Good Will Hunting | ‘The Best Part of My Day’ (HD) - Ben Affleck, Matt Damon | MIRAMAX

Good Will Hunting | ‘The Best Part of My Day’ (HD) - Ben Affleck, Matt Damon | MIRAMAX


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Kristopher Scott
Kristopher Scott - 27.09.2023 02:07

Hard to do what Chuckie did. A best friend like Will probably did represent home for Chuckie, and Will was clearly a reminder of all the things Chuckie wished he was even though he was none of them. That's how Chuckie could clearly see that Will didn't really belong there. Rather then enjoy Will's good company, Chuckie did all he could to set Will free. He did this the way most guys will understand; by denying Will (and himself) the comforting thought that their friendship represented home. Chuckie knew that if Will could no longer seek refuge in that friendship, there would be no where else for Will to hide. Chuckie and Will would have easily held onto to that tortured friendship forever. Instead, they did right by each other by finding the good in themselves when they did the hardest thing as real best friends.

John Paul Divozzo
John Paul Divozzo - 25.09.2023 21:52

Who the hell stands up for their lunchbreak? Ive been working blue collar my whole working life and ive never seen anyone eating lunch standing up. You dont do that when youre doing manual labor 60 hours a week. That is an egregious inaccuracy.

Greg Greg
Greg Greg - 21.09.2023 02:18

Listen to Batman. He knows.

Tyler Butterfras
Tyler Butterfras - 19.09.2023 00:05

Someone who truly loves you as a person only wants to see you succeed. I can’t believe this story was written when they were so young, it’s incredibly wise!

françois hainry
françois hainry - 18.09.2023 11:54

Superbe film et le texte ici est admirable.

Jelly Bear Esq.
Jelly Bear Esq. - 18.09.2023 04:41

Weird relationship with this movie. Interesting, but pretty flawed. Love the Elliott Smith though.

Robert Soley
Robert Soley - 17.09.2023 20:00

I'm staying.

Bryan Herber
Bryan Herber - 15.09.2023 01:51

Ben Affleck is a terrible actor...

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 13.09.2023 06:59

This scene really upsets me, because I know guys like Will. When I was getting my GED I struggled a little bit. But what was really upsetting were the guys I met they were proud to criminals and thugs. What was really sad they were smart they were university level smart if they wanted to they could get their GED in one day I wish I could have their intelligence. They could have done so much more with their lives but they rather be idiotic criminals.

aintuefriend - 12.09.2023 15:35

Elizabeth u know i love you. very sickening how much. It scares me but i am afraid this online world is not really real

Ryan Weaver
Ryan Weaver - 11.09.2023 06:00

Not always easy.

Benjámin Kurilla
Benjámin Kurilla - 10.09.2023 14:18

That Sumerian guy who lived ten thousand years ago and invented beer, had no idea what he did for mankind for the rest of history.

VanillaBadBoy - 04.09.2023 23:56

Oh look. Theres Ben being a terrible actor again.... Jesus haters gonna hate

ankit singh
ankit singh - 04.09.2023 19:59

Chuckie being a real friend

Mateo Reyes
Mateo Reyes - 04.09.2023 13:16

That’s a real friend.

Tony Porcelli
Tony Porcelli - 31.08.2023 19:00

My favorite movie ever. I watch these clips from time to time and boy do they make life spin in the right way. I love you all

Terry Tang
Terry Tang - 31.08.2023 09:09

That's bull! You might not be as smart as your friend but you are also sitting on a lottery ticket to at least 90% of the people in the world! Nothing wrong to be a construction worker in your 50s but if you bitch about it in your 20s and don't do anything about it then you are just as bad as your friend there!

joel stevensoon
joel stevensoon - 29.08.2023 14:47

Time is over Ben is still doing this and he became Jason Bourne !

Heather Metz
Heather Metz - 27.08.2023 15:54

I’ve watched this scene numerous times and THIS time I realized that Chuck gave Will the “courage” to leave. Giving Will permission and okay to leave.

Connor - 26.08.2023 14:59

One of my favorite scenes of any movie ever made.

Deiv Muzztein
Deiv Muzztein - 26.08.2023 00:05

abed nadir approves this

Elissa Horan
Elissa Horan - 25.08.2023 17:23

Be a fucking lab rat 🐀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dylan Pilcher Universe
Dylan Pilcher Universe - 25.08.2023 14:38

I thought Matt carried this scene in a way but they both killed it

Kyser Soz'e
Kyser Soz'e - 21.08.2023 14:25

True Friends will always be real.

Honmatres HMR
Honmatres HMR - 21.08.2023 11:33

One of my favourite movie scenes of all time. A powerful performance and message

Sean O
Sean O - 19.08.2023 07:20

"Tomorrow I'm gonna wake and I'll be 50."

They wrote this flick but I always thought someone else probably wrote that line.
You don't realize that until later in life. Could be wrong, if I am then that's an incredibly accurate and powerful line from a couple of young guys.

