Boogie2988 Promotes Crypto SCAM

Boogie2988 Promotes Crypto SCAM


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@SanchoDomingo_ - 02.07.2024 06:39

Ironically, people love when you perform a crypto scam. I think this is his redemption arc, back into the lime light.

@evanmarschand9930 - 02.07.2024 13:21

I absolutely DESPISE how much he whines and plays the victim card. And how he constantly plays the cancer card when the type of cancer he has a 20 year life expectancy on average, and the average age of death from it is 77 years old. I hate his whole "Well, you told me 5 minutes before I posted it" like it's somehow Cofeezilla's fault he "didn't understand" how it worked.

@user-oh1nt4ky7v - 02.07.2024 17:51

He smokes burgers nd snorts fries. Thts boogies lifestyle

@user-np9du4pg8q - 02.07.2024 17:58

His a maggot

@BodTheGrinch - 02.07.2024 18:09

Sorry, did I just hear Boogie use "being bored and having nothing to do all day" as an excuse for scamming his viewers? Erm... what?

The guy is about the worst human being on the planet.

@mysticmallachi777 - 02.07.2024 18:13

The pettiness aimed directly at Boogie via this video (which is clearly just being used as a medium to irritate the gross blob) is deserved, sure, but it was hard to listen to.

@Danielcoleco - 02.07.2024 19:39

I stopped following boogie long ago but I love your commentary so now I just listen to you 😂

@CopeMasterFlexx - 02.07.2024 19:44

dogs are food obsessed. there is no correct training. this isnt a police K9 unit. generally, people shouldnt even have dogs inside at all. dogs are gross and dangerous, if feeding a mutt from a chair is gross, having a dog live, shit, piss, eat, shed, and drool inside your house is 10x as gross. no mention of that though.

@drewfarmer05 - 02.07.2024 19:48

this slab of lard and grease gets worse every day and im always amazed even though its to be expected

@howardsternssmicrophone9332 - 02.07.2024 20:43

Dude is shady. Girlfriend standing around with her whole asshole hanging out, and serving up Boogie with drinks.

@PelemusMcSoy - 02.07.2024 23:26

Boogie is BoJack Horseman without the witty snark.

@DoomyMacDoomface - 03.07.2024 02:26

Boogie is a special kind of lolcow. The only words that can articulate my loathing of this man are poo-pooed by YT. Harrumph!

Edit: Congrats on the weight loss, Saturated!

@tictacterminator - 03.07.2024 08:02

he thinks 3 months is enough to change a lifetime of habits

if that was true addicts wouldn't take so many tries to stay sober after rehab

@drew2510 - 03.07.2024 18:55

I was watching this on 2x speed and the amount Des was swaying around, she always has to be so stoned out her mind to deal with booger lol

@danielescobar7618 - 04.07.2024 00:30

Bro you just dont eat more than you need to. Disgusting

@Beth_Tyranny - 04.07.2024 04:46

"I'm an addict. I'm an addict. i'M aN AdDicT!!!!"
Never treated it like one, Boog.

@crack4xmas - 04.07.2024 07:15

probably a decent video but i cant get past your voice. Somehow, you sound like Chris Griffin from Family Guy but even more nasal. Didn't think that was possible. and also the fact that you're mumbling out words and mispronouncing them in a weird way that a little kid would do, like when you try say explicitly but pronounce it "explixicstly", lol.

@boanoah6362 - 04.07.2024 08:40

One thing to say: Boogie sucks ass but don't act like a hunger suppressing drug is going to give you boneitis, 'natural' is the stupidest concept in the entire world.

You know what's natural? When you have diabetes your body gets MORE HUNGRY and the more you eat and the more your blood sugar climbs the MORE HUNGRY you get. Your body basically decides to just kill itself because the 'natural order' has no concept of shit going wrong, and it's not like diabetes is a modern problem either.

Nature wants you dead, medicine and science keeps us alive.

@Bingshuina-yp7nm - 04.07.2024 11:01

Why on earth would anyone invest in such a coin in the first place.
The stupidity of people is hilarious.

@user-oh1nt4ky7v - 04.07.2024 14:45

he made profit. russia made profit, war did it all. nothing going on as it is

@shesholdingcorn - 05.07.2024 01:01

At the very least i will say as someone who suffers from binge eating myself, it us impressive to space out your eating times and resist urges and start to recover. Thats all i can give Boogie.

@campcampcamp - 05.07.2024 13:04

I love Boogie2988 commentary videos like this, I love seeing how Boogie fucks himself up.

@argoshikan - 05.07.2024 19:19

Look here, listen!!!!

