How to Style Different Boots On A PETITE Body Type! | Petite Style Tips Do's & Don'ts 2023

How to Style Different Boots On A PETITE Body Type! | Petite Style Tips Do's & Don'ts 2023

Elana Kinda

1 год назад

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@MURPHxiii - 20.09.2023 14:22

I’m short with naturally large calves… boots have always been such a struggle lol

@debrafirestone861 - 20.09.2023 14:33

I wear what makes me happy

@debrafirestone861 - 20.09.2023 14:36

I’m 65 I’m not wearing mini skirts

@midlifemom5829 - 20.09.2023 14:45

Boots are a challenge! I need knee highs that come in 14 " shaft height and 14" calf circumference (very narrow) . A majority of boots are at least couple inches taller and will go into kneecap . I notice more wide calf options but what about narrow (14") calves?

@jennifermae542 - 20.09.2023 15:21

Do you still think the suede knee high boots would still look good with the second outfit you showed with the skirt?

@shahoodaashrafwafy8988 - 20.09.2023 15:46

So happy i found you I'm 5ft 1 too 😂😂

@tonyg.9710 - 20.09.2023 21:37

Love this haul ❤ well done!

@jessicaponce6160 - 20.09.2023 22:33

I ❤ your videos! Have you ever done over-the-knee boot styling tips? Especially with dresses?

Help! Lol 😆

@suzanschneider6163 - 20.09.2023 23:33

I’m always adjusting my pant/jeans lengths 🤣 Your tips for petites are so helpful.

@jenres - 21.09.2023 16:47

Your makeup looks amazing! You have such a beautiful glow. Which foundation or bronzer do you use ?

@kimberlyperrotis8962 - 21.09.2023 20:04

Tights don’t have to be black. I wear not only black, but brown, navy, etc., tights to match my skirt/dress and boots. Colored tights are very trendy, but I like to match my boots, at least. I won’t wear lime-green or purple, ones, for example. I also wear taupe tights with my taupe thigh-high boots, it looks great.

@JadesMom743 - 23.09.2023 07:31

Hi Elana 👋 Soooo ready for the Fall! Love your styles 🎉pleas more FALL WINTER LOOKS!

@jajamoooon - 23.09.2023 11:20

What about autumn travel outfit, one which is adjustable to not so cold morning, too cold of a night and long, long walks?

@lucasley20 - 26.09.2023 06:52

@rzoo5113 - 26.09.2023 17:40

Elana you are right on point with these Do’s and Don’t love your style thank you for giving us great outfits ideas.

@dawnpotts5941 - 29.09.2023 07:44

Could you let me know what your inside leg is and what length you have your pants cropped to show your ankle boots? I’m 5ft, but it obviously depends on our leg length to compare 😂 I’ve always struggled at what looks right and what looks wrong! Love your videos so much…you have influenced my bank account many times!!

@Daisy_Anne - 09.10.2023 15:29

Hii. Love your channel! Next time would you mind using lighter colored clothing to show the styling? It is tough for me to see when it's black. Also, any ideas for petite tops for small chested girls? I appreciate you! ❤

@Jumanikings - 23.10.2023 03:47

Nice dress

@GRP-Chi80 - 19.11.2023 08:24

Can you talk about Uggs, how to style and which is better, ultra mini or mini for petites PLEASE!!

@aliciamolloy5948 - 17.12.2023 02:34

Hi Elana great tips!

@pujarajput4424 - 14.07.2024 00:21

So good tips, glad I found you hua google

@amandalong2649 - 11.11.2024 02:13

What is the belt u are wearing? It’s gorgeous

@chelyespinoza4655 - 14.12.2024 23:11

What about ankle boots with skirts ??
