Harvard Psychiatrist: These are the Foods that Destroy Your Brain

Harvard Psychiatrist: These are the Foods that Destroy Your Brain

Thomas DeLauer

3 недели назад

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@sebastianvaldivieso9654 - 04.07.2024 09:14

Pushing the whole vegetarian BS...I'll pass.

@bpresgrove - 01.07.2024 02:01

I had and still struggle with sugar. I’ve been hitting carnivore for about 4 months now and have lost 40 lbs so far but it’s a battle. I’m always wanting something sweet to the point I don’t even walk down the rows in the grocery store but stick to the outsides. I hate it but that’s what I’ve done to myself. I’m 335 right now and have to get to 200. Toughest thing I’ve ever done so far.

@MrQuadcity - 30.06.2024 08:24

Here are the key takeaways from Dr. Uma Naidoo's discussion on the impact of foods on brain health:

### Negative Impacts of Processed and Fast Foods:
1. *Cravings and Addictiveness:* Processed and fast foods are designed to be hyper-palatable, often containing hidden sugars that trigger cravings and make them addictive.
2. *Dopamine Activation:* High sugar content in these foods can activate dopamine reward pathways in the brain, similar to addictive drugs, leading to potential sugar addiction.
3. *Neuronal Damage:* Excessive sugar intake can damage neurons, as evidenced by neuroimaging studies showing brain shrinkage.
4. *Psychological Effects:* The cycle of craving and consuming unhealthy foods can lead to psychological distress and poor eating habits.

### Beneficial Foods for Brain Health:
1. *Nutrient-Rich Choices:*
- *Choline:* Important for anxiety management; found in eggs and legumes.
- *Vitamin C:* Crucial for iron absorption and anxiety reduction; pairs well with dark chocolate.
- *Dark Chocolate:* Helps manage depression and anxiety due to its plant-based iron content.
- *Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Foods:* Colorful fruits and vegetables provide diverse nutrients.
- *Hydration:* Water and calming teas are vital as dehydration can cause anxiety and low mood.
- *Omega-3 Fatty Acids:* Found in wild salmon and certain plant sources, important for mood regulation.
- *Spices:* Turmeric, cayenne pepper, saffron, and others have significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties beneficial for brain health.

2. *Examples of Beneficial Foods:*
- *Turmeric with Black Pepper:* Enhances the bioavailability of curcumin.
- *Peppermint, Parsley, Thyme, and Mexican Oregano:* Contain antioxidants that reduce brain fog and enhance cognitive function.
- *Ginger and Saffron:* Known for their calming and mood-improving properties.

### Dehydration and Mental Health:
- *Link to Anxiety:* Dehydration can hinder biochemical reactions, leading to anxiety and low mood. Proper hydration is crucial.
- *Calming Teas:* Teas like lavender and passionflower can help soothe the nervous system.

### Managing Unhealthy Meals:
- *Psychological Approach:* Focus on the next healthy meal rather than dwelling on regret.
- *Quick Remedies:* Temporary relief from brain fog can be found in peppermint tea, but long-term dietary habits are more impactful.

### Gut-Brain Axis:
- *Microbial Interaction:* Healthy foods promote beneficial gut microbes that support neurotransmitter production, while unhealthy foods can lead to harmful microbial growth and inflammation.
- *Fermented Foods:* Kefir, kombucha, and miso help lower inflammation and promote gut health.

### Holistic Approach to Mental Well-Being:
- *Mindfulness and Exercise:* Practices like breathwork, meditation, and regular physical activity can enhance mental health.
- *Diverse Diet:* A diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats, and antioxidants supports brain health and overall well-being.

### Resources:
- Dr. Naidoo’s book and resources can provide further insights into the link between nutrition and mental health, available on her website and through major retailers.

These takeaways emphasize the importance of a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and a holistic approach to maintaining brain health and mental well-being.

@monkmodelandon2024-kh6ot - 29.06.2024 01:49

She should practice what she preaches

@fernandob2275 - 28.06.2024 18:18

It’s not the yoga breathing, it’s the amount of oxygen to carbon dioxide ratios etc that have an effect on mood or cardiovascular and brain.

@fernandob2275 - 28.06.2024 18:05

I still don’t comprehend how coffee dehydrates. Isn’t it made with water lol

@EatPlantsBro - 28.06.2024 15:03

This info should be taught in elementary schools and up... MANDATORY curriculum. But sadly, $$$ will always suppress this science to a large degree.

