Mass Effect Trilogy: Urdnot Wrex All Scenes Complete(ME1, ME2, ME3)

Mass Effect Trilogy: Urdnot Wrex All Scenes Complete(ME1, ME2, ME3)


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@nilava.sinistar2777 - 26.10.2023 20:02

Btw, love how they depict krogan as somewhat cruel to their female, but then, turns out it is not

@christianfranck1818 - 07.10.2023 21:46

Is that armax arena armor?

@anttikorpi4108 - 26.09.2023 05:46

Non pussy ones plese.

@lilou955 - 30.08.2023 14:08

I swear Wrex, Garrus and Joker were my besties 😂

@TheSoda21 - 26.06.2023 04:22

Is uvenk voiced by Worf? The voice just strikes me as familiar

@lordextinction8322 - 21.04.2023 15:40

You forgot the most wholesome dialogue of Wrex
It’s if your bring him to retake the Normandy a the end of the citadel dlc and he says where Shepard tells everyone go enjoy Shore Leave with just us and less explosions and Wrex says
Wrex: I don’t know about less explosions, but just us sounds perfect.

@John.S.Patton - 31.03.2023 08:26

Did you guys know you can romance Eve if you have scar's. Jk

@Pokerface-tr1ds - 11.03.2023 13:52

Oh man I HATE that snobbish Salarian Dalatrass! Too bad I never got the chance to put a Bullet in her Head! Betraying Uncle Urdnot Wrex? NEVER!!!!

@CaptainAlexGrayson - 04.03.2023 06:28

I'm always torn between choosing Kaiden or Wrex to do the final push with. Kaiden has been my bro since day one, Wrex is my best friend forever. Garrus is always with my Shep, no way I'm letting her go without him by her side (she's also gotta say goodbye to him).

@matthewclokus7311 - 20.02.2023 18:41

It doesnt really make sense to sabotage or not cure the genophage, we're essentially screwing both the krogan and the turians, for the divided salarians. Besides saving the salarian councilor gets their help anyway. I'm saying this because Wrex is much more than just a walking meat shield, he's a friend, family throughout this whole adventure

@gr8m887 - 19.02.2023 05:55

The fact that we don't get Wrex, Grunt, or any Krogan, for that matter, as a squad mate in ME3 is still one of the game's greatest flaws. And that is saying A LOT

@Matt561 - 17.02.2023 20:48

That was grunt not Wrex, you humans are all racist

@Matt561 - 16.02.2023 18:50

We only got 2 hours of Wrex? Preposterous next remastered needs more Wrex

@gideonquartz5527 - 13.02.2023 20:29

I love during the discovering of the immune females even a Turian was like "dude, I hate them but they aren't wrong" for a Krogan, that's funny to me

@Ragnarok6664 - 08.02.2023 19:20

Wish you could meet more Rachni, nice saving them

@TheVergile - 07.02.2023 14:50

"then i hope you brought an army"
"i brought a mattock"

@teapottanuki5841 - 26.12.2022 15:21

Primark Victus’ loss of his son - and the fact is that it’s at least somewhat his fault - is one of the most poignant moments and yet few people mention it.

@jacobhederstrom8198 - 18.12.2022 23:14

i honestly wish the war summit with the dalatrass when she asks how it will benefit her pepole there was a renegade response that said: it might helps us defeat the reapers which want tokill all of us, or if you don't help us but we still convince the krogan and beat the reapers, then both humanity and the turians will share a simmilar grudge against your pepole and decide to deepen theri bonds by turning your race to ruin.

@blakedevitt6948 - 17.12.2022 16:55

Wrex was so cool. Wish he could rejoin your squad in Game 3 like all of your Game 1 squad mates.

@Shadowwand - 11.12.2022 11:49

That nod from Wreave, almost like a small bow to show his agreement with what Wrex said.

@mksmike - 11.11.2022 21:27

"A bully has few friends when he needs them most." The irony in dalatrass saying that line always cracks me up.

@cokozab - 30.08.2022 03:32

It feels almost criminal to backstab Wrex. That handshake always remind of the Predator, Dillion, you son of a Biatch!

@doubt3430 - 28.07.2022 07:19

man i bet baraka did that on purpose to troll him

@v1tr1us2 - 27.07.2022 00:36

Wrex has a fun bit of dialogue in ME1 where you have to chase the AI funneling credits. The other party member will say something along the lines of looks like we finally found the source of the missing credits, cue the AI revealing itself and its intention to kill the party, to which Wrex nonchalantly states

"or not"

The delivery kills me even though it's such a mundane line

@Kanzuki - 25.07.2022 19:01

I deeply regret getting Wrex killed in the first game. I realized I had no choice but to kill him since I stupidly saved during the Virmire mission and couldn't back out to do Wrex's side mission

@ShepardCZ - 15.07.2022 20:59

Eternal shame that there is not a scene where Wrex gets dragged away by.... love-seeking females in Citadel DLC, while trying to claw the ground and screaming comically, with Shepard just vibin in the background looking amused :D

@RicardoPerez-rz8pu - 08.06.2022 01:22

Ya know sometimes Wrex is that old grandpa we all wish to have in a family

@frzferdinand72 - 08.04.2022 09:39

I thought it was really nice that in Wrex's speech on Earth, he said "join the galaxy as allies in victory." He's leading the krogan to a better future with the other species.

@dexter2392 - 08.03.2022 18:09

From a merc bouncer in a club, to the leader of the entire krogan race and savior of the galaxy.

@Issengan - 24.02.2022 22:57

Shephard: "whats so important about curing this genophage?"
Wrex: shephard did you not listen to a single fucking word i said on that ship?

@ReiHydraCombatWalker - 24.02.2022 08:14

Wrex: I prefer my salarian liver served raw.
Javik: It is true. They were a....delicacy in my cycle.
Garrus: I hear the vorcha like them grilled!

@kevin-gw6dj - 09.02.2022 22:52

Every time he laughs just makes me smile for some reason.

@Kovugamez - 22.01.2022 23:39

Wait, you didn't do the Shadow Broker DLC? And why'd he call her Eve instead of Bakara?

@renegade7548 - 02.01.2022 13:34

I still can't believe this guy turned from a hopeless, bloodthirsty brute to a hopeful, dependent leader to a jolly, dumb and loving giant after both wanted to kill a jerk named fist

@LupusCantus - 18.11.2021 17:42

No one going to comment that wrex said “out of my way” when he saw Shepard after his first “death”

@MichaelMurphy-wv4so - 13.11.2021 10:56

You'll let a tank bred join clan Urdnot.......only because he's with you.......that had to be the best sign of respect from Wrex to Shepard before he declared him a hero and a friend to clan Urdnot

@floatinggoose9197 - 02.11.2021 15:45

The Dalatras deserves to die.

@MichaelMurphy-wv4so - 30.10.2021 09:42

Wait......I just want you to've been a champion to the krogan people, a friend to clan Urdnot and brother to me.......from this day forward, Shepard shall mean hero. Let's show them why........I loved Wrex......I could never betray my BFF lol
