Sam Hunt - Hard To Forget (Official Music Video)

Sam Hunt - Hard To Forget (Official Music Video)

Sam Hunt

4 года назад

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paula whalen
paula whalen - 18.10.2023 05:07

did some research....understanding it now

Top Speed Brazil
Top Speed Brazil - 17.10.2023 14:22

Waaau 🤩🔥🎁🎶💎💎💎🧢my new Love...♥️♥️

mkedrona - 07.10.2023 07:17

This really is hard to forget lol

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:56

Back the black

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:55


Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:55

She's Daryl not hanna

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:55

Always port my blind sister Merrell Hemingway

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:54

Hilti n Harriet

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:53

Ric Bradshaw iras blaming it on you I'm Rick nor Ric but Desmond

Bryan - 06.10.2023 02:53

Who was dumb Entro start a business called the Irish Republican army

Curtis Sanford
Curtis Sanford - 03.10.2023 20:34

Sam Hunt is NOT Country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristen Robinson
Kristen Robinson - 03.10.2023 07:09

It's been 5 years and I still hits hard

Derrick A.
Derrick A. - 29.09.2023 02:57

This got me listening to country stations again 👍👂

Bryan - 29.09.2023 00:45

Desmond tutu sorry I missed your birthday

Bryan - 29.09.2023 00:44

Ben her hoover

Bryan - 29.09.2023 00:44

Hershelurly hur

UncleBensBullFrog - 24.09.2023 19:23

Bro dropped the hardest edit and thought we wouldn’t notice

Balshem - 23.09.2023 18:42

First time I saw this video it made no sense to me. After watching it a hundred times, and with the help of other commenters like samuelneil2691 to base my perspectives off I think I have a good idea what this video means:

There stands the glass is a song originally sung by Webb Pierce about coping with tragedy and loss by drowning your sorrows in bourbon. That means, at the start, that Hunt is in a place of loss and has been drinking his way through it to cope. At first I thought it was meant to be a response to his girl breaking up with him, a girl who he still sees everywhere and because of that intense connection the only way he can cloud it or get peace is to drink himself through it. Later I realized it might be him losing her because of his alcoholism, and she still loves him very much and is staying in his life but out of reach hoping he can recover, which causes the situation that creates this video.

The motel is supposed to symbolize his mind and all the rooms therein contain the parts of him that contribute to his drinking, and his salvation, exist. When the video opens up of him singing, it's him starting to become introspective and prepare to clean himself and his life up (why he's brushing his teeth, clean shaven and dressed). The song might also be summoning the parts of him tied to his alcoholism (why the clown shows up first, the part of him most responsible for his addiction) while he's drinking coffee (used to wake you up from a stupor or sleep).

The clown, haggard and bumbling, represents the part of him that looks foolish and silly to impress other people and make others laugh at his expense. While it makes him happy in the moment, it is deeply unfulfilling and makes him loathe himself because of how he feels after the fact.

The young girl shows up next, the part of him that wants to be innocent and joyful without caring how he's perceived by other people, that embraces life and balances out the clown.

The two older latino men playing checkers, one angry and easily brought to conflict while the other is light hearted and laughing, represent the two angels on his shoulders. They're both parts of him that are playing games with him and his life. They're constantly at odds and cause him to end up in distress because they can't agree how he should act or play the game of life.

The thin girl drinking out of the watermelon represents his poor impulse control. She wants to drink way too much and is oblivious to how her appearance is received by the world around her.

The cowboy represents the repressed part of him that he wishes he could be in front of others, but can only be in private where the walls are up and no one else can see.

When he enters the motel, after everyone else has arrived, he meets an angry african-american lady who starts to yell at him. I think this represents his conscience telling him he has to get his house in order and deal with these problems now.

In the next frame the two latino men stop fighting and sit down, and indication (to me) that they both agree and are willing to stop playing games to address this problem.

He starts to give his conscience money, indicating he's now willing to pay for his mistakes.

The clown begins to drink instead of having this discussion, indicating that when these types of moments come up in his life and it starts to get difficult he goes right back to drinking. HIs conscience starts to laugh at him for failing again.

The little boy (maybe mercy) shows up to give him a way to connect and begin to take accountability again, the goat (a symbol of inner demons or trouble) suddenly is front and center. Now he has to face the issue, but instead you see the girls on a flamingo raft at the bottom of a nearly empty pool (showing how big a hole he's in) and the boy runs away to avoid confrontation. The part of him he wants to be starts to ramp up, become more expressive and that allows the door to open on the goat and force him to see his inner demons.

At this point the little girl comes around and embraces him again, the clowns rips his mask off and forces himself to see what he really is (so he's both accepting he needs to grow up while trying to remain innocent and happy) as the goat is corralled and comfortably sits next to other parts of himself that he's now accepted. This allows the cowboy part of him (the true version of him) to open the door and finally show itself to the world, while the clown continues to rage and play for his attention.