@MovieRelated - 28.06.2024 14:24

A lot of comments on her weight. You never seen a chubby athletics coach? Just because you choose not to apply the knowledge doesn't mean the lessons are fake.

@danielritz8706 - 28.06.2024 09:22

I don't take automotive repair advice from a mechanic that can't fix his own car.

@edgardale4501 - 28.06.2024 08:25

I can’t believe in that doctor.

@michelebonnett4806 - 28.06.2024 06:52

Omg, Thomas. You will lose some of your subs on this one and I have been following you for over 5 years now. My true assessment of your guest is that she's obviously a part of the broken system trying to promote her new book, right? Pleeeease Thomas: No more peeps resposible for creating the food pyramid scam. This isn't what i thought it would be, kinda disappointed since its still all BS and you're guilty of perpetrating 100% vegan diet propaganda, omg, 😯 Thomas! At least 50% of what was discussed is pure dietary propaganda.
You know that snacking does NOT help people, please tell the Truth.

@davidramirez199 - 28.06.2024 06:20

She gives advise on eating properly!?

@onGod_B92 - 27.06.2024 22:31

Hmm I wonder why America has such a mental health and obesity crisis. And then prescribe and profit off of more bs the body doesn’t need. MERICA

@brandonr737 - 27.06.2024 21:57

So many people are criticizing her for being overweight while they're missing the powerful message she is imparting upon us. Even if they are listening, they aren't applying it themselves. Be more like Thomas.

@Libertarian606 - 27.06.2024 19:58

Here we go with the carb phobia. Boring and WRONG

@markpinther9296 - 27.06.2024 19:44

I’ll take “ Videos That Should be On the Radio Only” for $500 Alex.

@kathybost1879 - 27.06.2024 18:07

sugar is a DRUG ........... a legal DRUG

@user-ct3oq5ez8e - 27.06.2024 16:54

I can’t eat too much sweet stuff without not wanting any more. If I crave anything it might be something salty. Mixed nuts or potato chips

@Tiffer_77 - 27.06.2024 16:30

Disconnect your mind from useless people love yourself and your family be happy.
Lots of water 💦 that’s it is not a rocket science.

@user-uy3tm9ee5l - 27.06.2024 16:04

I want him to make a list of foods 10 foods that should be in a diet. Like 10 must haves for the best health/performance

@69trashlord69 - 27.06.2024 15:46

This commemt section is so dumb smh yall going on saying she's too big whwn shes just puffy in the face, its jormal for people with her heritage to get puffy in the face when they get older. Its called WATER RETENTION, all the people in the comments dont even know anything and i know for a fact yall clearly dont go to med school to actually know what your talking about either.

Bunch of sad men here its hilarious how you guys know NOTHING about WOMEN'S BODIES when we get older.

Cant wait when you guys hit around her age and the lot of you and your belly starts hanging like your 4 months along and start looking like you dont eat right either.

She clearly doesnt jave a stomach but i know most of you guys talkin s*** do lmao

@FC-mz2lk - 27.06.2024 13:55

can anyone give me a list of foods easily accessible that are both good ( and bad )

@BiltongJerky - 27.06.2024 11:33

I don't think this doctor is physically well.

@dennisward43 - 27.06.2024 11:01

Excess sugar and seed oils destroy the brain. Dr Georgia Ede is an expert on this subject.

@Nick-gg6tg - 27.06.2024 10:55

She dosnt appear to take her own advice. Or she's just focusing on the chocolates

@Nick-gg6tg - 27.06.2024 10:54

There is no natural chocolate, go find me it in nature.

@Persepolis8564 - 27.06.2024 10:50

That book was so distracting and annoying to look at the whole time.

@Hakanoldworld - 27.06.2024 10:44

She doesn’t look healthy at all. Possibly pre diabetic with a fatty liver. The info on herbs and spices, vitamins and minerals are good but nothing new.
I would not buy her book or follow her on social media

@dravrahamrosenzweig - 27.06.2024 09:44

Believing in anything that hindu doctor says is insanity. "SAAAAAAAAR".

@CraftySasquatch - 27.06.2024 08:59

Never trust an overweight psychiatrist.

