Prep YOUR Next Adventure in just 14.27 minutes!

Prep YOUR Next Adventure in just 14.27 minutes!

Dungeon Masterpiece

2 года назад

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Mark Kind
Mark Kind - 25.09.2023 02:05

This has finally put words to the difference between hours of frustrating prep and those nights where it won't stop flowing.

Azlo The Great
Azlo The Great - 24.08.2023 04:05

Somehow, I apparently watched and liked this video already, so since i can't like twice im dropping this comment for the sake of the algorithm

Delmworks - 31.07.2023 07:58

So, to sum up:
1. Create Central tension first-pick 2 things to fight the players/eachother. random encounters good for picking sides, figure out why they are conflicting.

2. Create quest hooks by asking questions- can make conflicting quest hooks. Throw hooks at the sea and see who bites. Informed by point 1.
3. Quick dungeons- what it was, what it is, then shove the aspects those imply into one map. This is informed by points 1 and 2. Remember environment effects/changing combats, and trailing npcs or hints.

LynTheWitch - 03.07.2023 12:46

Amazing quality content :)

Kostas Manousakis
Kostas Manousakis - 16.04.2023 15:25

Wow! Perfect!! Thank you!!!

Dilated Beholder
Dilated Beholder - 08.04.2023 03:21

I've just ordered a bunch of non-DnD RPGs, which I hope to run as a brand new GM. Does anybody know the best way to distribute large rulesets around the group using these big core books that come with the game? I'm fine learning everything myself, but unsure if players are expected to ingest the whole book as well, or is there a standard that I should be using to induct everybody into how the game works?

Stark night
Stark night - 07.03.2023 02:07

Did this and had a fantastically successful session! Now how do I do a follow up 🤔

Caleb Fall
Caleb Fall - 05.03.2023 09:59

Excellent video, earned sub

Jackson Zabransky
Jackson Zabransky - 01.02.2023 22:50

Spent a while watching through different channels for DMs, and this channel is by far my favorite that I’ve found. Well organized, well thought out, pertinent topics with actual helpful answers, no unnecessary fluff. Thanks for the great channel!

RemyxedFern •
RemyxedFern • - 31.01.2023 14:58

The smile after the intro line is so funny, he’s so excited to teach us cool Dm tips

2S Thimo
2S Thimo - 28.01.2023 18:44

I have had 3 failed campaigns over the past 5 years because I got writers block at some point where I wrote myself into a corner and didn't find any inspiration to get out.
Currently on my 4th attempt of a weekly campaign and we're about to have our tenth session which is a record. I didn't watch this video before that, but what you said is subconsciously what I did differently to the adventures before. I have pdfs of about 10 monster manuals of different systems and homebrew collections, I read their pages until I found one with enough unique qualities to be interesting and fleshed out everything from the premise "Why would these monsters attack the town and how?"

For those interested. The monster is comparable to a 1m newt with claws, four whiplike tails it can wrap around each other in a drill shape. It senses magic and gets angry when someone casts a spell. It is capable of nature magic and a grown one might start controlling animals and make them his servants.
So the story revolves around an abandoned mage prison by the mage guilds secret service so to speak, where the newt monster served as a guard to detect magic usage by prisoners. They abandoned it, the monster grows big, strong and vengeful. One day the guy from the guild sealing the prison dies of a heart attack (this was my plot hook, i set it up as a murder mystery, and I set that up last), can't seal the prison off anymore and the newts start building an army of animals attacking everyone entering the forest and sometimes the town itself

Got a lot of enjoyment out of it and it all started by using every attribute of a single monster I found cool, which is essentially comparable to your rolling up 2 random encounters and going from there
So I can recommend this, it solved by eternal writers block which i got by writing stories linearly beginning at the actual beginning

John Snow
John Snow - 06.01.2023 19:48

Rodrick the Ranger Karen. That is a plot hook I can work with

Anna Terry
Anna Terry - 18.12.2022 01:12

It's a good idea, especially as I've seen some blog and channels decry the fetch quests and want to avoid those or give them more story background.

Nicol Miller
Nicol Miller - 02.12.2022 19:36

Always enjoy your content. Some has been a huge help in building my game.

pallenda - 27.11.2022 00:09

This is great! I would love more videos like this. :)

Weylin - 22.11.2022 13:09

Im just commenting to please the algorithm. I too enjoyed your cut to the chase style.

pedro cendejas II
pedro cendejas II - 06.11.2022 02:25

Bro, genius. This is S tier advice, thank you.

Part Time Hero
Part Time Hero - 01.10.2022 18:14

Very good tipp ...

Brandon - 01.10.2022 14:22

Dude I had this playing in the background. When you said “animated statues” I heard “Adamantium Cashews” and when you said we can work with that I was quite intrigued lmao.

