Mass Effect 3 - Wrex confrontation - all dialogue

Mass Effect 3 - Wrex confrontation - all dialogue


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BronwynECG - 01.09.2023 06:49

Played through this scene having NO IDEA how bloody it would get (all I wanted was the Renegade points for an earlier choice).... I was sobbing hard. I *immediately* scummed a save cause I could not live with killing my bro.... NGL I'm still a little traumatized.... Good job Bioware.

Big D the 8th
Big D the 8th - 30.08.2023 06:21

I tried to sabotage the genophage but couldn't face Wrex in the cutscene after so I never went with it.

Cool Sea Turtle
Cool Sea Turtle - 03.08.2023 06:26

This is why Wrex stays on Virmire indefinitely. Frankly, I am amazed how many players judge the whole orkish race of bloodthristy murderers by one uncharacteristic member.

Charles Lanier
Charles Lanier - 21.07.2023 18:08

I’ve always believed that Wrex wants to die here, and is the reasoning for confronting Shepard in front of C-Sec without any Krogan backup. He was too devastated to learn about the betrayal, his people again not having a future, and his efforts having been for nothing

Strange Cousin
Strange Cousin - 20.07.2023 00:04

Im sorry but if you actually sabotage the Genophage cure you deserve to be shot in the head with the shotgun. Wrex is a homie.

CapralHarrison - 12.06.2023 10:17

ME 1
Wrex: Shepard.
Shepard: Wrex.
became a meme of sort

ME 2
Grunt: Shepard.
Shepard: Grunt.
a continuation of a meme

ME 3 Citadel
Wrex: Shepard.
Grunt: Shepard.
Shepard: Wrex, Grunt
a funny fan service

ME 3 Wrex Confronation cutscene:
Shepard: Wrex.

Wrex: Shepard.
A punch it the gut

Ginq - 26.05.2023 23:09

so unrealistic that Wrex could be killed by 4 pistol shots lol Shepard would be dead in seconds

Octavian - 08.05.2023 04:27

Damn, I know this is 11 years old, but first of all thanks for showing all dialogue alternatives, not all content creators do that. Secondly, do you have to face code for this shepard? She looks badass.

A_Legless_Orphan - 19.04.2023 14:39

I don't agree with the Korgans way but I believe in Wrex. I can't understand betraying him.

David Hulse
David Hulse - 12.04.2023 05:12

Wrex: Shepard, you sold us out shermhead!
Renegade Shepard: I’m a mothafuckin’ genius!

Araf Ahmed Alam
Araf Ahmed Alam - 02.04.2023 20:54

ফেরাউন এবং ফেরাউন এর দলবল কে কেউ বলে দিন,, উপদেশ গ্রহণ করতে

Aegix Drakan
Aegix Drakan - 14.03.2023 05:35

DAMN, so THAT'S what that scene looks like. I could never have done that to Wrex, but I'm glad I got to see it. Because MAN, that is an amazing scene.

Daniel P
Daniel P - 13.03.2023 21:41

It hurts extra hard when you tell Bailey he went nuts and Bailey mentions that the Genophage makes them screwy and they snap. Bailey has no idea Shepard betrayed Wrex but he still unknowingly gives you one last reminder that the Krogan are doomed forever because of your actions.

CuteGallifreyian - 22.02.2023 03:49

....too big for a coffin might have to space this one.

So impersonal. 🥺

The Winged Hussar
The Winged Hussar - 21.02.2023 13:04

You are a terrible person for doing this to our boy.

Slipz - 17.02.2023 07:45

I normaly play a renegade shepard, But I never betray Wrex.

Александр Лихачёв
Александр Лихачёв - 13.02.2023 20:48

This record does not even prove the FACT of sabotage in ANY WAY...Just a recording of a conversation between Shepard and Dalatress.That's all.There is no Shepard's agreement, no denial, no neutral "I'll think about it."This is dsukzlbn only as a concealment of this conversation, which Shepard does in case of sabotage.But this record doesn't say ANYTHING else...

Commander Abdulmoslih
Commander Abdulmoslih - 06.01.2023 07:42

Honestly between Krogens and Salarians for war against Reapers
Its going to be 100% Krogens plus after that
Shepard! My Friend! In ME2 You just cant betray Wrex 😂

Commander Abdulmoslih
Commander Abdulmoslih - 06.01.2023 07:42

Honestly between Krogens and Salarians for war against Reapers
Its going to be 100% Krogens plus after that
Shepard! My Friend! In ME2 You just cant betray Wrex 😂

Commander Abdulmoslih
Commander Abdulmoslih - 06.01.2023 07:41

Honestly between Krogens and Salarians for war against Reapers
Its going to be 100% Krogens plus after that
Shepard! My Friend! In ME2 You just cant betray Wrex 😂

Remy Blas
Remy Blas - 31.12.2022 08:34

What makes this even worse is that to get to this, you would also had to kill Mordin in cold blood to stop him from fixing the sabotage and releasing the cure for te genophage. This version of Shep is a monster.

Nugget The Rabbit
Nugget The Rabbit - 29.12.2022 03:17

Thank you for making this video. I couldnt hurt Wrex like that

Excited Cat
Excited Cat - 16.12.2022 23:05

I think this game works better if you played the renegade path on a higher difficulty. Like doing decisions that seem “bad” make sense because how tough the enemies are, so you’re desperate to get help by any means necessary

GameKeeper28 - 14.10.2022 11:23

Never knew about this. Even when playing a Renegade Route, I could never betray Wrex.

