£185 SCUF Instinct Pro Wrecked By CEX / Tech Centre | It's BAD!

£185 SCUF Instinct Pro Wrecked By CEX / Tech Centre | It's BAD!

Uber Micro Repairs

5 месяцев назад

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@LoserTry - 16.06.2024 19:20

whats youre opinion about razer wolverine v2 chroma ? i wanna know

@jaydene7094 - 16.06.2024 19:59

Great video nice clean work as always

@djm9937 - 16.06.2024 20:07

Would never send anything to CEX for repair. Great video nonetheless

@syn80 - 16.06.2024 20:18

Looks like a blind person worked on that controller. All that flux and the solder looks terrible. Didn't clean anything.

@Finditfixitphilipit - 16.06.2024 20:54

That was a mess

@fatehahmad5197 - 16.06.2024 22:09

Hey an electronics engineer here I love your videos I'm not sure if you have made a video before as I've only recently started watching you but can you please make a 5 minute video showing how you manually calibrate the joystick modules which is normal speed as opposed to being sped up like in your videos would appreciate it😁

@ghostsniper83 - 16.06.2024 22:23

Good video 👍 glad I sent my sticks to you for the Hall Effects upgrade 5 ⭐️ more better to see someone work than trusting than someone in a backroom somewhere btw I have sent a email just asking a quick question

@mindaugasbarkauskas7285 - 16.06.2024 22:46

Recommend for all people this guy do brilliant work 👍👊

@bitsnbobs1969 - 16.06.2024 23:42

cex have not got clue what there doing i often take there work from repair shop in derby

@minty257 - 17.06.2024 02:09

Just out of curiosity, do you accept requests from people living in the US or just the UK?

@rivaldoacevedo5602 - 17.06.2024 05:47

I have a cuestion what happens if i calibrate a Xbox series x or s controller with Hall effect joystick on the xbox app do it works or it would not work help pls and nice video

@The_antisocial_streamer - 17.06.2024 09:44

Cex is full of kids who dont have the correct training.

@Juanpaz1 - 17.06.2024 11:40

What glue do you use for the magnets of the elite series 2?

@jaylord55 - 17.06.2024 12:41

i do diy repairs and i can do better work then the company that did this job with just a phone for zoom.

@gforce833 - 17.06.2024 13:44

Great video. What kind of glue did you use at the end to repair the broken plastic screw holes?

@ProANAS - 17.06.2024 15:01

Please man explain how you calibrate it

@anj2099 - 17.06.2024 22:53

Beautiful work sir.

@MyMika2004 - 18.06.2024 06:34

which cex did this?

@Kaesar_Wolf - 18.06.2024 12:19

Another hardcore repair, absolutely a nice work and top notch skills repair. 💪🏻👍🏻

@VexxedSR - 18.06.2024 13:01

I don't understand the prices for some of these controllers, my gamesir T4K costs 30 quid and looks much better with hall effect triggers and sticks. Works perfectly 1 year after which for some of the scuff controllers would be an achievement.

@oldtimersniper560 - 18.06.2024 13:24

Cex is the worst. I went in with a brand new phone I had just bought out of Vodafone and just out curiosity to see what they would grade it, and the girl told me it was a C grade and would get £40 for a phone I paid £250 20 min earlier after showing her the box and the receipt from Vodafone she went bright red and the 3 people who where about to sell a phone walked out the shop waited out side and thanked me 😂😂 what they do is give you a shit grade then send it to another shop as grade A DONT USE CEX

@LyuboA - 18.06.2024 18:35

SCUF controllers are notorious for this the cap of the stick scraping the shell sometimes to the point it even gets stuck especially on SCUF Impact where they have replaceable sticks with removable plastic around the stick i have 3 of those all 3 had this issue and i had to order several replacement rings and sanding down them to allow the stick to move properly

@MarkC-1970 - 19.06.2024 14:14

Stop whining man...

@Treecko_2099 - 20.06.2024 02:47

Is there a good source for finding Xbox SCUF Instinct Pro parts? I have a friend that requires a specific plastic part that attaches to the lever on the backshell (the clip on the back that basically converts the normal trigger function to a mouseclick). The plastic cap that goes over the lever basically chipped off so now there is no way to reliably press on the mouseclick switch. I'm from the US but any source may help. I'd even take a whole Instinct Pro backshell but I just need a source for that specific piece.

@thedykewholovesswords9316 - 19.09.2024 17:40

I went to cex to sell my ps4. They asked me if my controller has drift. I said that i had tge analogs replaced. They refused to buy it. Because they don't buy repaired stuff. I now know why.
