Banksters: HSBC, the Untouchable Titan of Global Finance

Banksters: HSBC, the Untouchable Titan of Global Finance

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@sethbach7770 - 10.02.2024 19:11

After 10 years at hsbc I can confidently say the majority of hsbc employees are kind, hard working people. The company's compliance and control issues are primarily due to incompetence... senior Management is entirely incapable of managing a company so large. There is also those staff who are arrogant and unethical... and finally those who are all three such as employees like andrew binfield. With the upcoming depression in China hopefully the communists, and the feckless like he, will finally receive their just dues.

@millionaire2491 - 09.02.2024 19:22

America and France don't like that the UK has an international bank. Therefore, they don't listen to Americans and French's ridiculous rules. That was the whole reason for this video. Also, they are afraid of good relationships between the UK and China.

@brettwayne4583 - 08.02.2024 12:10

In God they trust. Gold oil and drugs.

@luguy8347 - 08.02.2024 03:41

Britain also created Israel.

@Akori-Von-Ra - 08.02.2024 02:24

Well I have no problem with it. The bank is what it is and there's going to be no stopping it

@danielsmith337 - 06.02.2024 11:00

They slide hush money and all is forgotten

@standTrueNorthStrongandFree - 06.02.2024 08:34

The more one learns about the world we live in, the more one realizes just how appalling it is, and that the police, laws and courts are just for the working class. - excellent documentary

@billfallon2372 - 05.02.2024 04:23

Nothing to see here folks, move on.
Don't stake your crypto though, or you'll go to prison for life.

@kmlund42 - 05.02.2024 01:22

Seriously why we put up with it I do not know. We don’t pay the IRS, rent, bills, etc. we end up in the street or in jail. These jokers be one a bad weekend on their yachts and 4th or 5th world wide mega mansions.

@YagamiAckerman - 04.02.2024 10:34

HSBC is now a threat as it serves the CCP

@christian3408 - 04.02.2024 02:28

Subtitles ?

@PeterJohn-hl3ox - 03.02.2024 04:29

Now that Hong Kong is China, HSBC has suddenly become bad.
It stank of Brit - it continues to stink of Brit.

@Gustavo_fr1ng - 02.02.2024 01:07

It's funny to watch a British backed subsidiary like HSBC shafting the US, when the US crippled us with debt during ww2 to take our super power status. The second empire documentary explains it well we lost empire and we gained another which consists of the city of London defrauding the world . Economic warfare .

@banimil7290 - 01.02.2024 21:55

Nothing comes close to petro dollar scam and federal reserve's trillions of worthless dollars reserve currency around the world and inflation and bust cycles wiping out wealth from people. Is a Banker's world and we are just renters one paycheck away from ending up on the street. Truly the chosen ones. If America has anything critical to say is just that they don't like competition when it comes to financial crimes.

@user-sf7og5ke7p - 01.02.2024 15:18

Sorry my brain cannot compute these two words together "MORAL BANKER"........…...

@user-sf7og5ke7p - 01.02.2024 15:02

Who pocketed the 2billion fine?

@user-sf7og5ke7p - 01.02.2024 14:37

Suzemann is gone - so who is fighting for the majority who are no better off now than before 1994. We the plebs are paying a huge price for a vote. The new elite since 1994 have left the majority behind. I think Mr Mandela would not be very happy.

@ZeeMann777 - 01.02.2024 08:18

this is CHINA'S way of saying ...
* this is our version of ur .. FDIC.. IMF. . and WORLD BANK.. .CHINESE STYLE. .... get used to it. but we can do it on much bigger scale.... yepp... that is it. simple ...!!!!
i think they learned from colonials.... mmmhhhh.. !!!!!

@mariagomes8981 - 29.01.2024 18:05

Isn't this bank funded by British colonialism?
Why now raising a problem?

@geemooney2229 - 29.01.2024 09:26

Lord Green? A deacon of the church? How fitting 😝!

@geemooney2229 - 29.01.2024 08:59

HSBC going nack to their roots as money laundering for drig money 💰 😱🫢🤑🤭😂

@perhapsme988 - 29.01.2024 04:37

HSBC isn't the only bank or financial institution that has been involved in aiding transfers of illegally sourced funds. All banks and financial institutions all are part of the mechanism. Money has to go somewhere. When there is intend, there is a way.

Secondly, regulations and laws are created by law makers. If the law makers do no bring in regulations etc for banks to observe, flows of dirty money will continue.

Eg, in Australia, all cash transactions via any bank etc as well as some other business such as car dealership that are $10,000 Australia dollar or more are required by law to be noted by the bank etc with details of the customers recorded and reported to the authorities.

But this hasn't stopped criminal elements continue to transfer their funds in other ways.

Eg, casinos had been used for such. Porker machines etc are used. Casinos then issue a cheque in the casino's name for such. In Australia only very recently such casino related fund transfers were under more stringent control.

That is, one part of the laws and regulations might be very effective in containing flow of illegally sourced funds, other parts of the economy allow such flows and hence banks are brought in indirectly.

It's hence the responsibility of the law makers. Banks could not cover or be aware of all the possibilities exploited by criminal elements.

HSBC is indeed the only veritable global bank. By this alone, HSBC, regardless of her own efforts, couldn't but used for fund transfers etc by less than legitimate activities.

Different nations have different regulations etc for banking etc open for exploitations by criminal elements.

That is, it is a pipe dream to eliminate any activities by banks that might be sourced from illegitimate ways.

China's currenncy will NEVER be as dominant as the US dollar for one fact only.

The capital control in and out of China.

US dollar is dominant for the size of the US economy and for the fact that there is no control of US flow in the international market.