Love it

Kollin Siracusa
Kollin Siracusa - 19.08.2023 03:32

I feel like Ben affleck gets shit for not being that talented but this scene right here is some of his best work

M Oliveira
M Oliveira - 18.08.2023 05:32

Math and Engineering. Probably more so math is actually the perfect degree if you have a construction or janitor job. That's why I did it. you know how steven hawkings can't use his body but still did physics and math? You can take your work in math and engineering to the job and just do derivation or practice problems in your head while working. I couldn't do that with literature class. It's hard to drive while reading or operating equipment. You can't play an instrument while working. You can't do art. But your head is free. I could do a dumb task like dig ditches while studying. Tesla was a ditch digger for a while. It's because Steven Hawkings is in a wheelchair. A lot of the people in engineering are in there because they're lazy. It's because you don't have to use your body at all. Their dumber though unless they really are disabled. Only an idiot would not also use or develop their body.

That's why business majors are dumb. they're just lazy. You'll be studying dynamics and statics and there is bulldozer or a dump truck on the job so you just look at and do the free body diagram and think about everything related to it's operation. You have to tie things down so you think about why you do it that way.

The only thing that I sucked at is the group projects and having to be stuck with people to write the report for the group projects. And for the labs you have to be in the labs. But that's also the stuff the the dumb people like because they fail the real part which is the exams.

That's the whole point of engineering education and it should be the cheapest form of education because you don't need anything. You're supposed to be able to model everything in your head so that you don't waste. That's why the computer dorks like elon musk are idiots because they burn stuff for no reason. The smarter you are the less you need.

The highest scorer on a IQ tests works as laborer or something because it's the same as steven hawkings paralized. The real Tesla worked digging ditches. People would ask him why he was doing that instead of engineering. It's because he's not fake and you and elon musk are. Einstein and Newton didn't really have anything. they're just looking at things and thinking. They're real. The people who invented the math for segways and stuff didn't have anything. It's all math. It's from the 1800s.

G Trailers
G Trailers - 18.08.2023 04:21

AAA es el ben aflect hace como 15 años q vi esta peli, pero en ese tiempo no lo tenia en el radar muy buen actor de joven tmb

ale - 17.08.2023 14:25

We’re afraid of our potential. It’s scary to think we can actually be something when your whole life you’ve been torn down and made to believe otherwise. Sometimes this is all it takes, beautiful

LUTALICA - 14.08.2023 05:27

I just want to confess something. Please don't judge me. I never knew he was Ben Affleck untill I saw this clip. I watched this movie 10 times. Maybe somehow I missed the credits too I guess. I could recognise Matt but not Ben, throughout all these years.

Anand Rao
Anand Rao - 09.08.2023 20:05

Such a great scene for all the reasons mentioned below. In real life, when they were still struggling to get their big break apparently Ben Affleck told Matt Damon, "Judge me for how good my good ideas are, not how bad my bad ideas are." Great advice, allowing for creative people to throw out whatever bad ideas they may have without fear of being judged. But in the fictional world of Good Will Hunting, it's actually a really good thing here that Chucky decided to judge Will by how bad his bad idea was in this case. Namely, never leaving home and working as a day laborer on construction sites for the rest of his life.

Mark Nissen
Mark Nissen - 09.08.2023 14:13

good sscene

ricpr - 08.08.2023 02:21

Who wants Affleck and Damon to do a 5 minute short where it's 20 years later and Will shows up to Chuck's with Skylar to watch a Patriots game with the gang?

Luc D'hertefelt
Luc D'hertefelt - 07.08.2023 14:02

one of the best dialogues and life lessons ever put on the screen

MKDy - 05.08.2023 22:21

Now that, is a true friend .

Super Coffeemug
Super Coffeemug - 30.07.2023 19:16

There are only few true friends that will enter lifetime those are the people who really want you to succeed no matter if it takes you away from them. This is the best example of true friendship.

If you are lucky you will recognize it when you see it. My father god rest his soul he had this one advice he said to me “you can count on one hand your friends those are the ones you can count on when times are hard and when you really need them they will be there, one of them will always be the one who will pull no punches and tell you how they see it, without fear of losing you as a friend that is your best friend, the others are just good acquaintances”

celeboria - 29.07.2023 18:48

This is such a beautiful and amazing example of genuine friendship, love and loyalty:

Selflessly supporting someone you love and finding happiness in their success and happiness.

GenDominion - 29.07.2023 02:12

True friend

Ark_Millz - 28.07.2023 04:32

Couldn’t his friend make a better life?! Instead of settling? Any one, with life in-their body can make change and better themselves. That scene is BS

Anonymous Silence of the lamb
Anonymous Silence of the lamb - 25.07.2023 07:18

Anonymous Silence of the lamb
Anonymous Silence of the lamb - 25.07.2023 07:17

This is for you lincoln

Anonymous Silence of the lamb
Anonymous Silence of the lamb - 25.07.2023 07:17

Dedicated to tina emily joshua ryan and whoever needs to hear this really listen

Tashi Sherpa NYC
Tashi Sherpa NYC - 24.07.2023 09:12

Simplified - Go Hunt for Good Will (synonyms should help) 👍

Matt Bittner
Matt Bittner - 20.07.2023 17:19


RottenApple - 19.07.2023 00:12

My favorite part is watching 30 seconds of commercials for a 3 minute long clip

Survey Says
Survey Says - 18.07.2023 15:08

My son is 17, and had good grades, plays sports, stays out of trouble, but I think the thing that's going to help him the most in life is he makes good friends. He said to me and my wife, "I need my friends. My friends will call me out on my Bullshit. If I'm slacking off, they'll let me know, and If I'm fooling myself they won't let me" He understands we're social creatures and at 17 he's figured shit out it took me at least an extra decade.