Also never trust a skinny cook.

Gun experts come in all sizes so we are all good.

@arifaahamed7239 - 27.06.2024 08:57

She looks too healthy

@THEOvERSiZEDMeATBALL - 27.06.2024 08:30

All food effects dopamine. Eating is pleasure, yes processed food will have a greater impact in this region. But it feels good to eat anything if it didnt we would not want to eat. Also suger is not addictive. Its a combination of suger and fat and salt. If suger was addictive on its own then why is no one buying bags of suger and scooping it out with a spoon and eating it?

@aaronbailey23 - 27.06.2024 08:18

Just pure sophistry on this channel now. Take care Thomas, hope you clean the channel up one day.

@dinosemr8141 - 27.06.2024 07:38


@review-report - 27.06.2024 07:17

She Obviously Dont practice what she preach!

@Capt-Bryan - 27.06.2024 07:01

Couldn’t take this seriously or waste my time here today.

@michael53572 - 27.06.2024 06:21

She looks too healthy im out off here

@ProvocateuAstrology2 - 27.06.2024 05:59

Actually, water with a pinch of sea salt gets absorbed into the brain more easily.Your brain needs water

@ProvocateuAstrology2 - 27.06.2024 05:57

I take a saffron extract before bed.Helps my sleep.Also, it's an anti-inflammatory that holds my eyes.Also great study on the eyesight and saffron

@fritz1990 - 27.06.2024 05:50

It's interesting that in the 70s, if you asked the men harvesting the cane and processing it, what they called white sugar? They called it the white death.

@dawnbrock7137 - 27.06.2024 04:19

Great information

@jayf909 - 27.06.2024 03:28

this person is an idiot

@astrocalm812 - 27.06.2024 03:27

My functional medicine md practice offered a class series for folks struggling with energy, depression, weight loss, sleep quality and immune disorders. I quit the class after the 3rd installment because an”expert” lady dietician with a British accent, who was at least 80 lbs overweight went on for literally hours, to tired people, about the ins, outs, benefits and preparation of vegetables, grains, starches and fruits. No mention of the brain and energy benefits of simplifying, with immune benefits of - at least for a time, limiting or eliminating plants. I am so put off by the creators of “keto” sweetened recipes, nuts and cheese and even vital gluten (terrible for anxiety) channels, who with one exception are all 50 or more lbs from completing their healthy weight loss journey. I have gone all the way from 220 to 110, and stayed here with tiny fluctuations, for over 10 years, which makes me, sadly, some kind of cool statistic. I did it by experimenting, and keeping what worked, to be healthy and ALL THE WAY successful; to lean strongly away from addiction triggers and into a ketogenic habit, for my best brain ever IN MY 60’s. I’m not perfect, and I have learned, as she says, to sidestep the spiral by getting back on track quickly with an “oh well, I’m human, now what do I want to do” shrug. There are so many things that can delay us, and while the reminder about water and happiness about my 100% dark chocolate habit being a good idea is encouraging, I hope she works on her insulin resistance before it becomes a heart attack or a stroke…. Which can upset even the calmest of us.

@TheJustinHit - 27.06.2024 03:26

Man, she looks so healthy.....

@jasonhurst8599 - 27.06.2024 03:23

Talk about trying to take ALL the fun out of eating even just the occasional "cheat" meal. We shouldn't have to feel that we MUST eat PERFECTLY all the time. No one lives FOREVER - Nor should anyone WANT TO. It's not a crime to want to enjoy our meals once in a while, and especially enjoy the TASTE; regardless how NUTRITIONAL they may or may not be. Just make those meals ONCE IN A BLUE MOON EXCEPTIONS RATHER THAN REGULARLY OCCURRING RULES.

@aaronpeipert - 27.06.2024 03:08

I’ll eat 6 jack in the box tacos for each like this gets. 🤙

@proudtobeweird - 27.06.2024 03:08

Funny how the first benefit that people who go carnivore notice is an increase in mental clarity and decreased anxiety… not many colorful veggies there 🤔

@Sleepy_Js_Garage - 27.06.2024 03:02

Kind of hard to take nutrition advice seriously from someone who is overweight with high body fat percentages. Sorry.

@Draziell - 27.06.2024 03:01

Hard to take her seriously when she's clearly insulin resistant, inflamed, and... Well... Obese.
