The BPD and Narcissism Connection #shorts #psychology

The BPD and Narcissism Connection #shorts #psychology


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@jessicapatton2688 - 11.06.2024 16:28

Maybe it’s c-ptsd then.
No, I don’t exploit others and I don’t justify exploiting others because I’ve been terribly hurt.
I will say it pisses me off that 1 I was so horribly mistreated but then I’m the monster for what I’ve endured. Bull shit!!!

@heathera.1920 - 19.06.2024 00:11

I just realized this pattern about myself and it's killing me.😭😭 every video I watch about bpd I'm like omg it's me!! But I don't even know what to do with the information

@bad.chickie66 - 24.06.2024 13:35

Girl I was with said she needed time away to focus on her kids and doesn’t go online anymore yet constantly posts on Instagram.

@kittiemarie1235 - 25.06.2024 02:31

I have a few BPD friends. Two are non-exploitative and two are not. They could be but they actively choose not to be.

@Nat-oj2uc - 26.06.2024 10:48

What a BS. You might have some disorder yourself cause you're so up in your s and completely miss the mark

@ricoval49 - 04.07.2024 06:33

It’s like they’re emotional narcissists

@yellowdayz1800 - 30.07.2024 06:25

He is so right. I had childhood neglect some abuse. I didn't talk about it. Yet, my x husband.. He did talk about his childhood pains.. Now I know. He was telling me the reasons why I was going to have a miserable life.

@chellotrevino7323 - 04.08.2024 06:25

Borderlines don’t exploit other people borderlines have NOTHING to do with narcissist yah this slow 🤣 NARCISSISM IS A DEFENSE MECHANISM for us borderlines and exploit people for your benefit imma borderline I don’t even know how to take advantage of people 😂like seriously Empaths are angels 😇

@yadiraalbornoz3046 - 18.08.2024 14:52

That's what some nations have done to other nations or cultures...

@richardpedley6291 - 15.09.2024 14:00

Thats defo me i was dianosed wen i was 18

@Darklustmoonchild - 27.09.2024 19:40

There are different types of BPD. I believe 2 out of the 4 only correalte with Narcassim. How can you be this ignorant on BPD? Guys please go to MedCircle for actual advice and education

@mysty0 - 01.10.2024 14:34

I tick all 9 boxes of BPD, but this what you describe couldnt be further from who i am

@GrinTack-ri1ur - 03.10.2024 10:44

Bullshit... Not all of us... You got it all wrong... Click bait....

@kathleendinsmore7588 - 20.10.2024 20:37

In all fairness I think BPD’s have the capacity to recognize the buck stops here, so to speak. I don’t know that narcissists are truly capable of reaching that conclusion.

@peterknight7987 - 25.10.2024 00:30

I have BPD and not my experience and many other people I have been in therapy with ,it's on a spectrum and NPD is not part BPD criteria, I have never taken from other people Quite the opposite!

@luzlorenz7255 - 26.10.2024 01:37

So what is it, if you constantly feel like exploiting people, for example going to the doctor, asking my boyfriend for help, not delivering work because of period pain and so on. It gets very confusing in my head to be honest.

@urskaspan4598 - 02.11.2024 00:30

What about narcissists who say they have empathy? Is that a real thing? Selective empathy is not real empathy for me so idk how narcissist saying thst they have empathy goes togethe? Im confused

@Mezsworld - 17.11.2024 17:18

The B in BPD is borderline, which means it borders on many other personality disorders, symptoms, presentations, and signs. This is why at times it seems like narcissism because we don't have a true sense of self. As a 47 womam with BPD and CPTSD we don't enjoy or use our victimhood ive never forced others to do anything. I feel this as a short is a generalisation

@DanielleSpurgeon - 17.11.2024 22:00

What about am empathetic emotional unstable multi personality disorder person x ? Could really do with ur help on massive issue u might find interesting c

@rebeccablossom9823 - 19.11.2024 03:09

Are you qualified?

@bryguy4golf - 22.11.2024 04:43

The main difference is that narcs are always narcs while a BPD is a narc, a psychopath and a loving empathic partner all at once and that they are in fact geniunely all of these things.

@vegetableautopsy3551 - 26.11.2024 11:06

It's nice to know that I don't have BPD.

@yvonnemar5366 - 28.11.2024 04:07

You need some education sir. PERIOD.

- 01.12.2024 16:56

Look who's the one going on a nutty rant here? I've had therapy, looks like you need it more.

@simplyone200 - 11.12.2024 14:24

Narcs have telepathy powers
Crazy right?

They know facts and technical jargons


Telepathy is not scientifically proven

Also saw mental illness cause people to think others are hearing thoughts

Explanations for this?

