How to Make a Ginger Bug for Homemade Soda | The Fermentation Adventure

How to Make a Ginger Bug for Homemade Soda | The Fermentation Adventure

The Fermentation Adventure

5 лет назад

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@ladysouldja - 28.12.2024 19:35

Can you use alkaline water?

@richardbraun2567 - 29.12.2024 22:47

Just started my "BUG". can I also use this bug as a sourdough starter? Or to start one? Has anyone out there tried this?
Oh, and thanks for the great video.

@dannyboy3220 - 31.12.2024 01:12

Thank you both deeply❤

@c.a.p.e.ceramics7241 - 31.12.2024 11:11

Don’t know how I found this, but it feels like Miss Rachael for adults ❤

@gabrielvasquez6477 - 03.01.2025 07:57

Awesome video! Does brown sugar work?

@shawnfellows5306 - 05.01.2025 11:03

I liked seeing the day to day progression. I'm in the process of making my first batch, before watching your video. One container grew mold... another container from the same batch didn't and is in the fridge right now. We'll see how it turns out. I have a feeling that practice makes perfect. Nice job!

@artmusiccom - 06.01.2025 23:32

Hi Paul, in the video for GInger Bug creation...after the first day, it is 1 teaspoon of ginger and 1 teaspoon of sugar. In the instruction for the recipe, it is one tablespoon of ginger and one tablespoon of sugar. Now that you've experimented with both, wihich is best for the 1 quart jar size? Love your videos and your upbeat presentation

@henrytorres8144 - 07.01.2025 00:00

I threw out my first attempt. It was taking too long. I assumed that it was because I left the skin on my conventional ginger; hence, the pesticides may have killed the ferment. I successfully made a ginger bug on my second attempt. It took the full week. Now I know that it's simply too cold in my house. Another thing I learned is that despite what some might say--ginger does grow moldy. This was fun to do. Thank you for teaching me to ferment.

@IamAhmedMohammed - 07.01.2025 21:10

I am a Muslim, can't have any alcohol what so ever; please someone tell me; is this alcohol free?
Like if I drink my stomach full worth, will it get me drunk?

@krzysbass - 09.01.2025 06:28

So wait 🤔 If I'll keep my ginger bug in the fridge do I add some water after using? Or just sugar and ginger and soon run out of it?

@Morian1977 - 09.01.2025 06:32

My bug keeps going flat. I get to a couple of days in, with small bubbles, then after the next day there are no bubles or fizz

@clairbear7919 - 10.01.2025 23:17

Can you top up the water as well?

@utoob22 - 15.01.2025 15:56

I done a ginger bug as u taught has been 5 days . Started fizzing after 3 days but now not fizzing at all . Used bottle water and left it in living room as it’s cold in kitchen . Help

@MarisolsAdventures - 17.01.2025 17:51

can I use monk fruit?

@4175flav - 18.01.2025 14:37

i just finished making my Ginger Bug and just made grape soda! Fingers crossed, lets hope it tastes great.

@timosman1408 - 19.01.2025 00:31

Great video gonna try this with my kids thanks! Subscribed

@AsifKhan-zk8qq - 21.01.2025 06:57

Can the ginger be stored in the fridge between those first 5 days of making ginger bug?

@quest2782 - 21.01.2025 18:41

Hey anyone know if I could freeze ginger save and put it in the bug later?

@patrogers2594 - 24.01.2025 22:38

I use homemade fruit water to make my wild yeast for my bread. On one of my last ones I used mashed blueberries along with raisins and dates . I tasted it and it is delicious. So I used my fruit water as my ginger bug. I used 1/4cup fruit water and apple juice. I left it out to ferment for two days I burped it twice a day the fermentation is extremely strong! Then I refrigerated my delicious fizzy drink. I take the time to make a 1/2 gallon at a time of the fruit water and it takes about 6 days and I shake it twice a day. Thank you for your videos❤️

@rakelh394 - 26.01.2025 14:43

I have been giving it tablespoons of sugar and ginger not teaspoons :’)

@urtypicalguy - 29.01.2025 06:29

Great video! For clarification, are you saying that for the first 5 to 7 days, you want to let it sit at room temp and feed it 1 Tablespoon of sugar and 1 Tablespoon of ginger. But after that, to maintain it, you reduce those amounts to 1 TEASPOON of sugar and 1 TEASPOON (instead of Tablespoon) of ginger daily or weekly depending on where it is kept? Also, do you restart the process if the liquid in the ginger bug gets low or you just continue to add 1c of water to it each time it's low and continue to feed it until more bubbles appear?