A Foolish Mortal
A Foolish Mortal - 03.09.2022 05:08

I adore how the paragon/renegade options, the get out of jail free card for this whole franchise, are not enough to fix the mistake you have made.

Brandon Vladovic
Brandon Vladovic - 29.07.2022 17:27

How did Shepard dive 40 feet away from Wrex lol

dEEP sHEEp - 11.06.2022 05:28

Man fuck people that sabotage the cure, me and my homies always cure the Genophage.

Luthfi Nicola Sereni
Luthfi Nicola Sereni - 08.06.2022 11:38

Wtf, this is sad. People who did this deserves to be in the lowest depth of hell

cameron cuss
cameron cuss - 06.06.2022 13:44

So many times in mass effect you can get out of confrontations with certain speech checks, hell you can even convince Saren to kill himself if you're good enough. But when Wrex says "words won't cut it this time" that shows you that some real shit is going on here, this isn't Virmire anymore, he isn't your brother anymore.

Jay Dawg
Jay Dawg - 25.05.2022 07:53

If you betrayed wrex on an actual play through you’re a piece of shit , there’s ways to save all species and that’s what I’ll tried to do even before learning of these outcomes

Jabami Lain
Jabami Lain - 22.05.2022 14:37

I used to see this as unthinkable. Not anymore. There is a third solution for the Genophage problem. The perfect one. But for it to happen, the cure has to be sabotaged... and both Wrex and Eve have to live for a little while, even if it means triggering this cutscene.

Nick -
Nick - - 15.05.2022 11:37

It's better this way, I think.

EDF1919 - 15.05.2022 05:05

Bailey telling the morgue they'll probably have to just space Wrex is heartbreaking, he deserved better. Glad that I'll probably never see this scene in one of my playthroughs.

gehteuch nichtsan
gehteuch nichtsan - 26.04.2022 13:47

Da fu is that nose ??? are u drunk at characterbuilding ?

Qu1ck57r1k3 - 14.04.2022 11:58

there was one dialogue missing, one where he says something along the lines of "And that was for the bomb! The one you couldn't be bothered to deal with!" he says it if you ignore the bomb mission and it blows up.

KritoSkywaker - 04.04.2022 10:35

There is also alternative dialogues if you destroyed Maelon's Research data and the dialogues depends on weither you apologized for destroying it or not.

If you did not apologized: "I should have known not to trust you! The war starts here!"

If you apologized: "So your apology for Maelon's data was just another lie?! Well, the war starts here!!"

Continuous Rage
Continuous Rage - 05.03.2022 03:02

I was reading about this on the Fandom wiki and came to see how it played out. This one hurts.

"Everyone is alive except my unborn son!"

"It should've been this way back on Virmire! But I made the mistake of trusting you--believing you were my friend! I was a fool!"

"I know.... what you... did, Shepard!"

This is one reason I can never, no matter how hard I try, play a bad character because I don't want to hurt the feelings of NPCs.

FoxYinny - 05.03.2022 02:54

OUCH this actually hurts on soo many levels. Like betraying my own greatest uncle ;n;

DLuXInsight - 30.01.2022 09:12

Idk, I know it’s tough to do but I think if we put aside our own love of wrex this is a stronger narrative point especially for a renegade shep who has been willing to do anything to save the galaxy for 3 games, if this was a long running tv show I’d want this twist it adds drama and consequences

Matt - 16.01.2022 07:20

What really hurts is when you tell Bailey Wrex just went nuts, and Bailey says it’s because of the genophage. That dismissal of Wrex’s people with an off-hand line about such a terrible thing, the thing which you were supposed to fix, which does end up killing them (shown in the end credits if the genophage isn’t cured, I think).

randyrrs - 15.01.2022 06:59

i wish there was a mission where we could kill the krogan race once and for all

Andres Herrera
Andres Herrera - 13.01.2022 06:24

You killed a friend, a brother, and killed his species. All for what, a few space frogs help with their fleets and scientists. This ain’t worth the sacrifice right there

JC Denton
JC Denton - 13.09.2021 00:30

Renegade in ME3 is pure evil

Onyx1916 - 10.08.2021 04:28

So Wrex figured out the genophage cure was sabotaged when his son died in Eve's womb?


Onyx1916 - 10.08.2021 04:24

This should have been a "game over" moment. Wrex shoots you in the head, and that's it. The "Critical Mission Failure" screen appears.

You betrayed a brother. You deserve nothing less.

Dragonlink203 - 02.08.2021 00:31

Don't really know why anyone would go for Salarian support tbh:

Salarians: We have spies!
Shepard: Oh like the Asari Commandoes that are doing so well against the un-hackable and fully synthetic Reaper threat?
Salarian: Oh...well we have advanced warships!
Shepard: Yes like the ones that are torn apart by the Reaper's laser beams? Besides I just found an entire fleet hanging around on a few planets. Do you at least have good ground troops?
Salarians: ...we have Krogan-wait...whoops.

ARWINGx1 - 30.07.2021 23:26

Not sure if I dodged the bullet when Wrex died during my first playthroug in ME1? (BUT, managed to convince Mordin NOT to fix the sabotage)