International trades are never overwhelming the GDP of any economy. Even with 20% of GDP is due to international trades, the netting of amounts of exports vs imports means that the net trades of any one currency for international trades arent anywhere near 10% of the GDP of that economy, eg.

Without other aspects of China's economy as part of the trades of her currency, China's Yuan will not match the weight of US. Frankly not even close to European union. And likely that of Japan too.

US, EU and Japan aren't jist traders in global sense. Their wealths also dominate the international currency trades. China with her tight currency control simply will not match any of these 3.

Chinese government is fearful that if loosened, her citizens will send so much wealth of of the country that her economy would be in chaos overnight. This is the concerns of all authoritarian regimes.

That is, it's the fault of the Chinese government itself.

@vonniofdoom5590 - 28.01.2024 21:23

HSBC isn’t untouchable, even if 30% of people withdraw their money they will be illiquid

@Kiopenal - 28.01.2024 09:00

In my opinion nature warnings to the world end of plastic or paper fake fiat currency based on capitaliest ideology

@davidemmyg - 27.01.2024 18:16

It helps western foreign policy so it exists. Remember that most Chinese billionaires use it to launder or transfer money overseas after looting their own people. Every billionaire and corrupt politician from the third world use it to transfer their illicit earnings to the west.

@NativeAmerican458 - 27.01.2024 13:55

So banking will move to digital money then they'll have us all under their control. Of course governments will be complicit in this also

@davidryans2232 - 27.01.2024 00:11

Catching and imprisoning poor, uneducated people in China. Amazing police work - sounds like you got the true criminals!

@homergee3381 - 26.01.2024 12:13

Money = Rights. If you take all the cash and assets in the world and divide that amount by the number of people in the world you would have an amount $X. Nobody has a right to have more than this amount meaning $X is your right, not an entitlement, you still have to earn it.
The rich use the rights of the poor and our governments tax the rich to compensate the poor, this is monumentally unfair to the poor but the poor give their permission every time they vote.

@kennedy6618 - 26.01.2024 10:40

😊HSBC is a British Corporation, not a Chinese bank!

@SW-fy8pq - 26.01.2024 04:31

Most Caucasian, if not all, probably do not know that HSBC and Cathay Airlines in HK are actually British companies. Because HSBC is a British company that holds rich info of the riches worldwide, so it is likely preserved, protected and used by the American authority.

@TomaszGabrielBartoszewicz - 25.01.2024 17:17

Banki oraz ZUS się często mylą na korzyść swoich klientów i znajomych oraz rodziny plus kolegów do tego!

@christianrathbone9931 - 25.01.2024 02:06

The Banker at your local branch is highly scrutinized and regulated. Once you're in the upper echelons, there's less and less rules

@techcafe0 - 24.01.2024 20:05

I lost $10,000 to HSBC. I hate that bank.

@cnycp25 - 24.01.2024 06:13

She needs to see witch politicians have bank accounts in hong kong and Asian markets pay off,s Mexican market port Chinese drugs into America right now 2024 for 4 years Biden opened borders! Nancy Pelosi Bubble up money! How many business are laundry drug money! To bank to the government taxes inflation! Out of order for normal working people! People who work real jobs hard work!

@robertvanslooten9475 - 24.01.2024 02:24


@zovalentine7305 - 22.01.2024 18:22

BANK spelled backwards is KNAB

@hilding2063 - 21.01.2024 16:58

The entire currency system is a fraud and so are the banks. The whole system needs to collapse first and we need to return to a global gold standard nothing else will solve wars, corruption and everything else bad having it's origin in fraudulent money.

@alexiuschua6546 - 20.01.2024 14:49

Western powers setup hsbc to do the dirty works of opium financing n trading. Now its reporting habc for money laundering. Quite a hypocrisy

@Continentalmunkey88 - 19.01.2024 18:00

Hvac offset valves

@CommonSense-uj9ip - 18.01.2024 18:08

I work at a bank. Never heard of hsbc lol

@jimviau327 - 17.01.2024 05:19

The world is run by a Mafia. It's been so since eons. This is just an endless circus. Why should we care? Countries, governments, and borders mean nothing to these tugs. They are on top of the pyramid. Why should we care?

@Keiphton27 - 16.01.2024 23:25

Hate the players and hate the game….

@jaymarcus9570 - 14.01.2024 18:00

all banks are the same...HSBC is ahead of all loser banks😂

@user-wx6fl3pc1x - 12.01.2024 20:35

Kenya Kwanza’s Bank.

@marylouspeelman139 - 09.01.2024 08:09

So that’s why the RBC bought the HSBC bank. Lol

@OjembaChigbo-yy5kl - 08.01.2024 22:36

Nearly all the looting taking place in my Country Nigeria pass through individual and corporate bank accounts. In other words, without the banks, it would be impossible for the fraud to be perpetrated. Unfortunately, looters are sometimes caught and their accounts frozen yet the banks get no sanctions. An irony indeed.

@nikkinounou8355 - 07.01.2024 22:11

The British forced the opium down theirs throats.

@tofutosisupiryu - 07.01.2024 12:14

No wonder they have so many countless high grade .markets operations staff just doing performance...😅

@plstrom - 07.01.2024 03:49

"if u dont persecute this people who are u going to persecute" ? guess who sir... the one that was tricked somehow to put his/her name on some paper coz someone offered 100 bucks for your signaure... and since someone has to take the fall, thats the one u "persecute" EVERY TIME SIR ! its the lower pawn u can find and u can link to it in any way possible... thats who u persecute

@yourmom9608 - 05.01.2024 21:33

US government is involved in rerouting this fiat money through various spectrums including narcotics as that actually absorbs the inflammation created by the inflation
