Ответитьstupid ass click bait
ОтветитьShe was only on the show because 30 minutes after last call she would be doable… she sure as hell couldn’t drive worth a damn
ОтветитьShe was my favorite driver when the show was on and I used to have a major crush on her and I would love to know if she is married. How old is she and she is very beautifully woman
ОтветитьHow could the history channel not pay the irts that’s crazy
Ответитьice road Lisa Kelly is alive and still driving trucks
there was another lisa robin Kelly actress of 70s show that had passed awhile back
similar names but different people and occupation
Gorgeous woman wish her nothing but the best❤
ОтветитьWho cares
Ответить“Click bait”😂
ОтветитьI loved Lisa!!!
ОтветитьAI sucks.
ОтветитьExcuse Me. Lisa Kelly from Ice Road Truckers is alive and well at 43. You're confusing her with Lisa Robin Kelly who passed away August 15, 2013. She was Laurie on That 70s Show. Also was 43.
ОтветитьWhat a conning person this person is!! Look at the headline and how she wants people’s attention
ОтветитьFucking click bait. Blocked
ОтветитьSo, clickbait then.... imagine that, a channel reporting about truck driving wasting what little time I have after my shift as a truck driver. You can fuck off for this one
Ответитьwhat happend to mya and steph hugh was the biggest A Hole
ОтветитьClickbait shit.
ОтветитьMy husband watched the show periodically and enjoyed the show. Its good to hear she is doing well and still with us all on God's green earth.
ОтветитьFuck this bullshit as clickbait video........and fuck the person who created it
ОтветитьThe sad story is she got fat
ОтветитьLisa and Alex were always the best, Alex was the image of my Uncle Paulie and Lisa was my cousin Deana. Stupid but that's how I saw it. Lisa was a bad-ass!
ОтветитьI really hope you feel the love Lisa no matter what you held your own .❤
ОтветитьHey get your fact's straight. Lisa is alive and doing excellent. She still has her own business that her and Daryl started together. She has driver's drive for her. And she still drives on the ice. I met her year's ago when i was bringing loads up to Fairbanks and she was there at the Truck Stop and i said are u Lisa Kelly and she turned and said yeah. And i said cool and she asked where i was coming from and i said Denton Texas bringing this load with another driver who works for us. He was like dam wish they never stopped Ice Road Trucker's. And Lisa said u can thank Hugh Rowland for that. Andi told her i heard about the accident he was in. And she said it was really bad. The producer who was driving was speeding around a curve to fast.
ОтветитьI wouldn't travel nowhere to see this show. Ots another phony. American pickers,American restoration,pawn stars and counting cars. Just a bunch of clowns and do not know how to dress. Only people with no life watch these dumb shows.
ОтветитьCLICK BAIT !!!
ОтветитьLisa Amazing ♥️
ОтветитьTo me Lisa was amazing from the beginning ♥️
ОтветитьIve not watched this as I wasted ages listening to some idiot rambling on elsewhere and not telling us what the so called "tragedy" was.
ОтветитьClickbait! The title is a total lie. Lisa is happy, healthy, still driving, and has a husband. I'll click "Don't recommend this channel" so I won't fall for your dishonesty again.
ОтветитьO čemu pričaju.? Halooo
ОтветитьI think Lisa Kelly was the best truck driver out there.Nothing Bothered her when she was out it.Ever since she came on The show❤
ОтветитьIce road truckers are a path breaking team of acquaintances; being friends in times of adversity ❤❤
ОтветитьI love how the label it as the tragic story not once did I hear tragedy
ОтветитьWow, next level laziness!
Congrats 😂
❤❤❤❤(LISA KELLY)❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьLisa Kelly! You are a pretty woman! Glenn
ОтветитьThat is sad...Just bcz she is a woman she didn't get paid.... keep up the good work Kelly
ОтветитьThen Lisa Kelly got ( F) on that show , When it came to Money. NOT COOL.! .
ОтветитьThat hoe ain't gorgeous lol
ОтветитьYou are so beautiful ❤
ОтветитьLisa was just as good as the rest of them if not better than some if i remember right .loved watching it oo and im a trucker😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьShe was so pretty back then.
ОтветитьAs a retired 30 year truck driver in Alaska I was a big fan of Lisa . Great trucker , fearless, good sense of humor and respect for others 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьI won't even watch this click bait crap as I know it is pure B.S. The only sadness and heartbreaking here is your deceitful, manipulative title so you can make a few bucks at other's expense. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WATCHING THIS FOLKS - PURE B.S. from start to finish! 👎
ОтветитьThe woman was an escort who literally traded her body for favours on the road because she was uselesss!!!
ОтветитьWhat a sweetheart 💖
ОтветитьStop with the mis-titling of your videos…. Stop lying… you are pathetic…