Funniest "I Should Not Be Laughing" Moments

Funniest "I Should Not Be Laughing" Moments

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Hecate’s Pagantanist children Magickals
Hecate’s Pagantanist children Magickals - 16.10.2023 12:48

I was back then in my teenage years, in a modeling school, where a teacher I can still remember was 31 at the time, lecturing us about social grace, suddenly the guy I think is about her age or older, knocks and open the door only to tell her “Ma’am I love my wife” our teacher looked at her with an expression “SO WHAT?”then the guy confirmed “That’s all I want to say” and gave the body gesture to continue her work, and gently closed the door. Later on that day, during our lunch break I overheard their conversation that they had a misunderstanding about our teacher flirting with her male co-workers, as she fell in love with the janitor who had to work to another company because of their formed relationship. It wasn’t only me who laughed but the rest of them did who knew it was all a misunderstanding as well the guy apologizing over and over out of the embarrassment he realized he put himself through.

VandalStreets - 29.09.2023 19:01

The first one is the best lol!

Holly O
Holly O - 10.08.2023 06:53

I used to laugh during this one scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy finds her mom’s body. Then my own mom died, and I have to stop my dad from skipping the episode because of my crying fits

Nathan Brisebois
Nathan Brisebois - 19.07.2023 16:24

My father died suddenly at 54 from untreated endocarditis (heart infection basically). At the funeral, I'm up at the casket and my older brother comes up and says "...thats the most relaxed I've ever seen him" and I burst into laughter. After the service we went for some food. The funeral was mid-June, high school grad time. Hostess greets us at the door and says "hi welcome to restraunt, are you guys celebrating a graduation?" And without missing a beat, and with the most flat expression on his face and perfect delivery he just says "Funeral." I fuckin lost it laughing. The hostess was also serving our table. My brother ordered a beer, and she came back saying that they were out of that beer and he says "well, it's not the worst news I've had today" and she looked mortified lol I will always remember my dad's funeral, bot for the service, but how funny my brother was that day

Kekyoin the Shitposting Fool
Kekyoin the Shitposting Fool - 17.06.2023 22:00

I remember at my mom's funeral there was a little display case with custom engraved urns and boxes with example names on them. I looked at one box and read the name "Nani" and immediately thought about that stupid "Omae mou shinderu" meme and started laughing to myself. Thank God there was a lot of people chatting amongst themselves because I could not contain myself. I felt bad laughing at a funeral. I miss my mom.

WaJa Vlogs
WaJa Vlogs - 30.05.2023 07:40

Any video where theres a car crash and a fat person in the backseat jerks foward and shakes the car

Greenwood Alley
Greenwood Alley - 12.05.2023 03:09

I'm glad my family isn't the only one that handles grief with inappropriately timed humor

KendoruSlink - 06.04.2023 13:21

Change the channel, Marge!

Seth Wilson
Seth Wilson - 02.03.2023 15:51

The movie theater proposal story reminds me of a story of when my sister started at chick fil a and the every one has a story video she had to watch made her burst out laughing

Night - 05.02.2023 20:26

I once met a jewish guy who became my friend. That "moment" happened when me and few of my other friends went to a party, where he complained about his homework, saying it's too difficult. My other friend said that he needs more... CONCENTRATION. I literally bursted with laughter, ran outside, fell on the grass and nearly laughed my guts out. And then I was like "oops" I shouldn't be laughing. We are still friends, and I don't know if they realized why I was laughing. Hope they didn't. That was hella embarassing 😖

Chalk Warrior
Chalk Warrior - 27.12.2022 19:51

i actually somehow manage to have a serious take on this.

for some reason, whenever i'm in a situation where i'm nervous or should be upset, my body tries to smile or laugh as an instinctual reaction. for example: whenever i have to watch my mom give our cat his meds (they're really bitter and make him foam at the mouth once it's been shot down his throat), i have to cover my mouth because my body wants to try and smile and/or laugh. i've been told it's some weird coping mechanism but i still have my doubts.
i guess the reason why is because it isn't consistent? like it only happens in some situations but not others.

King - 14.12.2022 06:03

My friends grandma had a little special someone over, he told me he was awake after I passed out an listened from down the hallway & from his perspective heard the two saying “what if the kids aren’t sleep yet” an another voice saying “I don’t care” I only thank God I went to sleep first that night. I knew I shouldn’t have started laughing but he was too 🤷🏾😂

Chris Sawyer
Chris Sawyer - 09.12.2022 00:48

Who pooped in the VCR had me laughing so hard oh my God

Finest Kind
Finest Kind - 23.11.2022 20:55

The singer at my friend’s grandma’s funeral sounded like Elmer Fudd.

Brian Langum
Brian Langum - 19.11.2022 04:06

I too laughed when the guy donged the propeller on the Titanic.

Tim O'Neill
Tim O'Neill - 03.11.2022 23:07

That meme of the woman with arm calling herself a snack and there is a comment saying someone took a bite, that shouldn’t be as funny as it is.

☆starzzz◡̈ - 30.10.2022 22:41

The day my grandpa died last year everyone was on their way to my grandmas house to all mourn together and everyone was crying/sobbing except me (who just couldn't cry for no reason) and I put in my earbuds and shuffle played my playlist and song "Fuck this shit I'm out" started playing and for some reason I lost It and did that shooketh wheeze laughter

Then a hit later at his funeral while waiting for it to start someone turned on their radio and turned it to his favorite radio station and the first thing that played was

"Dun dun dun dun another one bites the dust."

I along with my dad literally fell on the floor laughing

The priest started speed reading bible quotes bc he thought an overweight almost 4 year old man in black dress pants and a white shirt and red tie on his hands and knees sobbing with laughter and a skinny vampire looking teenage boy in an outfit that basically looked like a myChem or Green day outfit from 2004 on his knees wheezing was a demonic possession

G r a h a m
G r a h a m - 08.10.2022 23:53

To have a spouse so in touch with you to tell you it's ok to go....I'm doomed to die alone it made me cry.
