Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About The Stormcloaks

Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About The Stormcloaks


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Mallory Johnson
Mallory Johnson - 15.10.2023 06:16

Idk how many people will see this but I will say it anyway.

I’m my first ever play through so f Skyrim I decided to side with the stormcloaks because i thought that if I got to be good enough friends with Ulfric, then I could marry him…I was really disappointed to find out that you can in fact not marry ulfric stormcloak.

ShockDragon - 14.10.2023 23:49

Ulfric's dad embracing what seems to be an insult is the most chad thing ever.

Earth-010 - 08.10.2023 12:26

I really love the Summerset Isles :/

Sucks to find out AD is so toxic

Normal Human
Normal Human - 07.10.2023 02:38

While I sympathize with their struggle for religious freedom, I really can’t get past… basically everything else about the Stormcloaks. I wish I could slap Ulfric across the face with the Thalmor doccier and shout that he’s literally helping his real enemy. I also don’t like racists.

Primarina Queen
Primarina Queen - 05.10.2023 09:19

Unrelated but weird story. When I first played Skyrim, the name Stormcloak made me think they were Spooky Wizards. I was a dumb child.

Grievous Reborn
Grievous Reborn - 05.10.2023 01:54

I had to come to this video after seeing somebody call the name of a recent Ahsoka episode a rip-off of Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe when it is in Easter egg like the Easter egg name for the German version join the Stormcloaks aren't you a little short to be a Stormcloak

Marryc - 04.10.2023 09:22

I agree: Ordinarily an invasion of the Summerset Isles would be too ambitious of the Stormcloaks, however they are not exactly an ordinary group of Nords considering the fact that they have a walking, talking force of nature on their side: aka. the Dragonborn. So if you ask me it could go either way. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Xehxna - 02.10.2023 04:59

its because i get a xenophobic vibe from the the stormcloaks i wont side with them.

i enjoy playing as orcs, dark elves, wood elves, argonians, and kahjiht

Jake o neill
Jake o neill - 01.10.2023 03:30

I wouldn't want dark elves in my neighbourhood either

Jefferson Quint
Jefferson Quint - 29.09.2023 22:07

So young and already with the stormcloaks.... not too short, wtf. Fact check what your translating so you don't upset the Germans

Tempo, more kicks more chicks
Tempo, more kicks more chicks - 28.09.2023 16:41

hail talos bitch

Fighter Caesar
Fighter Caesar - 27.09.2023 22:12

Why do i always get House Stark vibes when i see them ingame ?

Blake Mcbeth
Blake Mcbeth - 27.09.2023 14:50

Skyrim is for the Nords

excali - 27.09.2023 08:05

Every playthrough you just gotta side with the racists.... ya jsut gotsta

camcawl - 27.09.2023 04:53

I just love that no matter which faction you support, they are both part right and part wrong. There's no clear correct choice

Cliff Lodriguss
Cliff Lodriguss - 26.09.2023 07:55

12 years later and I’m still enamored by this game.

Narose Draconis
Narose Draconis - 25.09.2023 14:47

number five regarding the bear, the bear also represents Tsun the Nord god of trials. which i find somewhat fitting.
since the storm-cloaks, i consider traditional Nords, and the empire. the imperialized nords.

John Dee
John Dee - 20.09.2023 14:31

Considering the "Bear of Markarth" having the Stormcloaks complain about "their" lands and "their" gods gets your Hyprocrisy to Legendary.

YAOMOSHI - 19.09.2023 07:17

the stromclaoks are right they are just raciest like ulfirc should be high king and talos deserves the ninth divine

bioware - 18.09.2023 08:23

This has nothing to do with the video but I figured simce I was Watching a Skyrim vid while playing Skyrim id ask, I was on my way up to high hrothgar and came across the pilgrim named Kartia. Not much back story at all but I realized she has the same name as a female bard we see at one of the holds. Are these 2 the same person? I can't seem to find anything about them being the same person on anything ive searched up

Patrick T
Patrick T - 17.09.2023 21:08

I didnt know that only the german version is a star wars easter egg for star wars😂

Sam Butler
Sam Butler - 11.09.2023 22:40

Actually the dragon isn't a straight forward as you'd think. The Empire is controlled by a new family at this point, and the dragonborn founder is the same guy who's worship has been outlawed. Between the Mede family and the Aldmeri peace deal, wouldn't the symbol have been changed at some point?

Souper Girl Tech
Souper Girl Tech - 09.09.2023 08:36

"We'll show those pointy ear bastards..." That single line made me Stormcloak for life.

Oorikon Pi
Oorikon Pi - 06.09.2023 13:36

Back in the days, we in Germany had a lot of fun stuff in translated games.
Lots of old Square Enix games.

The Translaters are most likely in the Mental Hospital by now, lol.

