How to Make Orange Cream Soda (like a creamsicle!) | The Fermentation Adventure

How to Make Orange Cream Soda (like a creamsicle!) | The Fermentation Adventure

The Fermentation Adventure

2 года назад

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@HonorableBeniah-A - 04.06.2023 03:58

I guess you guys done quit.

@mcmdrpiffle447 - 04.06.2023 21:12

Weird... good info? But presented by a shaved bald guy with fake teeth that edits each shot to ensure he doesn't blink.
Zooms his face into the camera for each shot.
The female isn't quite as annoying.

They both 'slow talk' most likely to account for bad editing. Watching the first 10 minutes was laborious.
Disliked, will not subscribe.

@PepperS6322 - 07.06.2023 18:05

Kombucha bottles work also

@FarmerC.J. - 16.06.2023 04:52

I was just introduced to your channel! I can’t wait to start fermenting! Thank you.

@typower9 - 16.06.2023 20:49

If you are going to use it exclusively for cream sodas, surely it doesn't matter if there is any sugar left in the ferment since you are going to be adding sweet ice-cream to it anyway.

@bryceblazegamingyt9741 - 19.06.2023 08:29

Can you skip the first part and just skip straight to bottling? whats the purpose of two seperate stages?

@mother_prana - 05.07.2023 03:10

I'm so glad you mentioned how old your ginger bug is. I was recently trying to make one, and the person suggested to throw it away and make a new one each time. That seems so wasteful to me, so i'm glad that's not the truth!

@delindasmith5993 - 15.07.2023 22:31

In the colder months, you could place the Fermentation bottles on top of the fridge where heat is generated.

@briankerr4512 - 16.07.2023 17:45

Ok ... I watched a whole bunch of fermentation videos from other channels ... AND ... your channel is by far the absolute best channel . I have no hesitation in saying that.

@nickraj6481 - 25.07.2023 21:24

Hi guys, I'm glad to see a new video you guys have let me down a rabbit whole and now I have 5 different fermentation starter it has been a great experience and even better to drink but I am running into a problem. Recently I placed my ginger bug in the same shelve as my kambucha hotel and sad to say my ginger bug tasted like kambucha. They were about roughly 6'. So my question is how do you store your starters is there any trick to keeping them in the same room or is that not possible?

@areyoulookingbitch7065 - 29.07.2023 03:19

Why didn't yall just put into the flip bottles after first test

@courtneynewey - 29.07.2023 08:50

I've got this brewing now 😊 I had some dried mandarin skins left from a windfall from Dads tree, not having a plan for them until I saw this!

@rachelford1568 - 10.08.2023 03:24

I made your ginger bug over two years ago and it is going strong! I couldn't wait to make this new recipe. I started it Sunday and I am surprised that even in summer conditions it is not bubbling yet. My ginger ale tends to bubble within 2-3 days. Is it normal for it to take this long? Would using homemade vanilla mess up the recipe?

@thinkathena2 - 17.08.2023 17:47

Can't wait to make this -yum!

@dragontsl2410 - 27.08.2023 09:06

Thank You ... 😍🙏👍

@naomitheron2855 - 01.09.2023 05:21

What happens if there grew the little bit of mold on top of my ginger bug ?

@Im-just-Stardust - 12.09.2023 14:41

Hello :) I just found your channel it looks very interesting. I had a quick question i'm sorry you probably get it often. I was looking for the best book on the science of fermentation. Something easy to read but packed with information. What comes to your mind?

@bhupindersinghkanwar5681 - 15.09.2023 19:56

Simple formulas with sugar fermentation is unhealthy to lever

@judypeterson9952 - 18.09.2023 17:35

Why is my ginger bug cream soda like syrup?

@nanacheryl1 - 08.10.2023 20:06

Cute cat

@quake2u - 22.10.2023 17:21

Have yall tried adding the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii to ferment juices?

@LeeCraftyHomestead - 25.10.2023 00:09

Are you coming back with any more video ?

@hauteswan2541 - 31.10.2023 16:36

I would make sure the oranges are organic. I am excited to try kefir. Having trouble since I had my gall bladder removed and looking for solutions to help me feel normal again. I am excited to taste my first batch!

