UnitedHealth Group is a $497B Giant... Larger Than Its 5 Closest Competitors Combined

UnitedHealth Group is a $497B Giant... Larger Than Its 5 Closest Competitors Combined

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UnitedHealth Group is a $497B Giant... Larger Than Its 5 Closest Competitors Combined.

Why? Why is UnitedHealth Group gargantuan in size compared to its competitors.

The answer may be Stephen Hemsley, UnitedHealth Group's Chairman of the Board.

Before becoming Board Chairman, Hemsley was the CEO and before that he was the COO. Prior to joining United as the COO, Hemsley was the CFO of Arthur Andersen... one of the largest accounting firms in the world at that time.

Hemsley oversaw the creation of Optum allowing United to be on both the Demand and the Supply sides of healthcare. Optum allows United to grow regardless of what happens in healthcare.

A video of Hemsley reveals his 1) meticulous appearance, 2) detailed knowledge of United performance metrics, 3) precise diction and 4) flat affect... which are all similar in nature to other leaders and former leaders of huge American companies such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.

All of these individuals including Hemsley share the quality of RELENTLESSNESS.

It is likely that Hemsley has created a culture of Relentlessness within United that is superior to its competitors.

However, an organization's greatest strength can also be its greatest Weakness. Is that the case with United?

AHealthcareZ Video on United Founder Richard T. Burke: https://youtu.be/GWYMIsBnU_4

Video of Stephen Hemsley Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-FbjdIj23s





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