I agree with Vlad on this one. The girl stuck around for a year or more so that's convenient
ОтветитьPlease learn the facts or, better yet, let the facts play out before you make dumb comments in the future...
ОтветитьVince promoted and created a produced and scripted matches so chaotic and random that the outcomes are BET ON in LAS VEGAS. Greatest promoter ever
ОтветитьVince’s argument for not wanting to buy the UFC is COMPLETELY contradicted by him launching both the WBF and XFL… and the argument of him comparing it to the failure of both is contradicted again being that he re-launched the XFL in 2020… Which I personally was rooting for, and, it seemed promising! This new UFL just doesn’t do it for me
ОтветитьThought Vince was making an entrance on the intro 😂😂😨
ОтветитьVlad defending a horrible sexual deviant that literally shit on his victims head is wrong with him
ОтветитьVlad talks to much
ОтветитьFruity booty maven 😂😂
ОтветитьMaven for president 2028 🇺🇸
ОтветитьShane McMahon would be a great guest
ОтветитьCould you interview jimmy zelinski? He’s from the original team at treyarch who made call of duty zombie maps from world at war-black ops 2. But was fired and never did an interview or ever talked about his Vision for zombies because it was changed once he was fired or what happened leading up to him getting fired. Would definitely get views he’s like a unicorn in the community
ОтветитьThere’s no predetermined outcome in the UFC wow that’s deep no Diddy
ОтветитьMaven, handsome Squidward looking ahhh. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьPlease do more Maven interviews and bring on other wrestlers and UFC fighters
ОтветитьMaven comes off like a humble real one, but gotta ask:WHAT is his Racial Makeup , cause im curious
ОтветитьIf you think the US was bad during Covid, I remember going to Sint Maarten / Saint Martin. Basically, the same island, but one side is French & the other side is Dutch. And the entire island is family to the Natives. However, when Covid kicked in. They shut the border where family couldn’t see family because neither side, French & Dutch, wanted to deal with the fallout in case something went bad. It wouldn’t be the entire island.
ОтветитьIt’s always about money with a woman 😅
ОтветитьDamn Vlad really needs to shut the fuck up. He is just talking like an offender
ОтветитьVlad is so fn dumb man
ОтветитьVlad need to shut up bc a lot of women have said Vince did shit they just couldn’t say shit look lita Ashley You mad nobody messing with your dusty ass
ОтветитьVince McMahon, raped women and defecated in their mouths and faces. He’s a horrific pervert.
ОтветитьThe UFC main events are actually pre determined
ОтветитьVlad should look up statistics on women filing for criminal cases and the likelihood of winning. that's why women will settle for civil cases for the most part
ОтветитьOh this channel just lost me by defending Diddy. Nope.
ОтветитьSuing rick ross was a total money grab
ОтветитьPost nut clarity. Lol
ОтветитьI never expected wwe to not be owned by a member of the McMahon family, i really didnt want it to be sold that way but it led to vince being kicked out so it wasnt all bad😂 he needed to go anyway that company needed fresh ideas even if you don't like the ideas they use now
ОтветитьHire maven
ОтветитьVlad the victim blamer in chief
ОтветитьSo Theo Von and Maven share the same voice?
ОтветитьAfter 🌰 clarity🤪🤣🤣
ОтветитьIt had nothing to do with money. Vince loss millions upon millions over the years, he’s made way more than he’s loss, it more so had to do with the wwe and the ufc would’ve conflicted with each other being both combat type sports. He would’ve had to buy it and let someone else completely run it, he could’ve just reap the benefits. His ideas for wrestling would’ve transferred over to ufc and and you don’t need the same two entities with mirroring images. One would’ve definitely failed. My opinion tho!!!!
ОтветитьIt's the fault on the man for deciding to have a side chick and cheat on his wife in the first place Vlad You idiot
ОтветитьCaping for a millionaire predator is crazy😆😅😄🤣
ОтветитьThere's not a predetermined outcome in the UFC😂, fights can be thrown and people can be bought, whatever the company wants they get
ОтветитьMaven would be a great commentator better then the guy who has the fake raspy deep British accent
ОтветитьI like this guy
ОтветитьINTERROGATION - can keep people quiet
Ever thought, that's why people speak up like "last minute homework" ???
Vlad is a racist piece of crap. So it's cool that Vince McMahon did what he did,but Puff is the devil.... right. Thanks to Rick Ross for beating his up
ОтветитьVoad seem to talk soo much than even his guests and he won't listen to advice. What sort of interviewer is that who wont allow his guests to make a sentence??!!
ОтветитьVlad you ignorant trog. She was supposed to be paid millions in hushmoney to keep her quiet even after she left. Vince stopped paying. That's at least half if not all the reason she is suing. This is why noone likes you. You just yap without doing any homework on what you're talking about. Stick to your phony tough street beef knowledge. Stuff where there is actually something at stake is above your skill level.
ОтветитьI wonder if he was around when lord alred hayes was there ? 🕳️🥜
ОтветитьVince was planning on selling WWE even before all these lawsuits and allegations. Ari Emmanuel offered him a ton of money as well as the UFC.
ОтветитьLove Maven and I love that people in the Vlad comments remember and are fond on him too
ОтветитьThis interview is not going to age well at all....."I hope vince pulls through this"....sweet jesus vlad you're dumb as nails
ОтветитьShame thing with r kelly vlad only difference is i was alot more women comin forward
ОтветитьWhat a scam covid was. And big businesses made bank
Ответить“I didn’t even know what her role was” ..bars
ОтветитьPost nut clarity is real people