Level 2 Home EV Charger Installation: Know the Basics — Cars.com

Level 2 Home EV Charger Installation: Know the Basics — Cars.com


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@OutdoorLifeKR - 19.02.2022 03:55

This is the information I have needed. Thanks

@mobgma - 16.03.2022 20:36

If your home has 200amp service, you are good. Many new areas or developments have taken this into account. Older neighbor hoods though, this could be a problem and a large expenditure.

@philipc239 - 27.03.2022 19:50

So much trouble

@bigsexytatical66 - 29.03.2022 04:30

Your prices are low….

@calebshonk5838 - 06.04.2022 19:02

Absolutely fucking useless video. Doesn't tell you anything about actually installing the damn thing.

"The further your garage is from the meter, the more expensive the install". Well no shit, Sherlock. I bet next you're going to tell me that electric cars use a lot of electricity.

@Nimbhotep - 08.05.2022 05:15

I am glad i have seen this video

@nonitak1956 - 03.06.2022 04:04

Wait ... who are these bozos 🤣 🤣

@juliamarkus2421 - 22.06.2022 08:38

I am an electrical contractor in Washington state. This video explains the very real life scenarios I half to explain to so many people wanting a EV charger. As another commenter said the prices for the extra work is very low....... at least for where I work.

@imohbalu - 12.07.2022 09:56

how's is your house electric bill .... is it a lot higher or little higher then before ? LV1 vs LV2

@LoveLikeRockets - 14.07.2022 14:45

Great video, thanks!

@psionicxxx - 08.08.2022 03:07

Great video done by the fossil-fuel enthusiasts. But this is not the whole story. He mentioned nothing about renewable energy and smard grid distribution. Also the highest the Level 2 (AC home) charger can go is 22 kW, which is 32 A for 380-400V three-phase systems (at least in the EU and other "normal" countries which do not use 12 V as the mains voltage :D)

@jimwalker1446 - 05.10.2022 13:38

This is so stupid. 1. you can't go as far on a charge as a filled gas car. 2 your EV is smaller than a gas car less room/safe. 3 to replace the battery cost thousands of $. 4 the most important, you still using fossil fuel to charge. EV It's a big lie.

@DanielRene - 13.10.2022 20:28

This answered all my questions. Thank you

@MissStuckOnBandaids - 26.01.2023 20:26

Thanks for this!

@gonzo910910 - 29.01.2023 11:16

He got it right. No real electrician is digging a ditch . 🤣

@Goodbrod - 25.08.2023 21:28

Do hardwired installations usually need the neutral?

@usflin - 09.06.2024 12:25

Unless folks are driving long distances daily, a 12amp charging setup at home will be plenty. You can avoid the cost of a panel upgrade if you don't truly need it. Great overview video for anyone new to all of this!