@jenniferwalters579 - 14.11.2023 16:30

Here is what I have; my friend gave me a large ACC SCOBY . How do go from that liquid to half gallon of the orange soda you are making here or ginger ale. Edited- YES! ACV

@Yah-Izoa-Hakaboth - 15.11.2023 02:38

Off topic… you really have amazing perfect teeth! Continue to keep brightening peoples day with your smile sir! GOD bless!

Selah 🕎🕊💟

@kennethdaust3793 - 20.11.2023 02:45

What happened to you guys? Like to see more from you.

@surferscollective613 - 20.11.2023 10:58


@jenniferwalters579 - 24.11.2023 22:21

I’ve got my ginger bug and it is almost December, which means my kitchen stays cool even when I’m baking. What temperature would you suggest? Because when I wrap some Christmas lights around my half gallon jugs, you can get pretty warm like 75 or so so I keep an eye on it and I just unplug it and plug it back in and try to keep a constant 73 or something like that.

@Benny_blue_eyes - 26.11.2023 19:17

Can you use stevia as a sweetener in this recipe?

@perentee77 - 28.11.2023 12:28

Something isn't quite right here? There isn't that same look in their eyes for each other. Hope they are okay..

@laureengetskow6579 - 04.12.2023 03:36

Yay!! I’m glad you are making videos again. 😊

@harrysollmer1644 - 04.01.2024 06:06

My ginger bug never worked

@harco1556 - 08.01.2024 05:29

could you ferment it in a mini keg or something with a regulated pressure release?

@georgiachura6691 - 10.01.2024 06:36

Can y'all show how to make regular cream soda?

@Laurenemanuel - 02.02.2024 08:06

Love your videos, I've really learned a lot and looking forward to learning more. Can you also use the vacuum fermenting tops. I'm new to fermenting and originally, I purchased the rubber lids you are using but I was constantly battling mold. Since I purchased the lids with the pump I haven't had those issues. Just started my ginger bug from your video and it's doing great, can't wait to try this recipe.

@MAZDIA - 17.02.2024 09:26

Can u make a cola?

@graceabounds4554 - 24.05.2024 22:26

The vanilla extract probably inhibited fermentation. Maybe just use vanilla bean…

@msegura6372 - 03.07.2024 17:34

Your9 year old ginger bug…. Wow, Question, have you been feeding it with ginger and sugar once a week?

@sanjeevdiwan1366 - 28.07.2024 17:47

Hi can we drink ginger bug directly

@jmatthews1096 - 01.08.2024 18:27

As you mentioned, the colder temps under ~74 will greatly slow fermentation, but I believe what hurt your fermentation process was the fresh lemon juice and more the vanilla extract since that was alcohol based extract. Vanilla paste would have probably been a better option. Also extra long fermentation times can give more off flavors and lead to more mold issues with those type of processes.
Thanks for your video 😊

@meandmybuddy964 - 13.08.2024 02:27

Got me hooked thanks I never knew about how to do this until I saw y’all

@demonprincess5634 - 07.09.2024 11:08

you put bugs in it gross no thanks

@anshulkatara1440 - 14.09.2024 23:12

Can you please try fermentation with sugar cane juice?

@jeanninemcwhorter919 - 29.09.2024 08:03

Nothing I’m doing is producing a good tasting fermentation. I’ve followed many of your videos and they either turn out putrid or like simple sugary taste. My ginger bug is very active and so is my fermentation flavorings added. What could I be doing wrong?

@shartne - 18.10.2024 10:35

So does it have alcohol in it?? 3% ? oh nooo that is quite a lot. that is enough to make me go off the wagon. I m trying to get away from Aspertame. Maybe this is not the way.

@jeniferlatham1 - 19.11.2024 06:29

How did you get that much zest from two oranges? I struggle to get a tablespoon.

@TylerKuntz-ww1wn - 07.01.2025 19:18

Finally someone says something about the sunlight! So many people make this mistake...

@silascheng6004 - 26.01.2025 08:55

is this alcoholic

@hudharizzy795 - 06.02.2025 19:25

I juiced my orange and carrots boiled with sugar topped with ginger bug it did turned into soda but was slimy . Don’t know why .

@thelivingfruits - 10.02.2025 15:56

Love your videos they are fun and really helpful. I have a question as to why you do a primary fermentation before the bottling. Is it for flavour profile ? 😊

