KOREAN Art Supply HAUL ~ everything I brought back with me

KOREAN Art Supply HAUL ~ everything I brought back with me

Juli Rox Art

1 год назад

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@miyutakahada5691 - 08.12.2023 07:15

Enjoyed watching your video, I am quite curious to see how those Watercolour girl with flowers paints work out and would love to see you post a video on them :)

@dharna7360 - 08.12.2023 12:19

I am so glad that you are posting regularly!!

@AmazonWest - 08.12.2023 17:40

Great show Juli, thank you ❤

@malarts6409 - 08.12.2023 19:30

I have the exact same watercolor flower girl coloring pages and the paints worked HORRIBLE i highly recommend you use your own paints

@sheryltrevino7966 - 09.12.2023 19:14

I live in the US and on Amazon I have seen little books with the paper watercolor sheets so I’m curious as to how well your flower girl works with the watercolor sheets. Thanks for sharing your haul.

@amozinshade484 - 10.12.2023 21:34

Oh I totally get coloring books. I'm burning through all my water based markers and colored pencils in these books. I got myself a coloring book by cris ortega for my birthday. The art style is soo beautiful & alluring. I'm just waiting on the chance I printed them blown up on decent paper. 🥹

@Bugiddle - 09.04.2024 21:16

I enjoyed this. Funny - coloring in a regular adult coloring book stresses me out, lol. I stress over the color choices of each part. But if there is a book with a model completed page next to the blank one, then that is fine. I have a bunch of little and big adult coloring books from Daiso in various themes such as landscapes, flowers, etc. that have coloring instructions and tips, too. They have model pages. I think they are meant for colored pencils, but I'm going to use watercolor pencils. I much prefer just doing my own watercolors of florals, though, which is my favorite subject. I like loose florals the most.

@ObiJohn-rj7cg - 16.07.2024 14:22