@je3917 - 29.01.2025 07:55

I cant stand this.

@emilythechef - 29.01.2025 23:27

The old rules about not using metal when doing ferments were from when copper and aluminum were used in kitchens - they re more reactive metals. Stainless steel is non-reactive and can be used.

@liljagty - 30.01.2025 22:01

Your videos are great! I came across them a few days ago, and now I’ve started my first branch of ginger ale from my bug. I have a question: when I put the ginger bug in the fridge, can I cover it with a proper lid now? Or does it need to still breathe a lot?

@KellyNsGrotto - 31.01.2025 08:06

When do you add more water? When you remove liquid for making soda?

@padmavathynayak - 31.01.2025 14:40

I tried it. 5 days over
Gonna make the gaingerale
Thank you

@barackhusos3791 - 31.01.2025 16:10

I would use only wooden spoon. The silicon has chemicals in it.

@Eldritch-Bee - 01.02.2025 08:45

So I have a small question about the bug. I've fermented it for 5 days and when I tried to use it for ginger ale, a small part of the bug had different consistency than the rest of it. Most of it was liquid, but that small part had a more gelatinous texture. Is this safe?

@Itiswell14 - 04.02.2025 08:00

How much and how often should I add more water to my ginger bug after it was put in the fridge?

@p0ll4kr4 - 08.02.2025 20:38

they write i shouldn’t use a tablecloth but a tightly sealed jar so no air can get in there now what whyyyyy

@p0ll4kr4 - 08.02.2025 20:39

can gases kill
me you said it’s like wine i don’t go keep wine on my counter

@ptah23 - 10.02.2025 04:11

1 quart is 1 litre in modern measurement right?

@aksharla66 - 10.02.2025 18:31

@seweratas - 11.02.2025 11:26

Should I keep it in the fridge if I live in hot/tropical country?

@jetset808 - 15.02.2025 02:49

why would taking the skin off ginger make it safer? IT's a root. why would the skin have pesticides? The root it self will have all those pesticides. Anything like garlic or onions you always want organic because it concentrates the pesticides .. in the actual root not the skin

@bluubird7077 - 15.02.2025 04:52

Paul, are you a math or science teacher/professor? You're so excited to talk about the science-y parts. 😊

@Sravya-n3h - 17.02.2025 02:38

Can I please know,when do I add the water to the bug after using it for fermenting the actual drink ? Apart from tsp ginger and sugar ?? Thanks very much in advance!!

@joshhartman7420 - 18.02.2025 21:23

I dont understand why you would degass the bug. Arent you supposed to be keeping the co2. I dont know I'm just coming from the wine/mead mentality. Also wouldn't it be better to use an airlock than a towel?

@CaroleSt-Denis-y1n - 19.02.2025 23:35

Thank you

@27kjh - 20.02.2025 20:08

I have a few questions: So if you use 125 ml of the bug then should you replace the 125ml of water or just use up the bug and start over. Can you use the bug directly from the fridge (if kept in the fridge) to make soda or should it be set out for some time and maybe fed before using? After a while of feeding the bug, the ginger will build up should one remove some of it or remove some ginger each feeding…or should I eventually start over making a bug when the jar is too full with ginger? How long would you kept a bug in the fridge? Thanks.
Edit: I just saw one of your undated short video…and it answered a lot of these questions. Thanks.

@praptichoudhuri3575 - 20.02.2025 21:46

does anyone know what happens when the minced ginger really starts to build up at the bottom of the jar after days and days of feeding it? is it ok to scoop some solids from the jar and throw it out?

@debraflo1810 - 21.02.2025 22:04

My ginger bug after 7 days is no longer frothy, but it smells amazing. I've been feeding it everyday. What am I doing wrong?

@charuscharm - 23.02.2025 10:12

Nice video. Just one query though. Can we make ginger bug starter with honey instead of sugar? Plz reply Thank You.

@flaviubenta - 23.02.2025 23:19

Can I make ginger bug with honey instead of sugar?

@zhannapoltavets7162 - 25.02.2025 22:59

What is among of ginger and sugar in grams?

@glorious_conqueror2021 - 01.03.2025 02:23

Is it better with the cloth or tight lid.

@juliea7033 - 01.03.2025 22:32

I thought you needed to keep the skin on the ginger because that’s what helps deliver the culture?

@qigoddess339 - 02.03.2025 03:33

Newbie here. My ginger floats to the top and there aren’t that much bubbles. I’m on day 6.

@isaacsanchez9055 - 04.03.2025 07:23

It is my first time trying this :) hope it goes well