Morgan Bird
Morgan Bird - 30.08.2023 06:48

Something that a lot of people debate on is which side obviously. I prefer Stormcloaks because I myself am also racist. But besides that, it makes more sense to choose imperial because if the stormcloaks take out the imperials in Skyrim that weakens them which is exactly what the aldmeri dominion want so they can take over completely

gustavo martins
gustavo martins - 29.08.2023 07:17

I dont agree with the 4th point, Imperial France under Napoleon for example managed to conquer almost all continental europe by themselfs after a bloody revolution, civil war, and foregner invasions, also, Skyrim being viking themed are probably competent sea raiders, I see them raiding the coast and disrupting commerce of the dominion while the Empire fights more of a land war

bountyhunter64 - 28.08.2023 20:57

Stromcloacks are still better than wmpire dogs

iroc - 14.08.2023 07:04

The aldmeri did not win against the empire. It was a stalemate that both sides agreed to a peace concordat.

Andrew Pytko
Andrew Pytko - 09.08.2023 07:44

I always join the Stormcloaks no matter what. They never tried to kill me. The Imperials did. That's not easy for me to get over.

Jonathan Joestar
Jonathan Joestar - 04.08.2023 22:04

Honestly, i hope TES 6 has a everyone v. The Thalmor situation, where the Empire and Stormcloaks realize they're fighting the wrong people and decide to team up or something. It would be great for making sure that siding with either faction in the civil war ends with the same result of kicking Thalmor where it hurts.

Mad lad vibes
Mad lad vibes - 01.08.2023 23:44

The German title of "Joining the Stormcloaks" does not translate to "Aren't you a little short to be a Stormcloak?". It translates to "So young and already joining the Stormcloaks?"

makaka Gaming
makaka Gaming - 28.07.2023 16:17

shoutout to אדיר נס that didn't get a font 💀

Jacob Over
Jacob Over - 28.07.2023 06:15

Did mot know the shine in soulitude buiz nor the voice lines

Timothy McCormick
Timothy McCormick - 15.07.2023 16:12

You underestimate the birds n taloss

Reznor the Protogen
Reznor the Protogen - 11.07.2023 01:26

I don't like how racist the stormcloaks are, and I don't like how the imperials want to conquer basically all of Tamriel

Lord Lann
Lord Lann - 08.07.2023 07:02

I thought ban worship for Talos is come from Titus Mede who thinks that worship Talos once a man is morally wrong.

Kam - 04.07.2023 11:49

What about ulfric being a traitor and working with the thalmor

Fungis Rock
Fungis Rock - 04.07.2023 10:45

One thing I don't understand is that the Stormcloaks would have to go through the Empire to attack the Aldmeri Dominion. So unless the Empire let them through (they wouldn't), they would have to defeat the Empire AND THEN the Dominion which is even more insane. This would be more than just kicking them out of Skyrim. Sailing around half of Tamriel also isn't reasonable, so I don't really get what their plan is.

Rhys Evangelista
Rhys Evangelista - 29.06.2023 01:17

Always going to pick the imperials, but god i despise the thalmor

Aleksander Woźniak
Aleksander Woźniak - 28.06.2023 13:08

Let me say what I always say with my friend while discussing the choice of our faction.
"F*ck empire, but f*ck Thalmor even more."

David Berkowitz
David Berkowitz - 21.06.2023 23:23

I can’t believe how many people in the comments think the Dragonborn could take on thousands of enemies by themselves? There comes a time when, outside of a marvel movie, even a ridiculously powerful mortal will just have too many swords poked into them to keep fighting.

I was always under the impression, seriously, that we were supposed to recognize that the stormcloaks ultimate ambitions were fantasy.

xChanr - 11.06.2023 07:37

Although the Empire is not the best government, the Stormcloaks are flat out white supremacists.

Ronald Sodera
Ronald Sodera - 10.06.2023 08:56

So, I suddenly have the urge as the last dragonborn to take up the mantle of Whitestrike and just murder every elf in sight.

Kold Fire
Kold Fire - 09.06.2023 14:56

Dunmer in Skyrim: Argonians are being underpaid!!! This is unacceptable!!! Boo to Ulfric!!!

Dunmer in Morrowind: °_°

Deep Dive Cinema
Deep Dive Cinema - 03.06.2023 08:41

Oh yes, the only city in the entire country that has given over an entire section of the city to Dunmer in need, are racist against Dunmer, that's some smooth brain mental gymnastics there 🤣

Jon A
Jon A - 02.06.2023 12:36

Imagin3 a second nord army using thr Thum

Malice Draclau
Malice Draclau - 01.06.2023 11:41

Yes they do. However if Ulfric was to take the front and use his thu’um against the high elves they could very well take the summerset isles in an invasion

Ro3gues - 31.05.2023 22:53

You translate it totally wrong!!! I play the german version myself the quest’s name correctly translated is: SO YOUNG AND ALREADY A STORMCLOAK, as if so young and already in the army, no star wars connection at all sorry to upset you it’s not wheren’t you short to be a stormcloak, that’s a poor translation there, im a german speaker by the way, you can trust me on this one.

Pls like so he can see i know it’s been 3 years but it is totally missleading other people who are still watching the video, like me. Thx

Luke Camacho
Luke Camacho - 26.05.2023 17:37

Just remember that it is impossible for 500 to nearly cleanse Skyrim of its snow elves population but they accomplish this feat, if the Norse have that burning flame for Talos, just as their ancestors had that flame for vengeance or justice for their fallen people, maybe, just maybe they can accomplish it.

lordhexon - 23.05.2023 17:07

Hate this guy
