E-8 AWACS Air Refueling gone wrong

E-8 AWACS Air Refueling gone wrong


12 лет назад

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@HybridChoky - 26.10.2017 17:38

The plane was cockblocked. XD

@rickhctep1503 - 29.10.2017 11:20

Typical of the dumb yanks, this is why we don't want you flying over the UK, you lot crashed enough planes after WW 2 because most of your pilots were pissed/ drugged up

@charleslovell6687 - 16.12.2017 05:00

It is an E-3.

@dewdness - 12.03.2018 13:54

its a near miss :)

@jorgeevii4800 - 25.03.2018 07:12

E-8 AWACS Is that a new Aircraft?

@cozart865 - 11.04.2018 15:50

It's bc of the stupid 135 autopilot technology from the 50's happens all the time. Kc-10s are way better

@lucas93_TV - 06.05.2018 23:36

Nearly collision

@Pincer88 - 09.10.2018 13:36

Holy @#$%, one has to be very cool and collected to witness that real time and get on it once again and pull it off right!

@martyrayh.2976 - 17.01.2019 20:25

It's an E-3A

@cac_deadlyrang - 18.05.2019 01:39

The TCAS alarm is fucking terrifying in this context.

@agneslaska7603 - 04.11.2019 20:56


@PhelipeNascimentoo - 26.11.2019 05:17

Fake alarm haha

@andrewketler - 17.06.2020 21:51

Holy fucking shit

@DaveRoss76 - 08.07.2020 21:13

holy POOP!!!!

@TheBanjoFlyBoy - 09.07.2020 02:52

Folks that's an E-3 scaring the crap out of that boom operator!

@ziggystardust4627 - 20.08.2020 16:58

That probably represents the most negative G's a 707-based aircraft ever pulled . . .

@CSullyFly - 04.09.2020 07:53

“Boom stowed and latched, leaving position”

@DC-id5gi - 04.10.2020 19:20

I think this is the one where the pilot's seat malfunction and reclined the pilot backwards causing him to pull up, then the AC forced it down to prevent a crash. If that is the case, someone was not wearing the seat belt and hit the top of the aircraft because of this

@echmiles1306 - 23.04.2021 00:46

AWACS said aight imma head out

@hawkmaster381 - 27.02.2022 18:22

What the hell is an E-8?

@cheapskateaquatics7103 - 28.03.2022 23:07

Dad flew on the KC-10 as a mechanic in the 90's and experienced this quite a few times. When it happens, you do an emergency break away: they go down, you go up. One time when they had to do an emergency break away, someone had a case of soda on board that ended up going everywhere.

@Scott11078 - 15.09.2022 01:15

Man could you imagine being one of the operators in back? Probably on break during this so you decide to hit the head, this time head hits backs and you come out stained blue....

@kenclark9888 - 16.09.2022 03:42

That’s an E-3 not E-8.

@mynameisray - 09.12.2022 04:14

Hopefully that boom operator wore his brown pants.

@619StangCali - 26.07.2023 07:55

Ohh shit

@ShermanJackson-f5v - 14.08.2023 18:55

I was a flight engineer on the E-3 aircraft, this also happen to our flight crew during refueling. Rough air that force the E-3 up, fast action of the pilot and the boom operator keep the aircraft from hitting each other.

@Broken_dish - 23.08.2023 06:40

I wonder if the boom operator knew this would happen that why he disconnected when he did

@lucaas - 19.09.2023 19:29

Great catch, scary one! Would you be okay with me featuring this in my series Weekly Dose of Aviation? Of course you will be credited both in the video and in the description. Thanks!

@davidgore5719 - 24.09.2023 09:51

I understand. I was a Tinker AFB AWACS pilot from 1999 until 2003. My most challenging mission in my nearly 30-yr career was when I was a brand new AC and nearly couldn't take the gas on a combat sortie over Afghanistan. It was night, we were in the WX with a lot of turbulence and the tanker showed up without an autopilot. I prayed to God after 30 minutes of trying to connect and us going past "bingo" fuel. He answered within a couple of minutes and we hit the southern edge of that low pressure system and the air instantly went smooth and then the tanker got their autopilot to work all within 5 minutes. I immediately hooked up southbound on the "driveway" in Pakistan and once I had taken half the off-load we turned back Northbound back toward Afghanistan again to finish the mission. Praise the Lord!!

@Olszymanski - 04.11.2023 18:20

what was that e-3 pilot doing fr

@Southboundpachyderm - 13.11.2023 02:09

holy shit that oscillation happens SO quickly. Props to the Pilot and boom operator to recover that so quickly. That could have been, SHOULD have been really fucking bad. A mid air with those two would almost certainly kill everyone onboard both planes. Bet those pilots got a good dose of negative G's from that rapid descent. Wonder if they grounded the pilot/boom operator for that, it seems like the boom operator got too hasty to make the connection and the bottom indicator lights came on to tell the pilot that it's safe to make a slight downwards action to keep the planes in line with each other which caused the oscillation. Basically a miscommunication between Pilot and Boom operator? At least that's my layman's assumption. If someone more knowledgeable could fill in some of the details here that'd be awesome! I saw Max Afterburners video on this, but it's not as detailed in the actual flight maneuvers that caused the oscillation. Is it like an overcorrection of rudder input and then the pilot trying to correct the overcorrection with stick input? I know in these situations the best thing you can do is just let go of the controls momentarily and let the flight surfaces do their job to correct the oscillation, but jesus I wonder if they even gave this guy a second pass to refuel or if they just grounded him immediately and sent him back to training? Pilots have such a fucking stressful job. No wonder they're all fucked up on cocaine and liquor all the time lol. It's like the only way you can justify getting in the jet the next day to try again.

@billsnyder5863 - 16.02.2024 06:49

Pucker factor 9++, hope the boomer, and the AWACS drivers, had a change of underwear..

@gordonmuir6881 - 21.02.2024 17:41

That's an E3.

@kimlynch5526 - 24.02.2024 18:13

What caused that

@tarakrautkramer1201 - 20.04.2024 21:04


@martyrayh.2976 - 21.04.2024 17:09

NATO AWACS was not an American pilot.

@stopmotionus6697 - 02.06.2024 21:33

That's an E-3 Sentry

@DeFySource - 29.07.2024 10:40

This is a E-3 Sentry. The E-8 only does ground surveillance and that plane in the video definetly not

@Lengthy_Lemon - 13.08.2024 07:00

ah yes my favorite E-3A, the E-8???

@jerryscrazy1 - 23.08.2024 04:02

That's one of the most advanced aircrafts we have. What caused this exact error

@SavasEsenturk - 25.08.2024 10:01

The pilot saved her cheaply.

@alibabaei1953 - 05.09.2024 01:53

poo came out after that 😂

@moose21handle - 09.09.2024 19:00


@davidmurphy8190 - 12.10.2024 20:53

Aircraft is an E-3 SENTRY. The E-8 is the JSTARS and has no rotodome. Similar airframe.

@daleeaton1026 - 16.12.2024 08:30

Was a boomer in the seventies. Had contact on with f14. One second we looking at each other. Next second whiteout. Could not c receiver or end of boom. Bam. He was back hadn’t moved. Could have been bad.

@valdez57700 - 20.01.2025 00:11

Gerbotron 3000 !
I browned my pants, from my office chair !! 😵‍💫😱🙀😮‍💨

@LEEHOLMES-gq2gj - 30.01.2025 04:54

Imagine sitting in that fuel tanker when something like this occurs me personally ..I would be shi??ing myself

@bizzimartini - 03.03.2025 09:40

Me trying to put it in drunk in the dark 🥴
