5 Reptiles That Will NEVER Bite You!

5 Reptiles That Will NEVER Bite You!

Wickens Wicked Reptiles

7 месяцев назад

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@pepijncreeper - 19.08.2024 15:05

My berber skink male bites my vingers😔

@jonniefast - 19.08.2024 17:40

even my fish bite me 🥹🤣

@zacharycannon4094 - 20.08.2024 06:34

I have a corn snake and I’ve had her for about a year now and she has never even came close to biting me not even while I’m feeding and I handle her allot and she is spoiled with everything she needs but either know people wouldn’t want anything that bites it’s kinda unpredictable and depends on allot of various things

@zacharycannon4094 - 20.08.2024 07:10

I know u might not read every comment but like this comment if u would like to see a full tour of all his animals because I know I would love that video and would 100% watch it all the way through because he has things I’ve never even heard of

@insanity4224 - 20.08.2024 11:47

Just a note.. wild blue tongues WILL BITE and not let go. They are very aggressive hence the blue tongue they show as a warning. Shingle backs are the same.

@neil5877 - 21.08.2024 05:08

Even my bearded dragon has a bad day if you don't read the body language

@slappywag7210 - 21.08.2024 16:11

I don’t think the frilled neck lizards bite. They’re hilarious when they try to intimidate.

@fitputra7426 - 21.08.2024 21:30

Bro, the moutain horned dragon in indonesia are so chep, its literally 1 dollar😂, they are invasif in here, and no one keep it as a pet

@repccessories - 21.08.2024 22:54

i shaw a rubber boa in the wild. It was really cool to see.

@mayah5396 - 22.08.2024 09:07

What’s the thing on your shoulder? Very cool looking!

@phoenixrisingtarot5270 - 22.08.2024 12:58

I'm loving the mountain horned dragon live kept all kinds of reptiles I love chameleons (panther) I even did my undergrad thesis on the flap necked chameleon using specimens at the NHM London

@bellaguerrero2058 - 23.08.2024 03:06

Blue tounges being on this list is criminal they are so so spicy

@0zzyJ1986 - 23.08.2024 12:25

Oh man I’m slow I only now just got the names Steven and Irwin for your blue tongues… Steve Irwin… lol

@Beauwarnecke - 23.08.2024 18:42

Most of these in the wild will bite you if you do try to pick them up

@L.sPonsel - 24.08.2024 13:16

1000000000% Source:
Trust me bro

@snakehandler87 - 24.08.2024 15:15

Blue tongue skinks absolutely bite.... What's holding one by my side as I cleaned its tank and I felt a increasing painful pressure on my side and looked and he had bitten onto my side

@Ohh_Is_That_Sooo... - 24.08.2024 18:00

I saw the title and click just to say, "LIAR!" 😂
But, nice start and save, lol. I will stay now 😁

@virginiamae4777 - 24.08.2024 20:25

Yep, my bluey is one of my more polite reps.
THE EXCEPTION: one time he climbed up my shirt just to bite my ear out of spite for getting him out while he was napping 😂 he was my late best friend's, and the only time he ever bit her was crawling up to bite her nose ring. He apparently likes shiny stuff

@virginiamae4777 - 24.08.2024 20:32

Of my collection, here's the critters that haven't bit me:
Crested gecko (male)
Uromastyx (male)
Asian Water Monitor (male)
African house snake (male)

Here's the critters that have:
Leachie gecko (female) - out of fear/spite
Crested gecko (female) - thought i was food
Ball python (male) - fear and thought i was food
Red tail boa (male) - fear
Bearded dragon (male) - thought i was food
Asian water monitor (female) - fear/spite
Asian water Monitor (baby) - fear
Mexican black king snake (female) - food
Rosy boa (male) - food
Kenyan sand boa (female) - food
Corn snake (female) - food and fear
Savannah monitor (male) - food and fear
Black throat monitor (female) - fear
Black and white tegu (male) - food
Blue tongue skink (male) - spite??

@SkitZHitZ - 24.08.2024 22:56

I got bit by a blue tounge when i was a kid so im immediately clicking off this

@Lionel4482 - 25.08.2024 10:24

Wife that doesn’t bite you doesn’t love you

@COn8iv303 - 26.08.2024 15:11

Leapard Gecko!!

@scottjohnstone5551 - 27.08.2024 18:27

The blue tongues I get in my yard will definitely bite you and they hiss like a sonofabitch. I've rarely come across a docile one.

@DeelishDotCom - 28.08.2024 03:26

Uromastyx won't bite

@danielalvarez8729 - 28.08.2024 22:40

I'm surprised to see the Bearded Dragons absent from this list. I once owned a beardie, and the only time he bit me was by accident. He went through a stint in which he wasn't eating, and the vet told us to force feed him with a syringe. I attempted to pry his mouth open, and I almost got it opened, and when he went to shut it back up, my finger just so happened to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time. He nipped me. It was surprisingly painful. I couldn't believe the bite force he possessed. But he never intentionally bit any of us and he was easy to handle.

@Excelsior5723 - 29.08.2024 22:31

I'm curious what was that greenish bluish lizard that was on you in the beginning of the video

@Z480-h1g - 30.08.2024 09:44

Lol my Indonesian blue-tongue randomly bit me in the neck while she was on my shoulder and I was eating pizza! She was at least 3 years old too 🤣

@A-Town_From_Da_Lv - 30.08.2024 14:31

R.I.P Legend
Steve Irwin

@BangSnipeTV - 31.08.2024 01:11

What kind a reptile is that you hold pls comment

@mrlemonlime2.087 - 31.08.2024 08:55

I could never see myself in this economy buying a reptile they are horrendously expensive

@galaxystudious - 01.09.2024 03:56

I live in British Columbia where can I find Fiji banded iguanas?

@Sigmaboy69420-j - 04.09.2024 00:43

I bit someone once

@mariahblock - 04.09.2024 04:35

What is the green one he’s holding in the beginning?

@roithenry - 07.09.2024 09:57

Uh haa!! lol 😂 you little Skink! 😂

@roithenry - 07.09.2024 10:02

Prize Pack 3️⃣7️⃣7️⃣

@dorito818 - 08.09.2024 03:40

What are the common names for the dart frogs? I checked Morphmarket and can’t seem to find the names you use in the video.

@gorgha3988 - 08.09.2024 20:57

Aw man. Including 2 skinks is cheating, basically the same animal lol

@loucastro9213 - 10.09.2024 04:07

Never been bit by a blue belly.

@stephaniehaverstick5736 - 10.09.2024 07:44

Ok, I’m dying to know where you got your banded iguana??? I have absolutely loved them since I was a teenager but didn’t think it was a possibility.

@WILLFRANCA1 - 22.09.2024 20:08

I had a blue tongue skink that bit my wife badly

@kevinn4038 - 29.09.2024 21:11

One thing I've learned after like 15 years of keeping them, never say never. Lol. But as far as bites go, my Tegu and oddly enough my beardie had the worst bite. Lol.

@davidwesley2525 - 10.10.2024 12:29

Frankie is a Very Bright Turquoise & Emerald Fiji 🇫🇯 Banded Iguana .
It's a Bummer They are ILLEGAL to Own in the United States.

@Goltyt636 - 28.10.2024 21:51

Aren’t dart frogs poisonous?

@Andrewsaerchus-c3n - 08.02.2025 00:43

Whife got me laughing cor an hour

@Logan_Tang - 27.02.2025 03:27

I dream of getting a blue tongue I LOVE them, but they cost to much for me, and they take so much space. I love them so much

@WickensWickedReptiles - 26.07.2024 21:14

What is your favorite reptile that doesn't bite?