@metalMTL1 - 05.07.2024 19:55

Ok I’m just putting this out cuz I’m not so sure how this crypto stuff works right.
So from what I understand is he made this thing but then told people you won’t make money from it but yet people bought it anyway? How is that a scam?

@johnobamachadking - 06.07.2024 01:28

I'd trust boogie with my life.

@eliasroux4537 - 06.07.2024 06:59

Boogster: <<You mean scamming people means they lose money!!?? I did not know that mister zilla sir :(
Also, did I tell about my medical bills??>>

@reallyriley123 - 06.07.2024 07:14

“The same girl a couple nights ago month” bro you def not only milking your girlfriend who is still feeding but ain’t even smashing her more than a couple times a month😂 bruh she really into some odd stuff

@bobgrunsdigger - 06.07.2024 18:45

It is absolutely disgusting that his nipples sit flat against the top of his gut.

@mako3951 - 07.07.2024 06:27

I wish I could be a fat schlub who gets paid to do absolutely fuck all

@17epsilon - 07.07.2024 16:07

Boogie is the only perso who can get even more fat with ozempic

@GustavoRodriguez-qr5po - 08.07.2024 23:12

He’s sexy boy 🥵

Boogie2988 is Bad tho

@LethalBubbles - 09.07.2024 21:14

its not a scam just because youre bad at investing, you glow in the darks tryng to take crypto down with your lolcow

@yawn6986 - 10.07.2024 02:48

And I agree with you about Ozempic. I'm a nurse. I was taught how medications go through their trials, YEARS of research before the first human can even be a candidate for further testing. For this drug to just pop up (as an antidiabetic, mind you) and claim weight loss and appetite suppression, it's disturbing. Those two things themselves can be lethal. Not to mention this works on the endocrine system, especially the pancreas, so who knows what it will do to it. Not to mention damn near every function in the body is controlled in some part by a hormone... I'm not comfortable with this. There is no miracle drug! There will never be!

@Mad__Madmartigan - 11.07.2024 05:28

The thing about his miracle drug is you have to continue taking it or you lose all your progress in a week or two. Studies are already showing that you have to continue use for rest of your life. So his weightloss doesn't mean a fucking thing if he's only taking it a few months

@Youtubeissokewl - 18.07.2024 06:41

Boogie talking about someone lying about everything lol

@shamanwatch423 - 19.07.2024 23:14

At least Boogie just scammed folks again, and didn't fake cancer or suchlike.

@skjor1989 - 24.07.2024 10:48

i like you man and you are hilarious and I hate boogie but I don't think that he is evil, he is just desperate.

@blueinfinite1872 - 24.07.2024 19:26

The only exercise boogie gets is the jumping through hoops he does to justify his actions

@akm6019 - 25.07.2024 23:24

What’s mind blowing is this guy got gastric bypass surgery, a life changing operation most people can’t afford, paid by his fans. He found a little girl that loves him for some unfathomable reason. He has more than enough money to lead a very comfortable lifestyle. He is STILL complaining about how his life is hard he is the definition of pathetic he’s just gonna keep crying it is incredible to watch and to top it off he’s over 400 pounds again wtf like HOW

@Babyswiss0120 - 09.08.2024 17:03

This guy is Jabba, the Hutt in real life😂

@Mehiel-Sanctoria - 10.08.2024 02:54

Why are you so concerned about Boogie dropping dog treats on the floor? There are people kicking the crap out of dogs and stuff and you are gonna whine about dog treats not being delivered appropriately?

@lauraw3338 - 11.08.2024 23:35

I have a Polycythemia Vera with the JAK 2 gene. This is the cancer side of this “bone marrow cancer.” The day I met my hematologist 22 years ago he diagnosed me in a day plus did the bone marrow biopsy to backup the diagnosis. I had to wait 2 weeks for my bone marrow biopsy. I’ve never heard Boogie having a hematologist or what his therapies look like. PVera for short is an over production of red blood cells. To keep my hemoglobin at a 12 pints of blood are drawn off of me. Hemoglobin has to be low because our platelets are so high. Boogie never talks about this. He is a LIAR!!

@-sorrows- - 19.08.2024 03:55

you know it's bad when Wings is telling the truth tho

@eroguro4785 - 27.08.2024 04:02

get a load of this fattard

@eroguro4785 - 27.08.2024 04:14

"its a shitty thing to do and im a shitty person for doing it. you can have that opinion, im ok with it. *THAT BEING SAID*" whatever assbole.

@dustinpowell6507 - 10.09.2024 18:49

Huge Hefer
