted in our brain', which is revealed in our Hours of Silence. I.E. When we block out the cacophony around us.😊

Donna Adams
Donna Adams - 25.10.2023 01:26

There is a spiritual war in which Satan will loose , things on earth can look crazy but God is a God of order just believe with all your heart , mind , soul. The invisible life is much bigger than physical life. Don’t look to religion , look to God and read Gods word Yeshua is the word and creator and life .

Donna Adams
Donna Adams - 25.10.2023 01:18

Just believe this life is temporary , ask and He will come to you

yellowburger - 24.10.2023 19:22

The first line of the Tao Te Qing is "Tao ke Tao, fei chang Tao," which is often translated as "The Tao that can be spoken of, is not the eternal Tao."

ss1983 - 23.10.2023 09:59


HK Gat
HK Gat - 23.10.2023 04:45

Paul, speaking with authority from the depths of his ignorance.

eugene Teo
eugene Teo - 22.10.2023 07:00

its only when human are reaching their end on earth ,will they think of god.i guess its natural human instinct.

mujaku - 22.10.2023 04:03

The divine is talking to you if it wakes you up at about 3 AM in the morning, you better listen.

Ron Kean
Ron Kean - 22.10.2023 01:51

Wonderful interview that I wish was an hour longer!

Leo’s Moon Fish
Leo’s Moon Fish - 21.10.2023 03:55

Just heard Seven Psalms today for the first time.
It is a truly beautiful collection of songs .

Leland - 20.10.2023 23:26

Interesting that listeners feel and make their interpretations of the meaning beyond what the author meant or wrote. Shakespeare is another good example of that. S didn't put all that into his works. And it s fine.

gene ryan
gene ryan - 20.10.2023 08:12

Hocky Puck

Nancy Warren
Nancy Warren - 18.10.2023 22:01

This is a fascinating and wonderful experience. I am a believer. Paul Simon is the most authentic and beautiful poet. Thank you.💐

Niklas Malmqvist (n.m production)
Niklas Malmqvist (n.m production) - 18.10.2023 03:21

Can’t believe he is 82..

Steve X
Steve X - 16.10.2023 21:00

Paul's always been incapable of saying anything he doesn't really mean, a quality I crave in humans. So when he says "I really enjoyed [this sit-down]" you know he's not just being polite.

I knew nothing of Tom before, who's now happily filed in my tiny folder of genuine and truly empathic interviewers. A rare breed indeed.

chiguy8859 - 16.10.2023 06:22

While I'm not too familiar with Tom Power, I must say he is an exceptional interviewer. For one thing, he does his homework and you can see how appreciative the artist is by their opening up to him. The other reason is Tom doesn't steal the limelight and make it all about HIM, as soooo many other interviewers do. Others are opportunists trying to make a name for themselves, whereas Tom just let's the experience unfold because he knows his place and is comfortable taking a backseat in order to get the most from his guest. Great work Tom! I look forward to enjoying more of your efforts. Peace <><

Michele Dickson
Michele Dickson - 15.10.2023 17:19

More and more jews

Perry Brening
Perry Brening - 15.10.2023 16:59

Love Paul's music... John 14:6, Hebrews 12:1-2 you are loved my friend...

Galina Barannikova
Galina Barannikova - 13.10.2023 19:00

Поздравляю! Здоровья, здоровья, здоровья! Гений вне времени! Браво, маэстро!

Andrew Blackadder
Andrew Blackadder - 13.10.2023 15:49

I had Wednesday Morning 3am Album and I was a kid in Glasgow Scotland and I dont know how I found it as nobody knew who these guys were and on the cover the two of them were on, what I know now as, The New York Subway System..... The words Paul was looking for is.. Bubbling under... as in the record that's about to come into the Top 100... Glad I grew up in the times I did... Born in 1948, turned 21 in 1969...
Wish I had paid more attention back then.

android user
android user - 13.10.2023 15:38



christine mowbray
christine mowbray - 13.10.2023 05:14

I never realized what a freaking genius this guy is !!! He’s an
Oddball musical genius creator ! Love his work

christine mowbray
christine mowbray - 13.10.2023 04:58

What a spiritual experience he had with the dream ! Like Paul McCartney with “Yesterday “

christine mowbray
christine mowbray - 13.10.2023 04:56

It sucks to get old ! Just when you are finally wise enough to appreciate your life your body and mind start to deteriorate 😌 and you can’t enjoy it like you want to

Touch Mother Earth
Touch Mother Earth - 13.10.2023 01:40

This is fascinating! I am learning more here than from other interviews.

Gordon McKinnon
Gordon McKinnon - 12.10.2023 08:55

Paul Simon, I have always loved your songs ! There is a certain spirituality to many of them. After listening to your interview here, it is clear that you are searching for the truth.....not 'A' truth, but 'THE' truth. As far as eternity is concerned, there are not MANY truths.....but there is ONE truth ! If you sincerely wish to find it, then you will. If you only wish to find partial truth, then THAT is what you will find ! Simply....You will find what you want to find. However, partial truth has a blinding effect so much so that if you were to trip over
the WHOLE truth, you would not be able to recognize it as such. Ask ( sincerely ) and the whole truth will be given to you !!! Hope to see you in ETERNITY.........Dr. Gordon A. McKinnon

Shai Kordor
Shai Kordor - 12.10.2023 06:04

Interviewer should be like you, patiently listening, except when they seems to lost words to express something then you interrupt them by helping them with it....

David Patton
David Patton - 11.10.2023 05:24

Paul, no one comes to the Lord unless He draws them......irresitably. This is called grace and mercy. I hope the Lord continues to break down your resistance to Him.