When he's at the checkers table next, it's just him indicating that while he's still playing games he realizes he has to do what is in his own best interest. Both sides of him now are working toward that.

That's when his band (his fame) shows up, and partying follows, which to me indicates that back on the road all those temptations come back and he falls right back into the routine that got him here. From the girls (his poor impulse control) drinking until they're wasted with the clown (the reason he drinks because he hates how being that way makes him feel) to him leaving the motel shaking his head in disgust (realization he failed again and those parts of him hijacked his happiness), he ends up at a diner. The diner, to me, represents the 'oh crap' moment where he realizes he's lost everything and he has to change. The two young people coming through the door may represent growth, new emerging parts of him that are set on growing and becoming someone better.

It ends with the young girl, his happiness and innocence, dancing happily in the night as she feels a new day is coming for him where he can get his life in order and get his own girl back.

Megan Hanley
Megan Hanley - 22.09.2023 00:32


Travis McClure
Travis McClure - 21.09.2023 02:47

Wow! Im an idiot. I just realized this is a break up song. Still love the song I think the intro is FIRE!

Thumper - 09.09.2023 04:59


Samantha Jo Coffin
Samantha Jo Coffin - 02.09.2023 05:52

❤Bruces song❤

Alex Exum
Alex Exum - 01.09.2023 05:06

An amazing song. Listened to it 1000000 times. 😊

M Wolfin
M Wolfin - 31.08.2023 06:54

Fantastic song but should have found someone in Nashville or Georgia to make his video instead of from cali.

Lisa White
Lisa White - 27.08.2023 18:35

Me to

Cody Okriv
Cody Okriv - 18.08.2023 02:57


Jacob G.
Jacob G. - 06.08.2023 07:43

Damn this video is awesome.

Isley Fowler
Isley Fowler - 05.08.2023 21:29

Wish it said "I smell your perfume and that loud" 😂

jennifer dulmage
jennifer dulmage - 02.08.2023 07:58

So relieved Mr. Hunt was located following the extensive search./s

Rick Quiles
Rick Quiles - 30.07.2023 12:25

Sometimes u gotta just listen. Never new who he was nothing. 1 click and now this a Fav. Good for shorty issues lol 👌

Trisha PaylessVEVO
Trisha PaylessVEVO - 28.07.2023 09:40


Sheila Mata
Sheila Mata - 21.07.2023 12:53

Love u Sam Canton Ohio boycott hall of Fame village called Italian nigger punched burned shocked denied medical care denied attorney denied a u.s. marshall because I'm Italian nigger America greatest country in world Sam but I treated like a dog by aultman cpd ai digitale aultman employees are being murdered no one cared

Z P - 16.07.2023 07:49

Webb Pierce is the legend

Bianca Moore
Bianca Moore - 15.07.2023 00:41

👏🫶🏽😃i❤ this song

Brock Grubb
Brock Grubb - 14.07.2023 05:45

This is my new favorite song

Melissa Martinez
Melissa Martinez - 09.07.2023 05:39


Aaliyah - 07.07.2023 12:01


Gary Moss
Gary Moss - 06.07.2023 23:35

Gone den Sam hunt walmart bumping this song

Christian Jegglie
Christian Jegglie - 27.06.2023 14:33

Dislike button

Kristy Jaques
Kristy Jaques - 26.06.2023 07:27

Love this song!!!

Samantha Schomer
Samantha Schomer - 24.06.2023 06:35

I made their (FL GA line) Student ID's in College. Not thay i knew who they were at time... makes my heart to soar to see them make it!

Richard Albert
Richard Albert - 20.06.2023 08:04

Wait till I come down Phillip Albert King Country....tainui

Jeff Delgren
Jeff Delgren - 18.06.2023 08:31

What the heck kinda crap is this? Drake with twang? 🤠🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Wes Davis
Wes Davis - 15.06.2023 20:50

They kicked the little girl out of the room and allowed her to dance in the parking lot after dark so they could have that group Orgy in that room. Meanwhile John Wayne gacy takes his clown makeup off and relaxes… fast song talking guy just chills alone in the diner leaving her unattended. It’s a classic case of who done it.

George Maloney
George Maloney - 13.06.2023 11:33

He's trying to forget his ex girlfriend

chad pettitt
chad pettitt - 13.06.2023 00:28

This song single handedly made me HATE Sam hunt. Butchering The Stand The Glass like that was criminal.

Anna Banga
Anna Banga - 07.06.2023 07:51

❤❤❤❤❤❤This one is so great!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Hi - 06.06.2023 20:24

This song is like punching a hole in a wall is hard to forget