Fabrice Dorantes
Fabrice Dorantes - 21.09.2022 01:22

This video is fantastic and incredibly useful! Thank you for the advice! Will be using this in the future!!

ChapterGrim - 10.09.2022 03:19

Conflict is the basis of all good drama...

Ryan Kibby
Ryan Kibby - 03.09.2022 19:47

question: what is a "cariotid?"

johnnii - 26.08.2022 12:25

Another "backwards" planning/random generating idea:

First history of dungeon, then current use. Then add/roll inhabitants and plot hook based on the first two steps.

Adam King
Adam King - 23.08.2022 17:39

You truly are a (dungeon) masterpiece, You make great content that gets straight to the point. This has helped me and my friend who DM regularly.

Crap Phone
Crap Phone - 17.08.2022 22:22

Did you make that sketch of the Erechtheum? If so, JEALOUS!!! Also, great idea to start with the conflict and work back to the hook. I haven't done that on a few occasions without thinking and now suddenly realize that's by far the best way to do this. Thanks for calling that out.

Big Cow Productions
Big Cow Productions - 26.06.2022 15:11

"Some kind of Karen" that slayed me 🤣

Matthew Neisinger
Matthew Neisinger - 09.06.2022 14:46

Please tell me the Roderick references are tip of the hat to DM Scotty.

allynborland - 08.06.2022 19:02

Funny the next video in your list that came up, explains how random encounter tables suck, but this video says to use them to make your adventure.

Pit Shants
Pit Shants - 06.06.2022 11:28

I recently had a surprise, “hey could we play today” (asked by players) session. I got so lucky because my players took over in a very docile way. Once I mentioned they were near a lake, they wanted to fish. For over an hour.

I found it incredibly insane at that very long moment.

With all that being said, I’m glad this video exists so that I can be on the ready for a more intricate base.

MKUltra1 - 23.05.2022 17:25

Pretty epic ideas. Very useful.

Chris Cooper - AATE DM
Chris Cooper - AATE DM - 10.05.2022 06:54

I was avoiding this video due to the clickbait-y title, but finally gave in and watched. This is great advice for setting up stories for players!

Stark night
Stark night - 09.05.2022 00:53

Tried it now. Looks like I got something pretty good out of it!

Stark night
Stark night - 07.05.2022 15:26

Could you make a flow chart for this?

Stark night
Stark night - 07.05.2022 05:13

Really like your approach. I wanna try it!

Thomas Petrucka
Thomas Petrucka - 06.05.2022 22:02

Thank you!

TheRealGinger - 06.05.2022 00:30

Just came here and my mind hurts cuz of how simple you put everything serouisly remember me when your famous 😂🙏

Alex Benton
Alex Benton - 04.05.2022 12:54

You seem to be conflating plot hooks with plot twists, can you explain what you mean?

Mookie Wilson
Mookie Wilson - 28.04.2022 14:45

This is a comment

cerosis - 25.04.2022 23:24

I'm gonna have to use these tips and tricks

Sam Chafin
Sam Chafin - 19.04.2022 02:26

Simple, actionable advice. Out of the park!

Trio Of One
Trio Of One - 18.04.2022 00:23

What a great idea

Andrew Sanguine
Andrew Sanguine - 16.04.2022 23:42

Quickly becoming one of my favourite D&D channels.
Certainly in my top 3 for solid advice and ideas.
Dungeon Masterpiece = Sophisitcated yet Simplified ways to GM
Play Your Role = Thespian and Character advice
Mathew Colville = Large scale advice for Campaign design

Jessi rain
Jessi rain - 12.04.2022 09:40

Just 0.07 seconds too slow. Sorry.

Brayden B
Brayden B - 10.04.2022 22:07

I play 4e so this might not work as well for other editions but, I'll quickly grab one minion, one normal, and one elite monster. I won't even spec them half the time. Basically, I make the specs as needed. If I can, I'll glance to see player specs but mostly do it on the fly.

I basically make it so the elite can take 4 hits so w.e the first hit was, I just now times that damage by 3 and that's the HP left. The defenses are based on players. The worse against Armour having to roll 16 or higher to hit. That kind of stuff.

mattwood2701 - 08.04.2022 09:08


Edward Sawdy
Edward Sawdy - 08.04.2022 08:22

That bloody smile at the start had me weak lmao, cheeky man let's see your wisdom alright

Broce Ollomon
Broce Ollomon - 06.04.2022 18:22

This is such good advice. Thank you!

CodeDiCode - 05.04.2022 09:09

I might just do this actually, great piece of advise

once_upon_a_rime - 03.04.2022 01:32

This is the best channel that the YT algorithm has ever recommended. I'll apply your this lesson next session for sure!