@okay5513 - 15.12.2024 23:02

bpd is a spectrum, childhood trauma, fear of abandonment, emotion deregulation, you know nothing about bpd

@okay5513 - 15.12.2024 23:05

are you a (specialist in personality disorder) psychotherapist? no your not, follow daniel fox to learn about narcism and bpd an actual psychotherapist

@gregcox9886 - 23.12.2024 00:46

No not true yes bpd is manipulative and yes they believe they are a victim but it's not necessarily conscious.

@atlaer - 23.12.2024 05:32

I really believe I have bpd bit I have never exploited others, if I don't have bpd what is it?

@rmk1259 - 25.12.2024 15:43

Every BPD I know is an abuser.

@mathews0618 - 05.01.2025 11:13

Bpd is npd without a self

@katieandnick4113 - 05.01.2025 21:07

Very, very few people in general are able to acknowledge to themselves or anyone else that they are exploitative. Highly narcissistic people are not self aware at all. It’s much more easily determined by their behavior than by self reporting on how exploitative they are. But even then, the person observing their behavior must be free of biases, which absolutely no human is. Therefore, I guess nobody can determine who is and isn’t a narcissist.

@jtheartist3831 - 09.01.2025 20:46

First of all your page says "narcissistic abuse" and there is no such thing in psychology terms. It's just abuse. Second of all psychopath isn't a diagnosis but a set of personality traits.
I say all of this to say it is clear to me you have no degree to be speaking on this..yes BPD often involves exploitation and can include narcissistic behaviors but it's not always. It's more complex than thinking a person has a right to take from others for your own benefit.

@bookify0 - 12.01.2025 21:23

There's convert narscissism

@christiculous - 13.01.2025 03:58

I am diagnosed bpd, I don’t logically think I have the right to exploit, but I catch myself doing it because of insecurities and hate myself for it. Is this same same?

@jeanetteno.3212 - 23.01.2025 07:29

Bpd are acting out of pain, fear and confusion,
npd are acting out of wanting narsissistisk supply.
Bdp are entitled in getting answers." Why did you say that " respond to me" they're kind of paranoid and hurt.
Narsissists are entitled just for existing believing everything should fall into their lap. See the difference? I can se this guy is very agitated, probably been fighting with a bpd , but still. If you don't know the difference between npd and bpd, don't make videos about it.

@PolkaDocs - 25.01.2025 08:37

Over the past 10 years I've made a lot of progress.. And I probably used to feel much more like a victim back when I was younger and more naive, and before I knew much about psychology.. Today, I still get anxiety and abandonment issues that overcome me on occasion.. But I'm much better prepared to deal with them and him far from a victim or exploitive. That's although I have gotten better.. I still do struggle. I think BPD has a lot more to do with the abandonment issues and panic than it does with purposely trying to be exploitive

@haydengable8886 - 27.01.2025 01:08

Great post! Very informative, and it sparked so much good non-dehumanizing discussion in the comments!! (Sarcasm)

@Lordani66 - 31.01.2025 03:02

BPD and Narcs will treat you the same way, but for different reasons and with different intent. But it changes virtually nothing.

@Leanne-j1l - 31.01.2025 05:46

Bpd here I'm neither a victim or entitled

@NonameDummy - 31.01.2025 13:34

I wish I'd never been born. I don't want to exploit anyone.

@WoodlandGoblin - 11.02.2025 03:38

Someone with BPD can be manipulative without feeling like they have the right to be, so it's a bit unhelpful to say "If you don't experience the stereotypical thoughts and feelings of Insert Disorder you don't have it at all"

@saidyv6561 - 11.02.2025 23:03

I had a 10 month relationship with a narcissist. I have bpd. I was so disgusted with him I was able to see through some of my own narcissistic tendencies. It was brutal but It’s life changing.

@MrVibe-tx4rn - 12.02.2025 02:19

Anyone saying “X cannot be related to narcissism because Y” is wrong! Anyone can be a narcissist unfortunately

@frogismyhandle - 12.02.2025 23:12

I don't exploit, steal, whenever. I just need a lot of support. Mentally and physically I'm going through debilitating things. I appreciate the assistance I recieve. I appreciate my adopted family for housing me. I appreciate my man for supporting me and the house.

@The_Bat_Wolf - 13.02.2025 03:22

Very well said.

@NicoleBetlach - 19.02.2025 23:33

They’ll design against you until the day they die. Because they were designed against. You’re in the middle. NSB

@meanimeconingles - 22.02.2025 20:16

I will advise you to enroll in the Psychology degree program, there is lots of great material for you to read and get to know the difference between NPD and BPD, not only that but a path to get immersed in psychology itself.

By the way, BPD and NPD are not the same given that BPD is not egosyntonic.

@ThatP1ll - 24.02.2025 07:50

Close.... Not always. Nice try.

@Lisa-ht7jk - 25.02.2025 18:55

Here we go ! Even the professionals don't know how to diagnose BPD. Let's not forget that people don't ask to have a mental illness and we certainly don't ask to experience trauma. Stop vilifying people.
